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Comment: Guide edited
<guide version="3">
  <header nameautonumber="Trial Harbourtrue" idcamping="1" walkaccess="UpFrom tothe 40min" sun="Mixed sun and shade" rock="Coastal granite, up to 25m high" intro="These assorted granite crags are north of Trial Harbour. " history="" acknowledgement="by Nick Hancock" access="From the campsite at the north end of Trial Harbour walk north along the coast for 30 minutes. Just before going around to Goldrush wall, a long 25m high wall becomes visible high on the hill. Below this at sea level are some short, steep cracks. " camping="" autonumber="truecampsite at the north end of Trial Harbour walk north along the coast for 30 minutes. Just before going around to Goldrush wall, a long 25m high wall becomes visible high on the hill. Below this at sea level are some short, steep cracks. " history="" intro="These assorted granite crags are north of Trial Harbour. " acknowledgement="by Nick Hancock" rock="Coastal granite, up to 25m high" sun="Mixed sun and shade" walk="Up to 40min" name="Trial Harbour" id="1"/>
  <gps id="58">
    <point pid="1" latitude="-41.92354" longitude="145.15904" easting="0347351 description="Man Child Area" code="TRL000" zone="55G" northing="5357073" zoneeasting="55G0347351" codelongitude="TRL000145.15904" descriptionlatitude="-41.92354"Man Child Area pid="1"/>
    <point piddescription="3Goldrush" descriptioncode="GoldrushTRL010" latitudezone="-41.9221155G" longitudenorthing="145.156615357227" easting="0347146" northinglongitude="5357227145.15661" zonelatitude="55G-41.92211" codepid="TRL0103"/>
    <point piddescription="4Eye Rock" descriptioncode="Eye RockTRL020" latitudezone="-41.9208755G" longitudenorthing="145.155855357364" easting="0347080" northinglongitude="5357364145.15585" zonelatitude="55G-41.92087" codepid="TRL0204"/>
    <point piddescription="5Castle Rock" descriptioncode="Castle RockTRL030" latitudezone="-41.9204855G" longitudenorthing="145.155275357406" easting="0347031" northinglongitude="5357406145.15527" zonelatitude="55G-41.92048" codepid="TRL0305"/>
    <point pid="6" description="Only the Lonely" latitudecode="TRL040" zone="-41.9192055G" longitudenorthing="145.154565357547" easting="0346969" northinglongitude="5357547145.15456" zonelatitude="55G-41.91920" codepid="TRL0406"/>
    <point piddescription="7Knobby Rock" descriptioncode="Knobby RockTRL050" latitudezone="-41.9189155G" longitudenorthing="145.155145357580" easting="0347016" northinglongitude="5357580145.15514" zonelatitude="55G-41.91891" codepid="TRL0507"/>
  <text classid="heading320" idclass="20heading3">Man Child Area</text>
  <image heightid="66721" widthheight="500667" idnoPrint="21false" src="trial topo 2b.jpg" noPrintwidth="false500"/>
  <climb name="Attack of the 4ft Man Child" id="22="Attack of the 4ft Man Child" id="22" number="1." length="7m" grade="18" fa="Andrew Geeves, Anna Lynch Jan 2010" gradestars="18**" length="7m" number="1." extra="" stars="**">The overhanging, flared and shallow hand crack.</climb>
  <climb name="The  <climb name="The Contortionist" idContortionist" id="23" number="2." length="8m" grade="23" fa="Andrew Geeves, Anna Lynch Jan 2010." gradestars="23" length="8m" number="2." extra="" stars="">Some trickiness getting established, then desperate flared thin hands to the top.</climb>
  <text classid="heading324" idclass="24heading3">Jetstream Wall</text>
  <text classid="text25" idclass="25text">The following two climbs are on the wall high on the hill. Access: Follow the rocky ridge that heads up to the right side of the wall. Once on top, aim for the top right hand end of the cliff. Easily scramble down to the base of the cliff.</text>
