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Comment: Guide edited
<guide pagesize="500" version="3">
  <header access="To access the Arena, drive to the summit, walk down to locate the top of the Arena between Pooch Gully and Teardrop Gully. Climbs in the Arena are accessed by abseil. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The Central Buttress main face is accessed from the climbers&apos; carpark. Walk left along the Organ Pipes Track past the access track to Flange Buttress for roughly another 50m, passing a large horizontal flat boulder on the RHS before arriving at a climbers&apos; track junction usually marked by a small cairn (GPS MTW040). &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Head right straight up the hill to the base of the cliff where the track forks at a new signpost.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Taking the left fork provides access to the base of routes between Improbability Drive and Acid Test. Most of these routes start from Battle Cruiser Ledge, a ramp that rises L of Third Bird and terminates at Linda. From the Organ Pipes Track, Third Bird is the conspicuous crackline that passes through a small roof. For routes that start off this ledge, abseil descent is down Linda to regain the LH end of Battle Cruiser Ledge.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Taking the right fork at the base of the cliff gives access to the bottom of routes on Kactus Buttress by scrambling up to the buttress 50m past the signpost. For climbs in this area there is a rap route on Remembrance. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;For access to the routes on Circus Wall walk down from the summit to locate the top of Pooch Gully. Routes start south of here and are accessed by abseil." acknowledgement="" history="" intro="Central Buttress spans the extensive area between Great Tier and Pooch Gully and is the closest climbing area to the Organ Pipes Track. The Arena is an amphitheatre of single pitch routes high up and at the far LH end of Central Buttress where it abuts Great Tier.  The longer routes R of the Arena on the Central Buttress main face provide climbs of two pitches or more. The routes at the RH end of Central Buttress progressively become shorter and the cliff more scrubby, culminating with Circus Wall before merging with Pooch Gully." name="Central Buttress" rock="Broken dolerite faces and cracks, up to 100m" sun="Morning sun" walk="15 min uphill" id="1" camping=""/>
  <text class="heading3" id="56">The Arena</text>
  <text class="text" id="59">The Arena is the conspicuous amphitheatre on the upper LH end of Central Buttress where it abuts Great Tier. The route names have an all too obvious Romanesque theme. Access is from the Mt Wellington summit. Approach by walking along the cliffedge from the top of Pooch Gully towards Upper Teardrop Gully to locate the top of the routes. Access to the start of the routes is via abseil.</text>
  <image id="112" src="Arena South.jpg" width="500" legend="true" legendTitle="Arena South" legendx="10" legendy="11">
      <path id="41166" points="216,638, 219,617, 222,529, 214,358, 199,291, 198,175,belay" d="M216,638C217.2,629.6 218.5336263242086,625.4724551102103 219,617C219.4663736757914,608.5275448897897 222.67980477596493,564.2138873949834 222,529C221.32019522403507,493.7861126050165 216.64172207813456,385.3360806346099 214,358C211.35827792186544,330.6639193653901 201.39204886292725,318.3590588697303 199,291C196.60795113707275,263.6409411302697 198.39999999999998,221.4 198,175" linkedTo="81"/>
      <path id="79503" points="261,555, 266,400, 269,240, 269,106,belay" d="M261,555C263,493 264.42508561300286,462.01225398801137 266,400C267.57491438699714,337.98774601198863 268.4530896967965,293.5972097139417 269,240C269.5469103032035,186.40279028605826 269,159.6 269,106" linkedTo="80"/>
      <path id="85428" points="299,573, 327,427, 360,343, 370,230, 398,13,belay" d="M299,573C310.2,514.6 317.74563545670134,461.8935056550605 327,427C336.25436454329866,392.1064943449395 352.3015909121341,378.26945558859484 360,343C367.6984090878659,307.73054441140516 364.8091123793847,275.07876091586974 370,230C375.1908876206153,184.9212390841303 386.8,99.80000000000001 398,13" linkedTo="79"/>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="40m" name="Menhir" number="1." stars="*" id="81" fa="P. Robinson, A. Wilson, Mar 2001.">The wide crack system to the R of the large pillar on the L side of the Arena. Climb the chimney and the ensuing off-width crux. Sounds great doesn't it? Nice climbing follows to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="15" length="27m" name="Asterix" number="2." stars="*" id="80" fa="P. Robinson, B. Terry, Mar 2001.">A neat little route located on the south side of the Arena amphitheatre. Viewed from the top of Centurion it is the second north-facing crack line from the L (R of Menhir and L of Gladiator). Abseil off a large bollard to the sassafras bush down below (or the spike just above). Follow the pleasant crack to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="16" length="35m" name="The Den" stars="" id="79" fa="P. Robinson, B. Terry, Mar 2002." number="3.">The line R of Asterix on south side of the Arena. Watch out for loose rock. Follow the cracks past myrtle tree and sloping pineapple grass ledge, with a crux near top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="21M0" length="35m" name="Gladiator" number="4." stars="*" id="78" fa="N. Deka, T. McKenny, Apr 1990.">A distinctive line on the L side of The Arena, broken by two good ledges. Start on a broad sloping ledge at the base of an open corner L of Catacomb. Climb the corner to the first ledge. An awkward crack leads to the second ledge. A finger/hand crack (crux and aid point, originally a peg) leads to the top.</climb>
  <image id="114" src="ArenaBack Wall(top)2.jpg" width="500" legend="true" legendTitle="The Arena" legendx="332" legendy="6">
      <path id="7375" points="132,640, 109,432, 92,290, 66,35,belay" d="M132,640C122.79999999999998,556.8 115.49550020901782,488.8356268289059 109,432C102.50449979098218,375.1643731710941 98.16004379430194,346.87296247297377 92,290C85.83995620569806,233.12703752702623 76.39999999999998,137 66,35" linkedTo="76"/>
      <path id="69908" points="178,639, 160,451, 142,313, 122,164,belay" d="M178,639C170.8,563.8 166.11019764830726,506.33123425967125 160,451C153.88980235169274,395.66876574032875 149.3068515342314,368.1859576401162 142,313C134.6931484657686,257.8140423598838 130,223.6 122,164" linkedTo="75"/>
      <path id="69600" points="287,641, 276,495, 261,354, 240,144,belay" d="M287,641C282.6,582.6 281.11728298069016,551.4869313637724 276,495C270.88271701930984,438.51306863622756 266.78689880574206,410.4222633559848 261,354C255.21310119425797,297.5777366440152 248.4,228 240,144" linkedTo="74"/>
      <path id="71142" points="310,641, 302,566, 287,433, 274,292, 267,199,belay" d="M310,641C306.8,611 305.31591542993675,595.9874091055148 302,566C298.68408457006325,536.0125908944852 292.44261843591545,486.25990898002954 287,433C281.55738156408455,379.74009101997046 277.1768982629391,329.1697096763875 274,292C270.8231017370609,254.8302903236125 269.8,236.2 267,199" linkedTo="73"/>
      <path id="29855" points="329,641, 319,563, 303,426, 290,289, 287,197,belay" d="M329,641C325,609.8 322.7763916478224,594.2278540108388 319,563C315.2236083521776,531.7721459891612 308.79369363543026,480.7404157278585 303,426C297.20630636456974,371.2595842721415 292.56628940675836,325.73001713422906 290,289C287.43371059324164,252.26998286577094 288.2,233.8 287,197" linkedTo="72"/>
      <path id="71884" points="391,642, 363,392, 324,218,belay" d="M391,642C379.8,542 374.13285215681117,462.45267633564094 363,392C351.86714784318883,321.54732366435906 339.6,287.6 324,218" linkedTo="69"/>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="30m" name="Catacomb" number="5." stars="*" id="76" fa="T. McKenny, D. Gardner, May 2001.">The chimney/crack line L of Centurion. Climb the open corner and continue into the tight chimney. Exit out L onto the wall when the chimney becomes a squeeze, and follow the steep crack to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="30m" name="Centurion" number="6." stars="*" id="75" fa="D. Fife, P. Mackenzie, Feb 1983.">The prominent crack in the centre of the buttress. A thin crack on the R can be used to avoid the overhanging offwidth crack at the start. Continue up the hand crack to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="21" length="30m" name="The Spear" number="7." stars="**" id="74" fa="D. Stephenson, N. Deka, Dec 1989.">Exciting moments to be had on the prominent hanging pillar R of Centurion. The gear is not the best. Bridge the offwidth corner 5m R of Centurion for 8m to a small roof. Traverse R under this onto the face of the column. Climb the finger crack past a problematic niche, surmount the large flake above, and continue more easily to the top.</climb>
  <image id="113" src="N.Arena-best.jpg" width="500" legend="true" legendx="331" legendy="8" legendTitle="Arena North">
      <path id="1913" points="105,544, 46,352, 1,204," d="M105,544C81.39999999999999,467.2 64.0990001339124,411.16980813009826 46,352C27.900999866087606,292.83019186990174 19.000000000000007,263.2 1,204" linkedTo="73"/>
      <path id="61855" points="124,524, 104,452, 72,357, 41,247, 4,147," d="M124,524C116,495.2 112.886382573763,480.538959419585 104,452C95.113617426237,423.461040580415 83.77908005594608,395.32875256299917 72,357C60.22091994405391,318.67124743700083 54.138886772486785,287.5759738562092 41,247C27.861113227513215,206.4240261437908 18.799999999999997,187 4,147" linkedTo="72"/>
      <path id="28172" points="157,520, 117,345, 80,163, 45,3," d="M157,520C140.99999999999997,450 132.1392750416807,415.19118428415595 117,345C101.86072495831931,274.80881571584405 93.49643827659158,227.10808181380997 80,163C66.50356172340842,98.89191818619001 59.00000000000001,67 45,3" linkedTo="69"/>
      <path id="66226" points="225,586, 187,362, 157,214, 139,93,belay" d="M225,586C209.8,496.4 197.86161122228873,421.4194025689913 187,362C176.13838877771127,302.5805974310087 165.59569613807037,262.1717137737694 157,214C148.40430386192963,165.82828622623063 146.2,141.4 139,93" linkedTo="68"/>
      <path id="60349" points="287,638, 286,490, 291,394, 280,309, 240,207, 205,100,belay" d="M287,638C286.59999999999997,578.8 285.3697232425572,528.4468822040101 286,490C286.6302767574428,451.5531177959899 292.13584649912184,428.26470272350883 291,394C289.86415350087816,359.73529727649117 289.02059182776145,342.0755033684587 280,309C270.97940817223855,275.9244966315413 254.80247589087375,248.24956614923485 240,207C225.19752410912625,165.75043385076515 219,142.8 205,100" linkedTo="66"/>
      <path id="19217" points="286,453, 258,332,label 235,246, 222,158," d="M286,453C274.8,404.6 266.5184947305993,366.5750668477265 258,332C249.4815052694007,297.4249331522735 242.20911623560875,280.8440618054423 235,246C227.79088376439125,211.1559381945577 227.2,193.2 222,158" linkedTo="67"/>
      <path id="83940" points="439,587, 443,441, 435,356, 398,331, 392,248, 382,233,belay" d="M439,587C440.6,528.6 443.59125779203777,475.14513749018084 443,441C442.40874220796223,406.85486250981916 441.7630228356931,372.5318335983609 435,356C428.2369771643069,339.4681664016391 404.6071647410811,347.59473934969196 398,331C391.3928352589189,314.40526065030804 393.1619386472092,255.1168742141562 392,248C390.8380613527908,240.8831257858438 386,239 382,233" linkedTo="63"/>
      <path id="26430" points="348,252, 316,201, 300,124, 289,72, 256,45, 192,18, 185,3," d="M348,252C335.2,231.6 324.45617226143537,223.5497926971609 316,201C307.54382773856463,178.4502073028391 304.3554503999619,144.80937413315144 300,124C295.6445496000381,103.19062586684858 297.29874859984,86.90002589516723 289,72C280.70125140016,57.09997410483277 270.9016789012876,53.295780006902355 256,45C241.09832109871243,36.704219993097645 197.6987493632952,21.371091172653507 192,18C186.3012506367048,14.628908827346493 187.8,9 185,3" linkedTo="64"/>
  <text id="103" class="text">Right of the Spear and left of Obelix is a large 3m wide chimney feature.. Climbing in it is a kind of 3D experience. Circus Maximus is the LH corner. Circus Minimus takes the RH line in the chimney.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="30m " name="Circus Maximus    " number="8." stars="*" id="73" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, 26 Mar 2007.">Classical. Up the LH side of the chimney to the bulge (a head torch was used on the first ascent to find gear placements underneath it!) and follow the blank corner (crux), which becomes a finger and thin hand-sized crack. Follow the chimney, which higher up becomes awkward and a little run out to reach a large ledge. Take LH line and avoid weighting the loose blocks at the top too much by carefully chimneying past them.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="30m" name="Circus Minimus         " number="9." stars="" id="72" fa="P. Robinson, C. Hewer, K. Robinson, 1 Apr 2007. (a suspicious date for a first ascent...)">A jolly outing that takes the RH side of the chimney. Climb the crack in the slippery V-chimney to a small roof and chimney L of this to the large ledge. Follow the clean crack system on the R to a bulge, hand jam around it, and climb directly to the top.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="65">The next routes are located immediately to the R of the Circus duo in the main Arena amphitheatre. Access is again by abseil (tape). Identifying your route of choice is significantly enhanced by looking across from the opposite side of the amphitheatre.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="40m" name="Obelix" stars="" id="69" fa="P. Robinson, T. McKenny, Apr 2001." number="10.">The corner two lines R of The Spear. Climb the chimney and overhang, then follow the corner all the way to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="35m" name=" Legionary" number="11." stars="**" id="68" fa="P. Robinson, B. Terry, Mar 2002.">Continually interesting climbing that is atmospheric on a misty day. The corner line R of Obelix with a dirty start. Double ropes are handy. Climb the line for 5m before moving L of the corner up the short clean crack behind a large flake. When it runs out, move R into the corner for a few metres before climbing the hand crack on the L wall to the overhang. Traverse L out of the corner into the steep, exposed line above. Climb up to the large platform (belay possible) and finish up the short wall as for Caledonian.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="45m" name="Caledonian Variant" stars="*" id="67" fa="P. Robinson, B. Terry, Mar 2002." number="12.">Start as for Caledonian to the ledge, keep R of the arête for a few metres, then traverse L from the arête to climb a steep and exposed finger crack.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="16" length="45m" name="Caledonian" number="13." stars="" id="66" fa="P. Robinson, T. McKenny, J. McKenny, Feb 2002.">Right of Obelix on the RH side of the Arena amphitheatre are two obvious lines.. The far RH line has a short crack leading to a large grassy ledge followed by a curving arête. Climb the L trending arête, keeping just R of it. Above the arête are two short walls.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="60">The next four climbs are located on a separate buttresses just R of the main Arena amphitheatre. The base of these climbs is reached by a 50m rap from the large ledge immediately right of Obelix (the same ledge where Caledonian finishes). The abseil finishes to one side of a steep 25m buttress. Watch out for loose blocks on the way down.</text>