  <climb name="Jetstream" id="26" fa="Andrew Geeves Jan 2010"26" gradenumber="213." length="15m" numbergrade="3.21" extrafa="Andrew Geeves Jan 2010" stars="*" extra="">On the far left hand end of the cliff is a featured dike. Climb the vegetated chimney below it or scramble around to the pedestal and start here. Fun moves with the crux moving into the layback before jugs and a mantle onto stance, then climb easy slabby groove. Gear is good but difficult to place on lead.</climb>
  <climb name="I Just Don’t Get It" id="27" number="4." length="25m" grade="17" fa="Andrew Geeves, Anna Lynch Jan 2010." grade="17" length="25m" number="4 2010." extrastars="" starsextra="">Towards the left hand end of the cliff, just left of a steep, narrow gully is a line with two ledges. Chimney, stem, mantle and cracks. A fun and varied climb.</climb>
  <text classid="heading328" idclass="28heading3">Goldrush Wall</text>
  <image heightid="66729" widthheight="500667" idnoPrint="29false" src="goldrush2.jpg" noPrintwidth="false500"/>
  <text classid="text30" idclass="30text">5 minutes walk further along the coast past Man Child area, just after a sandy gulch, a long blank wall blocks further progress. GDA 55G 0347146 5357227</text>
  <climb name="Tinsel Town" id="31 Town" id="31" number="5." length="10m" grade="17" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock, Ashley Mason,  Jan 2009." gradestars="17" length="10m**" number="5." extra="" stars="**">Climbs the L end of Goldrush Wall, on excellent holds just R of a wide crack, to finish up a groove.</climb>
  <climb name="Goldrush" id="32" number="6." length="20m" grade="21" fa="Nick Hancock &amp; Ken Palmer, Jan 2004." grade="21" length="20m" number="6, Jan 2004." extrastars="***" starsextra="***">Climb the immaculate dyke via three glued carrots to an easier finish via a crack, medium cams.</climb>
  <climb name="Silver City" id="33" number="7." length="5m" grade="17" fa="Ashley Mason, Nick &amp; Heather Hancock,  Feb 2009." grade="17" length="5m" number="7." extrastars="*" starsextra="*">The arête down R of Goldrush, with poor protection.</climb>
  <text classid="heading349" idclass="49heading3">Eye Rock</text>
  <climb name="Once Upon a Dream" id="50" number="8." length="10m" grade="22" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock  Jan 2011." gradestars="22**" length="10m" number="8." stars="***"extra="">Five minutes past Goldrush, as the view north opens out, and you see a big Castle like cliff in the sea, the track passes right of a blank south facing wall with a distinct eye. GDA 55G 0347080 5357364. Climb the cool thin flake, past a couple of good medium wires, to a bold swing left up onto the arete. Trend up right up a flake with small-medium cams.</climb>
  <text classid="heading351" idclass="51heading3">Castle Rock</text>
  <climb name="A Wrinkle in Time" id="52" number="9." length="15m" grade="18" fa="Heather &amp; Nick Hancock  Jan 2011." grade="18" length="15m" number="9." stars="*">On the strikingly cracked south east facing wall of the large Castle shaped cliff down by the sea, 75m before Only the Lonely. GDA 55G 0347031 5357406. Climb the left of the double cracks 10m left of the east arete. Cams to Friend 4.</climb>
  <climb name="Timewarp" id="53" number="10." length="15m " idgrade="5320" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock Jan 2011." grade="20" length="15m " number="10." stars="**">Climb the steep wide crack just left of the east arete, take a step to the right. Cams to Friend 5.</climb>
  <climb name="Quickspace Supersport" id="54" fanumber="Nick Hancock  Jan 201111." gradelength="2515m" lengthgrade="15m25" numberfa="11Nick Hancock  Jan 2011." stars="***">Climbs the speckled north east face, trending left from some small cams, past three glued carrots to a DBB.</climb>
  <text classid="heading334" idclass="34heading3">Only the Lonely Area</text>