  <image id="115" src="N of Arena(4).jpg" legend="true" legendx="333" legendy="6" legendTitle="Arena North">
      <path id="13849" points="114,464, 136,372, 138,274, 118,120, 77,49, 59,2," d="M114,464C122.8,427.2 131.25819993011982,409.5392505532181 136,372C140.74180006988018,334.4607494467819 140.793465907551,313.10852270571405 138,274C135.206534092449,234.89147729428595 126.58134353197383,151.65249663432968 118,120C109.41865646802617,88.34750336567032 86.003110573574,67.00622114714801 77,49C67.996889426426,30.993778852851996 66.2,20.8 59,2" linkedTo="66"/>
      <path id="3896" points="136,368, 102,306, 86,204,label 61,90, 37,4," d="M136,368C122.4,343.2 110.24842212466149,333.05482456888967 102,306C93.75157787533851,278.94517543111033 93.70162917560572,244.57443663245937 86,204C78.29837082439428,163.42556336754063 69.49868371103251,124.68850494298984 61,90C52.50131628896749,55.31149505701016 46.599999999999994,38.400000000000006 37,4" linkedTo="67"/>
      <path id="52740" points="320,553, 291,393, 267,202, 244,139, 220,106, 212,24,belay" d="M320,553C308.4,489 300.7111864675605,457.3137066059193 291,393C281.2888135324395,328.6862933940807 271.88116269646787,228.37904946601773 267,202C262.11883730353213,175.62095053398227 251.17689948476652,153.65919894760822 244,139C236.82310051523348,124.34080105239178 224.37547186230535,121.72435200515983 220,106C215.62452813769465,90.27564799484017 215.2,56.8 212,24" linkedTo="63"/>
      <path id="15119" points="384,713, 362,520, 337,250, 316,214,belay" d="M384,713C375.2,635.8 369.84713903761957,597.3026675408053 362,520C354.15286096238043,442.69733245919474 339.4782425269178,266.48570028775777 337,250C334.5217574730822,233.51429971224226 324.4,228.4 316,214" linkedTo="62"/>
  <climb extra="" grade="12" length="25m" name="The Steps" stars="" id="64" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Jan 2004." number="14.">This route is used as an exit pitch for its three companion routes. Starting from the top of the Telopea buttress, follow walls and the ridge to an exposed step across, which leads to the abseil ledge R of Obelix. Watch out for that loose block on the R just below the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="21" length="30m" name="Cheers to Dave" number="15." stars="**" id="63" fa="K. Robinson, P. Robinson, Jan 2004.">A tribute to alpine guide Dave Gardner, who died in 2003 climbing on Mt. Tasman. A wild position on a narrow arête, on the buttress L of Telopea. From the foot of Telopea, climb easily to the thin buttress on the L. The route follows the nose all the way, finishing on an airy perch.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="25m" name="Telopea" stars="**" id="62" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Jan 2004." number="16.">A classic. Straight up the front of the buttress through two bulges, with a steep headwall to finish.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="30m" name="The Spirit" number="17." stars="*" id="61" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Jan 2004.">Takes the nose of the buttress, followed by the wall on the R. Start 5m below and R of Telopea. Follow the nose until one can move R up the wall via exciting layback moves to a ledge. Climb the wall and crack system just R of the nose to the top.</climb>
  <text id="85" class="heading3">Starseeker Area</text>
  <text class="text" id="47">A route by Batten, Tillema and Mansfield in April 1970 (Tuberculosis 140m 14M1), was described in an earlier edition of the guide as starting left of Linda however details are less than definitive. The next four climbs start from ground level and all have had few ascents over the past 30 years. On that basis their descriptions and grades should be treated cautiously.</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="9" length="100m" name="Whose Route" number="" stars="" id="55" fa="J. Elliot, B. Higgins, 1960.">Located on the left (south) side of Central Buttress, this is one of the oldest routes on the Pipes. Start on the L of the lowest point of the buttress. &lt;br/&gt;1. 40m. Negotiate a series of short steps leading to a broad scrubby ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 23m. Climb a recess in a water-scarred wall and then follow an obvious gully, which is often wet and slippery. &lt;br/&gt;3. 7m. Climb the steep crack past an old peg of unknown origin. &lt;br/&gt;4. 10m. Continue via the obvious chimney to a platform near the top of the buttress. &lt;br/&gt;5. 20m. Make an exposed step L and ascend 5m to a flake. Descend a metre and continue to traverse L and up to easy ground.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="10" length="100m" name="D. F. Variation" stars="*" id="54" fa="M. Douglas, J. Fairhall, May 1962." number="">This route crosses Diddles and Starseeker to join Whose Route at the foot of the 7m crack on the left (south) side of the buttress. Start just R of the lowest point of Central Buttress. &lt;br/&gt;1. 16m. Climb directly to a substantial ledge (also the first belay of Starseeker). &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m. Move easily diagonally and up to the R, to belay at the foot of two narrow chimneys. &lt;br/&gt;3. 10m. Ascend the LH chimney/crack to a large ledge. &lt;br/&gt;4. 14m. A semi-circular traverse crossing a deep cleft and Starseeker leads to a wide chimney on the south side of the buttress. &lt;br/&gt;5. 10m. Climb the chimney to the prominent chockstones and traverse L to the 7m crack of Whose Route (pitch 3). &lt;br/&gt;6. 30m. Continue as for Whose Route (pitches 4 and 5).</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="13" length="95m" name="Starseeker" stars="*" id="53" fa="R. Williams, J. Whelan, Oct 1966." number="">A mildly entertaining route of some variety following a fairly direct line up the buttress. Start on the right (north) side of the very foot of Central Buttress, at an 18m column – the delightfully named Pillar of Crud. &lt;br/&gt;1. 16m. Climb to a large ledge beneath the face of The Pillar of Crud, as for D. F. Variation. &lt;br/&gt;2. 16m. Crux. Up the face of The Pillar of Crud using holds carefully. &lt;br/&gt;3. 18m. Follow the chimney, moving L at the top to a ledge. &lt;br/&gt;4. 21m. Climb up to and sidle L of a blank wall then ascend with some difficulty to a short narrow chimney to join the platform on Whose Route. &lt;br/&gt;5. 24m. Climb the obvious chimney (as for Whose Route) to the next platform and then directly to the top. Finish on the ridge leading to the summit.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="12" length="125m" name="Diddles" stars="" id="52" fa="R. Mansfield, M. Tillema, 1970." number="">The climb follows a deep and hidden chimney line on the right (north) side of the Starseeker Buttress. Start as for Starseeker and D. F. Variation, at the lowest point of the buttress. Climb pitches 1, 2, and 3 of D. F. Variation to start. &lt;br/&gt;4. 10m. From the large ledge move to the obvious chimney in the corner. &lt;br/&gt;5. 20m. Climb the deep hidden chimney to the L and belay in a cave. &lt;br/&gt;6. 20m. Traverse R onto a chockstone in the RH chimney. Follow this chimney to a platform, shared with Whose Route. &lt;br/&gt;7. 30m. Continue to the top via the chimney.</climb>
  <text id="98" class="heading3">Battle Cruiser Ledge</text>
  <text id="99" class="text">With the exception of Linda, all other routes between Improbability Drive and Youth With a Mission are accessed from the Battle Cruiser Ledge. The ledge starts L of Third Bird and continues in a leftward rising traverse that ends overlooking the Linda chimney.</text>
  <text id="100" class="text">Descent: Rap anchors at the top of Battle Cruiser down the line of Linda (75m; 1x 50m to Linda chockstone, 1x 25m to Battle Cruiser ledge). Take care where you run the rope, as they sometimes jam when pulling.</text>
  <image id="102" legend="false" legendx="" legendy="" legendFooter="" legendTitle="" noPrint="false" src="CentralButtressPrint.jpg" width="700"/>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="20" guide.action="submit""44""0" guide.type="climb" length="45m" name="Improbability Drive" number="ID" stars="***" id="50" fa="S. Parsons, D. Fife, Phil Steane, 1982.">Succulent and sensuous! Superb climbing up the steep south facing buttress L of Linda. Start from the LH end of Battle Cruiser Ledge overlooking Linda. Climb the Linda chimney for one pitch (up past the lower rap station) to a belay on the highest large ledge on the L wall. &lt;br/&gt;1. 15m. Make an improbable step around to the L side of the arête and climb straight up the thin flake to belay on a small ledge. This pitch can also be started from the ledge 10m below. &lt;br/&gt;2. 30m. Climb the hand crack L of the belay ledge and where it blanks out into a shallow niche, head R to face holds and up just L of the arête. Step back L above the niche and continue up the crack system to belay at the pinnacle summit. Descent: rap-station off the summit pinnacle (50m) to the Linda chockstone. Then the 25m abseil back to the Battle Cruiser ledge.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="20" guide.action="submit""43""0" guide.type="climb" length="35m" name="Organic Man" number="" stars="*" id="49" fa="E. Peacock, G. Cooper, Nov 1982.">Takes the steep wall L of Linda. Start as for Improbability Drive. &lt;br/&gt;1. 15m. Climb straight up the face R of the arête until it is possible to step around the L side of the arête onto a ledge. Belay here (as for Improbability Drive). &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m. Step back around the arête and continue up the face R of the arête until forced to move L again into Improbability Drive. Descent as for Improbability Drive.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="15" length="125m" name="Linda" number="LI" stars="" id="48" fa="J. Moore, J. Veasey, Jan 1968. (3b): K. Prinz, L. Wood, A. Bowden, 1975.">The original finish is recommended. Linda starts at the base of the buttress at an obvious gully-line on the R of the south face, which contains a huge chock stone at 30m. &lt;br/&gt;1. 30m. From ground level climb straight up the wall to belay atop the large chockstone. &lt;br/&gt;2. 30m. Up the chimney and take the RH crack to belay at the base of a huge corner. &lt;br/&gt;3a. 30m 15. Original finish: Climb the R wall for 5m then step R. Continue up to a small ledge, then straight up for 6m (crux). Step R onto the arête and belay 5m higher, around the corner. &lt;br/&gt;3b. 30m 18. Linda Direct: Follow the chimney to the L of the huge corner, which becomes offwidth and poorly protected. &lt;br/&gt;3c. 30m 15. Linda Chimney: Climb the R wall for 5m, then step R and climb up to a ledge. Continue up the chimney. &lt;br/&gt;4. 35m. Easily to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="20" length="35m" name="Hyperspace" number="" stars="*" id="46" fa="N. Deka, D. Bruce, D. Batten, Mar 1988.">A well-protected and quality alternative to the first pitch of Starship Trooper, taking the steep RH wall of the Linda chimney. From the LH end of Battle Cruiser Ledge step around the arête into the chimney. Climb up and into the crack on the R wall to an overhang, which is passed on the L. Move back R and continue up to belay as for Starship Trooper pitch 2..</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="22" length="74m" name="Starship Trooper" number="" stars="**" id="44" fa="K. Carrigan, M. Law, 1978.">A thoughtful and subtle route up the arête L of Battle Cruiser Pitch 1 provides an excellent first pitch to Space Cowboy. &lt;br/&gt;1. 28m 20. Climb onto a small ledge 4m L of Battle Cruiser. Step L and follow the thin groove line just R of the arête to the same belay as Battle Cruiser. Small wire and cam placements. &lt;br/&gt;2. 46m 22. Step around the LH side of the arête and follow the thin cracks to a ledge near the arête. Continue up and abseil as for Battle Cruiser.</climb>
  <climb id="105" stars="***" extra="↓" number="" name="Space Cowboy" length="46m" grade="19" fa="D. Stephenson, J. Otlowski, Mar 1989.">Face climbing that is arguably better than sex. An alternative 2nd pitch to Starship Trooper and Battle Cruiser – start from the belay ledge shared by both routes at the top of their first pitches. Climb directly above the belay into a small L-facing corner on the RH side of the arête. Layback up the flake above to a spectacular rest below a small overhang. Step R and climb straight up a short wall (crux) to join Battle Cruiser at the diagonal trending flake. Continue up the rest of Battle Cruiser to the rap station.</climb>