  <climb name="Only the Lonely" id="35" number="12." length="15m" grade="22" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock, Feb 2009." gradestars="22**" length="15m" number="12." extra="" stars="***">Located on a distinct square topped pinnacle set back from the sea, 10 minutes past Goldrush Wall, on the way to Wheel Bay. Climb the slab and sharp arête past five glued carrots and a 3.5 &amp; 5 Friend to a DBB.</climb>
  <climb name="Loner’s  <climb name="Loner’s Rock" id="36Rock" id="36" number="13." length="15m" grade="16" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock  Jan 2009." gradestars="16" length="15m" number="13." extra="" stars="">Climb cracks to the R, to a ledge, then the wide crack to the summit and DBB.</climb>
  <climb name="Vanishing  <climb name="Vanishing Point" id="47Point" id="47" number="14." length="10m" grade="22" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock  Jan 2011." gradestars="22" length="10m" number="14." ***" extra="3Þ" stars="***">Twenty metres left of Only the Lonely and on the same fin of rock, climb the beautiful twin dykes past 3 glued carrots to a DBB.</climb>
  <image heightid="52537" widthheight="500525" idnoPrint="37false" src="trial topo 1b.jpg" noPrintwidth="false500"/>
  <text classid="text38" idclass="38text">Just past ‘Only The Lonely’ and down at sea level. GDA 55 G 0346969 5357547.</text>
  <climb name="Roll With It" id="39" number="15." length="8m" grade="21" fa="Andrew Geeves, Matthew Johnston Feb 2010" gradestars="21**" length="8m" number="15." extra="" stars="***">The beautiful arcing crack. Barn door moves constitute the crux.</climb>
  <climb  <climb name="Fizzy Bubbly" id="40name="Fizzy Bubbly" id="40" number="16." length="20m" grade="23" fa="Matthew Johnston, Andrew Geeves Feb 2010" gradestars="23**" length="20m" number="16." extra="" stars="***">A stunner. Balancy moves are required to move from the first crack to the flake on the face, then more balancy and strenuous moves from the flake to jugs below the overhanging crack. The crack above is difficult until you gain large holds up high and left. There is good gear (wires/offset wires and 2.0 camalot) behind the flake on the face. Take a 5.0 camalot for the top crack as it flares open inside.</climb>
  <climb name="No Left Turn" id="41 Turn" id="41" number="17." length="20m" grade="16" fa="Matthew Johnston, Andrew Geeves Feb 2010" gradestars="16**" length="20m" number="17." extra="" stars="**">Climb short hand crack (crux), then chimney. Surprisingly good fun.</climb>
  <text classid="heading355" idclass="55heading3">Knobby Rock</text>
  <climb name="Hobnobbing"  <climb name="Hobnobbing" id="56id="56" number="18." length="10m" grade="20" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock  Jan 2011." gradestars="20*" lengthextra="10m" number="18." stars="**">A couple of minutes past Only the Lonely is a dome shaped rock higher on the hill, split by a chimney. GDA 55G 0347016 5357580. Climb the north face on amazing black knobs, crossing the crack, medium cam, and follow 3 glued carrots to a BB.</climb>
  <climb name="Attack of the Bumble Bees" id="57" number="19." length="15m" grade="18" fa="Heather &amp; Nick Hancock  Jan 2011." grade="18" length="15m" number="19  Jan 2011." stars="*">Climb the hand crack on the seaward face just right of the chimney.</climb>
  <text classid="heading342" idclass="42heading3">Pulpit Rock</text>
  <climb name="Pulpit Rock" id="43" number="20." length="7m" grade="23" fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock, Ashley Mason, Feb 2009." grade="23" lengthstars="7m" number="20." extra="" stars="">Sits high on the hillside above Trial Harbour and approached from the Climes Track. Bridge up with a large sling on the smaller block and climb via two carrots to a carrot belay on top.</climb>