  <climb id="106" stars="***" extra="↓" number="BC" name="Battle Cruiser" length="68m" grade="19" fa="M. Law, D. Bowman, 1978.">Both pitches are magnificent. Shares the same start as Twice, at the black streaked corner 6m L of Faust. &lt;br/&gt;1. 28m 19. Climb the corner to the roof, continue through it via the LH line (crux) and up the thin crack to the ledge. Belay L of the base of the Twice corner. &lt;br/&gt;2. 40m 18. Follow the corner of Twice for 6m to where a steep, diagonal flake system leads out L towards the arête. Layaway and bridge the airy flake system until it eases. Continue up R of the arête to reach rap station (50m to Linda chockstone, 25m to Battle Cruiser ledge).</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="18" length="90m" name="Twice" stars="*" id="42" fa=" I. Lewis, L. Closs, Sep 1973." number="">Companion line to Battle Cruiser. Start as for BC at the black streaked corner 6m L of Faust. &lt;br/&gt;1. 34m. Climb up until 2m below the roof. Step R to the sloping ledge and crossing Once, continue up and R, belaying in Faust. &lt;br/&gt;2. 10m. Traverse L to a belay at a ledge at the base of the big corner. It is possible to combine (1) and (2) and climb directly to this belay. &lt;br/&gt;3. 46m. Move straight up the corner through the overhangs to Battle Cruiser rap station.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="33m" name="Once" stars="*" id="41" fa="M. Law, K. Carrigan, 1978.">Requires strong fingers and lots of gym work. Start 2m R of Twice and climb the thin crack to a sloping ledge below the roof. Layback and finger jam straight through it via the RH line (crux) to belay as for Battle Cruiser. Abseil off (tape anchor) or finish up either Twice or Battle Cruiser.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="15" length="30m" name="Thrice" number="" stars="" id="40" fa="G. Cooper, Pete Steane, 1987.">Thoughtful climbing up the ephemeral flake system between Once and Faust. It is really an alternative start to Faust. Climb carefully past the loose blocks at the bottom and continue up to a short corner. Ascend this and the short wall above, stepping R to belay in Faust.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="23" length="60m" name="Bumps and Angles" number="" stars="" id="39" fa="P. Robbins, 1990.">Are you feeling bold? This route follows the thin line up the face between Faust and Twice. Either step out L of the corner chimney of Faust (approx 30m up pitch 1) and up the line or climb the line directly through both the overlaps. Small wires constitute protection and it is unknown whether the route continues straight up or veers R back into Faust. Rap anchors as for BC.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="16" length="85m" name="Faust" number="FA" stars="**" id="38" fa="J. Moore, R. Williams, Mar 1967.">Are you ready to sell your soul? An uninspiring start leads to some fabulous climbing. Follows the LH facing chimney corner in the middle of Central Buttress. &lt;br/&gt;1. 45m. Up the chimney/corner past a needle bush at 25m. Follow the line over an overhang to a belay ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 40m. Climb the awkward short crack (#4 Camalot is handy), then up the classy corner to belay. Descent: traverse L and down a groove for 10m to reach the rap station at top of Battle Cruiser.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="96m" name="Spartan Ethics" stars="**" id="37" fa="(1) S. Parsons, D. Bowman, Dec 1979. (2) D. Bowman, R. Wells, Feb 1978. (3) N. Deka, D. Stephenson, Apr 1988." number="SE">Sustained and consistent. An inverted small L-shaped roof/flake marks the start of this route. &lt;br/&gt;1. 30m. Climb a shallow corner to the small roof at 5m, which is turned on its L. Ascend a series of walls to a ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 36m. Up a thin crack to a small dead bush, step R and jam the crack to the top, belaying near the Faust corner. &lt;br/&gt;3. 30m. Continue up the line of shallow corners R of Faust to a small ledge. Climb the LH crack over a bulge and continue to the top. Descend as for Faust.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="20" length="70m" name="Youth With a Mission" number="" stars="*" id="36" fa="(1) P. Steane, Mar 1996. (2) P. Cullen, D. Bowen, M. Burton, Feb 1982.">A steep and strenuous start leads to a curious crack line. 2m R of Spartan Ethics is a crack line up the wall. &lt;br/&gt;1. 27m 20. Wade through scrub for 3m to the base of the wall. Up the hand crack which thins (crux), then step R to a flake when the crack falters and climb up this and over the top. Continue up the wall above to a spacious belay ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 35m 17. Mantle above the belay to gain the base of the curious crack line. Climb past a wobbly wafer and follow the line through a small roof to a ledge. Continue up the crack for another 3m before hand traversing R into Mephistopheles. Climb this for 3m and belay. &lt;br/&gt;3. 8m. From the end of the hand traverse, continue traversing R around the arête and down slightly to the first belay of Third Bird. Rap station off to the R (48m).</climb>
  <text id="83" class="heading3">Third Bird Area</text>
  <climb extra="" grade="16" length="105m" name="Mephistopheles" stars="" id="33" fa="J. Moore, R. Williams, Apr 1967." number="">Bring your flame-thrower or a chainsaw, and don't be surprised to meet Tarzan swinging through the trees... a bit vegetated. Follows the scrub-laden chute near the start of Battle Cruiser Ledge, just R of Youth with a Mission and 8m L of Third Bird. &lt;br/&gt;1. 20m. Climb the chute to a ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m. Continue up the line to a belay where the chimney eases to a cleft with a sloping back. &lt;br/&gt;3. 25m. Climb the cleft and chimney to a large ledge. &lt;br/&gt;4. 40m. Climb the chimney on the L for 8m, negotiate the overhang, and continue up the face via a crack to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="85m" name="Third Bird" number="TB" stars="***" id="32" fa="I. Lewis, L. Closs, Aug. 1973.">A reputation for quality and difficulty that is well deserved. Follow the conspicuous crack line up the middle of face just R of Mephistopheles that continues through a small roof. Start from the in-situ belay bench. There is a story behind the name. "Two crows skimmed by the crag lower down. 'Hey Lew - two black birds.' He looked out at them and nodded. 'Three black birds is bad luck isn't it?' I called down. He shrugged. Seconds later a third crow sailed effortlessly past us. 'Hey Lew!' He looked up. I pointed at the gliding bird. 'Third bird!' "&lt;br/&gt;1. 48m 16. Climb the RH side of the subsidiary pillar and up the hand crack above to belay on a large ledge 8m below the roof.&lt;br/&gt;2. 37m 18. Climb the crack through the roof to the ledge (crux). Negotiate the thin crack and bulge above and continue up on excellent rock to a belay. Descent: 85m abseil back down route; Sling anchor at top of Pitch 2 (37m), Rap bolts (RHS) to bottom (48m).</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="21" length="85m" name="Infidel" number="" stars="**" id="31" fa="S. Bischoff, T. O&apos;Sullivan, April 2012.">The wall with black streaks just to the R of Third Bird. &lt;br/&gt;1. 28m 21. Thought provoking climbing. Start on the face a few metres R of Third Bird. Make an unprotected rising traverse on delicate rock to the top of the hand crack on the R. Place 0.5 cam in the crack and a 0.4 and 0.75 cam in the flake above it. Traverse L back onto the black streaked face. Small (but good) nut in crack after 4-5 metres followed by an OK #1 cam. Great moves with bomber, slightly spaced gear. Belay next to small tree and U-bolt. Alternatively, to avoid soloing up to the first protection, climb obvious crack directly to the right of the face and at about 7 metres when the crack opens to body width, traverse L onto black streaked face and crack. &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m 16. Climb broken cracks and ledges into an obvious rightward leaning lay back crack. Nice climbing through bulge to Third Bird rap anchor. &lt;br/&gt;3. 37m 18. Finish up second pitch of Third Bird.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="100m" name="Banana Republic" number="" stars="" id="30" fa="D. Stephenson, N. Deka, 1988.">Advanced route finding R of Third Bird; don't forget your compass. &lt;br/&gt;1. Climb the hand cracks on the wall R of Third Bird, with some interesting moves through the niche above, to a belay on a scrubby ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. Move L and climb the shallow corners and flakes just R of Third Bird, to belay on the ledge below the overhang. &lt;br/&gt;3. Move back R and continue up the wide cracks above to the top, taking care not to stray onto Third Bird. Descent: abseil as for Third Bird, or traverse L and down the scrubby corner/gully to the Battle Cruiser rap anchors.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="20" length="95m" name="Butt Funkey" number="BF" stars="**" id="29" fa="(1) P. Cullen, D. Bowman, M. Burton, Feb 1982. (2) D. Fife, Pete Steane, Dec 1990. ">A sustained and energy sapping second pitch that offers excellent climbing. Pockets of vegetation are evident towards the top of the first pitch. This is awaiting the services of a benevolent gardener.&lt;br/&gt;1. 45m 18. Climb the obvious fist crack equidistant between Third Bird and Transfusion, below and slightly L of the prominent arête. Continue up through a zone of vegetation for 15m to belay on a ledge L of the base of the arête. This pitch was once uniquely named, 'I'm No Ordinary Top Bunk Cock Pounder Because Jesus Loves Me.'&lt;br/&gt;2. 50m 20. Up the face just L of the arête for 15m (crux). Step around the arête to a small ledge and then proceed up the crack above. Stay just R of the arête, passing the roof on your L, and climb to the top. Descend using the Acid Test rap stations.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="18" length="42m" name="High Flyers" number="" stars="*" id="28" fa="P. Robinson, T. McKenny, Apr 2005.">Starts high up on the buttress between Acid Test and Butt Funkey. Climb 30m up pitch 1 of Butt Funkey and then the entire second pitch of Acid Test to start. All up including High Flyers, this gives four reasonable pitches (112m total). &lt;br/&gt;1. 33m 16. Follow the line directly above two abseil bolts at the top of pitch two of Acid Test. Pleasant climbing with an excellent and steep hand crack at the top. &lt;br/&gt;2. 9m 18. The LH side of the headwall following thin cracks to rap station. Abseil off as for Acid Test rap stations.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="20" length="115m" name="Acid Test" number="AT" stars="**" id="27" fa="G. Phillips, D. Fife, Apr 1996.">Inspired perhaps by the looming 2012 forestry peace deal, this route has undergone a severe tidy up and is now remarkably cleaner in both vegetation and loose rock. Located 3m R of Butt Funkey. &lt;br/&gt;1. 30m 18. Climb up the wall to a small hakea tree, then from the block behind the tree climb the steep crack to belay. &lt;br/&gt;2. 40m 19. Traverse R onto the buttress and follow the weakness directly up the middle of the buttress (well protected) to a U-bolt belay. &lt;br/&gt;3. 40m 20. Up the crack on the R to the buttress above. Follow a thin line up the buttress until one can step L around the arête to a 6m long crack. At the top of this move back R and climb the excellent face above to a large ledge. &lt;br/&gt;4. 5m. Up the wall above to a rap station. Three rap stations provide safe descent. The final station is directly on the wall below the start of pitch 2 and is out of view until virtually on top of it.</climb>
  <text id="82" class="heading3">Kacktus Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="19">Kacktus Buttress is the first sub-buttress L of Pooch Gully. All routes in this section of Central Buttress start at ground level. The first three routes are longer routes (120m) that finish at the very top of the Pipes cliffline. The routes from Remembrance rightward are shorter (50m) and finish at the top of Kactus Buttress itself. Descent from these shorter routes is by the Remembrance rap station.</text>
  <image id="92" legend="true" legendx="630" legendy="14" legendFooter="" legendTitle="Kacktus Buttress" noPrint="false" src="kacktus 1 sm.jpg" width="">
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      <path id="83313" points="502,703, 459,636, 437,574, 422,514, 392,446, 378,385, 377,297, 372,247, 348,172, 334,67,belay" d="M502,703C484.8,676.2 470.841245151756,659.5003173011773 459,636C447.158754848244,612.4996826988227 444.17977223813523,597.6738435960134 437,574C429.82022776186477,550.3261564039866 430.204896857736,537.3383732842268 422,514C413.795103142264,490.66162671577314 400.08168023815716,469.6940170618699 392,446C383.91831976184284,422.3059829381301 380.50756458324094,409.90847486019317 378,385C375.49243541675906,360.09152513980683 377.87307740260724,317.0807802599664 377,297C376.12692259739276,276.9192197400336 376.54249674643404,266.5797273553192 372,247C367.45750325356596,227.42027264468078 354.5062928999065,202.8192821574518 348,172C341.4937071000935,141.1807178425482 339.59999999999997,109 334,67" linkedTo="23"/>
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  <climb id="88" number="TR" name="Transfusion" length="118m" grade="13" fa="T. Costigan, A. Keller, Mar 1968." stars="" extra="">Starts on the LHS of Kactus Buttress in a chimney with a huge chock stone at 26m. &lt;br/&gt;1. 26m. Climb and scrub-bash past the bushes to belay on the huge chockstone. &lt;br/&gt;2. 30m. Follow the chimney to belay in a cave under two chockstones. &lt;br/&gt;3. 27m. Thread a way up between the chockstones until the chimney fades out. Climb the twin cracks by following the LH line for 6m before stepping R into the other. &lt;br/&gt;4. 36m. Climb a vee-chimney after entering from the R. Cross a ledge trending R and climb a chimney until able to exit on the L.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="12" length="120m" name="Chicken Run" stars="" id="25" fa="M. Tillema, P. McHugh, 1970." number="">A major botanical excursion. Shares the same first pitch as Transfusion in a chimney with a huge chock stone at 26m. &lt;br/&gt;1. 26m. Up awkwardly past the bushes to belay on the huge chockstone. &lt;br/&gt;2. 21m. Traverse R across a ledge and continue up to the base of an obvious corner. &lt;br/&gt;3. 15m. Up the crack to belay on a large ledge. &lt;br/&gt;4. 60m. Scrubby walls and cracks lead to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="14" length="120m" name="Roast Chicken" stars="*" id="24" fa="P. Robinson, R. Mansfield, Dec 1980." number="1.">A direct start to Chicken Run that avoids the trip into the rainforest. Starts at the LH crack line on the front of the buttress just L of Remembrance. &lt;br/&gt;1. 20m. Climb up past two small chockstones to a ledge on the L. &lt;br/&gt;2. 40m. Climb a minor overhang and continue up the line until it joins the foot of pitch 3 of Chicken Run. Continue up this and belay. &lt;br/&gt;3. 60m. As for pitch 4 of Chicken Run.</climb>
  <climb id="91" stars="**" extra="Þ" number="2." name="Remembrance" length="45m" grade="21" fa="Dave Humphries, Jon Nermut, Dec 2012.">A great route up the left side of the Pugnacious wall.&lt;br/&gt;1. 15m 21. Start just right of Roast Chicken. Climb the flakey wall to the bulge at 8m, which is quite a bit harder if you don't use the edge of Roast Chicken. Head right and up to gingerly climb up over the huge flake to the belay. 7 bolts.&lt;br/&gt;2. 30m 21. Up the wall from the belay to gain the arete at the fourth bolt. Excellent continuous face and arete climbing to DBB at the top. 13 bolts.</climb>
  <climb id="117" stars="**" extra="8Þ" number="3." name="V" length="17m" grade="25" fa="Simon Young, Jan 2013">A fun little sport climb starting 5m R of Remembrance and climbing to the same anchor. Climb up and into shallow R facing corner, continue up to steep bulge. Jugs lead to good side-pulls on the face above. Head up and R before stepping back L to lower-off. Bestest 25 on the buttress.</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="22" length="50m" name="Pugnacious" number="4." stars="**" id="23" fa="A. Herington, S. Scott, Pete Steane, Feb 1990.">An exquisite single pitch route that takes a line up the centre of the steep wall it shares with Remembrance. Break L out of Rooster from below the first overhang, and follow the curving line of thin layaways and underclings, finishing up the open corner / crack system in the middle of the face. Descent: Remembrance rap station on the LH end of the pillar (45m).</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="14" length="45m" name="Rooster" stars="*" id="22" fa="P. Robinson, C. Rathbone, Jan 1981. Direct finish: T. McKenny, C. Walch, Mar 2005." number="5.">Takes the chimney line immediately R of Pugnacious wall, marked by a dark roof a few metres up. Start under the roof, after scrambling carefully up into a cave. Climb up through several bulges, avoiding the last vegetated roof either to the R or out to the L. Continue to the notch at 35m, step L and continue up the groove and arête past the small hakea. Descent: Remembrance rap station (45m).</climb>
  <climb extra="↓" grade="20" length="40m" name="Kacktus" stars="**" id="21" fa="D. Fife, P. Cullen, Dec 1987. Direct start: T. McKenny, P. Robinson, Feb 2005." number="6.">Follows the front face of the pillar R of Rooster . With the direct start this is a great pitch – steep and committing, but with adequate protection. Start at the very base of the pillar, 3m R of a detached sub-pillar. Climb the thin crack then move L 2m at the obvious traverse line. Climb the face above direct (keeping to the R of the fused corners) to a ledge. Continue with difficulty past a small flake on the L, directly up a thin crack to easier but not trivial ground above. Tape abseil from top of buttress (40m) or continue up as for Rooster to Remembrance rap station.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="3">Circus Wall</text>
  <text id="109" class="text">Pooch Gully marks the RH end of Central Buttress where it meets Flange Buttress. High up on the LHS of Pooch Gully as viewed from the base of cliff, is Circus Wall, a large reddish wall with a prominent line up through an inverted L-shaped crack. This route is Arthur's Circus. Routes on this wall are accessed from the mountain summit and all are 60m or less in length.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;From the summit walk down to the top of the cliff and and the patch of snow gums. Follow the cliff line around to the R as viewed by looking towards Hobart, past Pooch Gully still along the cliff tops to the start of Circus Wall. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;For routes between High Wire and Double Trouble Triple Treat descend to a prominent cairn that marks the top of Arthur's Circus. From here, rig an anchor and rap 50m to the base.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Further to the R as viewed looking towards Hobart is a short buttress with a small overhang. Scotch Mist and its companion line are found here, topped by a combined finishing pitch. Both routes are best done as two pitches. Abseil from a point just R of On the Road Again.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</text>
  <image id="116" src="Arthurs Circus(2nd best).jpg" legend="true" legendTitle="Circus Wall" legendx="9" legendy="586">
      <path id="5791" points="86,205, 98,123, 116,53,belay" d="M86,205C90.8,172.2 92.40189524298432,151.36373076887944 98,123C103.59810475701568,94.63626923112055 108.8,81 116,53" linkedTo="18"/>
      <path id="85297" points="110,224, 133,176, 140,135, 140,72,belay" d="M110,224C119.2,204.8 127.68570833009329,191.76573195405658 133,176C138.3142916699067,160.23426804594342 138.8827092132059,151.59974883236927 140,135C141.1172907867941,118.40025116763073 140,97.2 140,72" linkedTo="17"/>
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      <path id="41233" points="268,331, 297,298, 297,201,label 303,110, 293,81, 287,70,belay" d="M268,331C279.6,317.8 293.1739768296226,315.15113834996777 297,298C300.8260231703774,280.84886165003223 295.8363679402927,237.4604712041633 297,201C298.1636320597073,164.5395287958367 303.4087826056059,122.263478168177 303,110C302.5912173943941,97.736521831823 294.8614047346579,85.65351183664478 293,81C291.1385952653421,76.34648816335522 289.4,74.4 287,70" linkedTo="14"/>
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      <path id="12381" points="471,700, 472,415, 471,286, 462,206, 435,179, 436,67,belay" d="M471,700C471.4,586 472,466.6015503643059 472,415C472,363.3984496356941 472.5389983830181,318.16506620507823 471,286C469.4610016169819,253.83493379492174 466.87047517625604,220.47613455164995 462,206C457.12952482374396,191.52386544835005 437.80821062369546,194.0131260266796 435,179C432.19178937630454,163.9868739733204 435.59999999999997,111.80000000000001 436,67" linkedTo="11"/>
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      <path id="1072" points="595,740, 595,594, 563,443,belay 568,319, 549,218,belay 543,97,lower" d="M595,740C595,681.6 601.2560480884092,652.0639463205483 595,594C588.7439519115908,535.9360536794517 567.8504532055076,492.4027641301697 563,443C558.1495467944924,393.5972358698303 570.5529335185213,360.02928869051976 568,319C565.4470664814787,277.97071130948024 553.6002734460809,258.8504282011986 549,218C544.3997265539191,177.1495717988014 545.4,145.4 543,97" linkedTo="8"/>
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      <path id="46512" points="" d=""/>
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  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="30m" name="Scotch Mist" number="1." stars="" id="18" fa="K. Robinson, P. Robinson, Feb 2009.">1. 20m. Climb the face around the corner, L of the overhang. When it blanks out go up the R arête for 3m until one can move back onto the face. Mantelshelf onto a ledge and continue to a large platform. &lt;br/&gt;2. 10m. Straight-ahead with a finger crack on the L, followed by easier ground.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="17" length="30m" name="Faith, Hope and Deliverance" number="2." stars="" id="17" fa=" P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Feb 2009.">The small overhang R of Scotch Mist. &lt;br/&gt;1. 20m. Up through the overhang to a large flake and follow short walls to the large platform. &lt;br/&gt;2. 10m. As for Scotch Mist.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="17/19" length="55m" name="On the Road Again" number="3." stars="**" id="15" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, 1 Feb 2009.">A pleasant wall climb which starts halfway up the first pitch of High Wire. Abseil in as for High Wire, a 50m rope is just enough with the stretch. &lt;br/&gt;1. 42m. Climb approximately 20m of High Wire, to just past the crux arete (18/19), and move onto the L wall. Climb just L of the nose, keeping clear of the blocks to the L, and go straight up the middle of the wall (17) to the base of a hand crack. Follow this to the ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 13m. As for High Wire.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="55m" name="High Wire" number="4." stars="**" id="14" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, 24 May 2008.">Clean and varied climbing on the S buttress which has a huge diedre in the upper half. Start at a hand crack in the lower face. &lt;br/&gt;1. 42m. Climb the crack which splits the aesthetic clean wall to a challenging exit onto the ledge. Exciting moves up the nose (crux) to the base of the diedre. Pleasant and straightforward climbing follows. Move onto the L face a few metres below the top and belay on the platform. &lt;br/&gt;2. 13m. Traverse L and up easily to finish.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="60m" name="Clowning Around" number="5." stars="" id="12" fa="N. Deka, T. McKenny, Mar 1988.">The hand crack 15m L of Arthur's Circus. &lt;br/&gt;1. Climb the crack past an offwidth section to some ledges, then move up the shallow corner and wall above to belay on the R, adjacent to the gully. &lt;br/&gt;2. Up the awkward overhang, and then back L and up the face to the top.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="58m" name="What a Circus" number="6." stars="" id="11" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Apr 2008.">Like one of those old time ventures. The big line L of Centre Stage. Abseil 55-60m to the start of a corner chimney. &lt;br/&gt;1. 24m 17. Up the corner to a large flake, passing it on the R. Continue up, passing the tea tree easily to a bulge split by a wide crack on the R. Climb the crack with some difficulty and continue to the ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 20m 16. Climb the pleasant thin crack on the L and directly over the block at the top to exit on a large ledge. Up the step and follow the clean line on the L to the bushy ledge shared by Centre Stage and Circus Taz. &lt;br/&gt;3. 14m 19. The inviting wide crack on the L, which becomes offwidth (crux). You’ve guessed it, a #4 Camalot comes in handy.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="9">The next two climbs are located L of Circus Taz and are accessed by abseiling down Circus Taz (all the way down for Clown Face or about 35m down for the ledge at the start of Centre Stage). Alternatively the rap station for Arthur's Circus works well (and avoids the ledge and bushes at the top of CS)</text>
  <climb id="90" stars="***" name="Clown Face" length="20m" grade="23" fa="Roger Parkyn &amp; Dean Rollins, Oct 2012. " extra="Þ ↓" number="7.">A classy face of orange rock in a great location. Nice climbing too. Starts at "ground" level (about 45m from the top) and finishes at the Centre Stage start-ledge. The crux is passing the bulge near BR #7. 9 BR to a DBB.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18 " length="20m " name="Centre Stage " number="8." stars="**" id="10" fa="P.Robinson, K. Robinson, Apr 2007.">A hidden gem. The clean finger crack splits the wall L of Circus Taz and finishes on the large bushy ledge. Layback and finger jam to your heart's content. Sustained and good fun. Exit by climbing pitch 3 of Circus Taz. "A Phil Robinson classic which may even be enjoyed by the masses!" quoth Kim.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="18" length="60m" name="Circus Taz" stars="*" id="8" fa="P. Robinson, A. Beech, May 2004." number="9.">The chimney and L-facing corner L of Arthur's Circus. &lt;br/&gt;1. 26m. Follow the chimney to the overhang (crux). Climb through this and follow the crack to a ledge on the L at the foot of a corner. &lt;br/&gt;2. 22m. Follow the corner to a large bushy ledge. &lt;br/&gt;3. 12m. From R end of ledge, up past awkward blocks to the top.</climb>
  <climb id="89" stars="**" name="Circus Interruptus" length="20m" grade="21" fa="Roger Parkyn &amp; Dean Rollins, Oct 2012.  " extra="Þ ↓" number="10.">Deano reckons this route might be over-graded, although he has said that it is definitely harder than 18. Climb it and find out! Follows the middle part of the arete right of Circus Taz, starting at the Centre Stage belay ledge. Crank through the lower bulge on jugs then climb the beautiful arete and face above. The crux is near the top. 6 BR to a DBB. From the belay it is possible to swing across to Circus Taz and exit up that (take some mid-sized cams). Alternatively lower back to the start and climb Centre Stage.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="19" length="55m" name="Arthur&apos;s Circus" number="11." stars="**" id="7" fa="L. Wood, C. Ditto Rathbone, Dec 1976.">A hard crack to start. Locate the base of the reddish wall immediately below the inverted L-shaped crack. Start at the extreme RH end of a large scrubby ledge, below the obvious jam-crack. &lt;br/&gt;1. 15m. Up the crack to an obvious square-cut ledge, then traverse L for 3m to a stance below an off-width crack. &lt;br/&gt;2. 40m. Climb the corner on the RH side of the offwidth to the detached flake. Squeeze into the chimney, move L to the crack, and continue to the top, going inside where necessary.</climb>
  <climb extra="" grade="20" length="50m" name="Line Tamer" stars="**" id="6" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, Nov 2004." number="12.">A sky-rocketing crack up a great natural line. Start as for Arthur's Circus at the base of the reddish wall, below the inverted L-shaped crack. 1. 50m. Climb the crack (18) for 10m to the square cut ledge where Arthur's Circus traverses L. Climb straight up from here to a small sloping ledge where the crack widens. Continue to a bulge and a 2m off-width section (crux) with a fist jam at its base. Either layback elegantly or shakily to the ledge above. Follow the crack to the top.</climb>
  <climb id="86" name="Polymorpha" length="35m" grade="18" fa="P. Robinson, K. Robinson, A. Kuylaars,  May 2011." stars="*" number="13." extra="">Varied crack climbing in a clean corner at the far R of Circus Wall. Start as for Double Trouble. 1. 35m. A fist jam to start, then move up the crack system to the Lomatia shrub. Climb steeply past this to a ledge and up to a finger crack (crux), then climb the wall with a flake on the L and chimney on the R to a tricky exit onto a slab. Follow ledges to L and finish directly up the 3m boulder.</climb>
  <climb id="87" name="Double Trouble or Triple Treat                 " length="37m" grade="17" fa="P. Robinson, C. Hewer, K. Robinson, Jan. 2012. " number="14." stars="" extra="">A traverse, a wall and cracks with a few perched blocks on the way. The pillar at the RH end of Circus Wall 4m R of Line Tamer. Abseil in to a block at the bottom of the corner at the far R of Circus Wall. Climb 4m up the L edge of the wall to gain a hand traverse without footholds. Place some gear and head R without hesitation, for 4m to the nose. Steeply up the nose until one can move to easier ground (a belay here would avoid rope drag). Climb gently over two large stacked blocks just R of the nose to hand cracks and move carefully past a loose flake to the top of the pillar, joining Polymorpha for the last few metres.</climb>