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Comment: Guide edited
  <header id="1" name="The Needles" walk="25min uphill" sun="All day sun" rock="Flaky weathered quartzite" acknowledgement="By Tony McKenny.    Updated by Phil Robinson in March 2024" intro="Travelling west towards Lake Pedder and Strathgordon, the white quartzite fingers of the Needles (GR 555696, Tasmap 4426, 1:25 000) stand out starkly on the Humboldt Divide, inevitably catching the eye of any passing climber.  With stunning 360degree views over the South West ranges, from Mt Anne to the south and to Mt Olympus  in the north, the range is a popular destination for  bush walkers but tountil 2012 dateonwards nothing seems to have been recorded of any previous rock climbing. The TUMC and TUCC certainly visited the area as have other individuals over the years but details or even any comments on the potential of the area arewere sketchy to say the least." history="" access="The crags are about 100km from Hobart, about 1hr 30mins drive. From Hobart drive north-west on the Brooker Highway (A10) to New Norfolk and then follow the winding road of B61/B62, passing Mt Field, Tyenna and Maydena.  Park at the Humboldt Divide car park 16.5km past Maydena at the “Highest Point on Road” sign (elevation 651m). The walking track starts across the road directly opposite the sign, sometimes  marked by a large cairn. The well trodden track is markedNeedles summit by pinkthe andwell-trodden green ties through low scrub, withtrack is an hour’s climb from the road to the summit if you want to go that far - about 400m to the summit (1020m) and a distance of about 1.5km.&lt;br/&gt;The track passes a number of “Needles” on the way, manywhile ofaway whichto are still to be explored, while away to the the east and visible from the first col on the ridge are further impressive cliffs.&lt;br/&gt;" camping="" autonumber="true"/>
  <text class="heading2" id="2">The Thimble</text>
  <text class="text" id="3">The first buttress to be reached at the col (25 mins walk) is the Thimble, a large block of quartzite with a long westerly slab on one side and a shorter wall to the south.</text>
  <image id="13" src="IMG_0109(Thimble)r copy.jpg" height="463" legend="true" legendTitle="The Thimble W Face" legendx="9" legendy="8">
      <path id="64444" points="365,313, 361,269, 359,229, 352,197, 345,174, 336,145, 328,120, 305,73,belay" d="M365,313C363.4,295.4 362.1413768513297,284.9792759186156 361,269C359.8586231486703,253.0207240813844 360.6251863798441,242.0014910387528 359,229C357.3748136201559,215.9985089612472 354.37222885276645,206.31947049301098 352,197C349.62777114723354,187.68052950698902 347.8281213323106,183.19139433000944 345,174C342.1718786676894,164.80860566999055 339.15285869342693,155.01496290853254 336,145C332.84714130657306,134.98503709146746 332.15212435946966,129.64364367360693 328,120C323.84787564053033,110.35635632639308 314.2,91.8 305,73" linkedTo="4"/>
  <climb id="4" name="Western Slab" stars="" extra="" number="1." length="50m" grade="6" fa="P. Robinson 2012   ">Easy climbing up solid rock, a great introductory route for beginners – or a pleasant ramble for the tyro! Scramble easily down the back to rejoin the main track.</climb>Unfortunately, The Needles were burnt by the severe fires throughout the SW in the summer of 2019. However, ground cover is returning with many plants and shrubs endemic to the heaths and button grass sedgelands of western Tasmania reappearing.&lt;br/&gt;" camping="" autonumber="true"/>  
  <text id="50" class="heading3">Crag Steward</text>  
  <text id="51" class="text">Rock climbers please contact the Cliff Steward ( if you have any queries or concerns regarding social or environmental impacts of rock climbing at this crag. Do not email regarding general travel, seasonal advice, or lost property - this is not the Steward’s role. If you have important safety information to communicate (e.g. risks due to recent and large rock falls) please also consider updates on thesarvo forum, facebook group and/or online guidebooks as appropriate. Please copy in if you feel you have a high level concern which may imminently impact the crag or climbing community.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Non-climbers, other users, land managers: please also contact if you have important climbing related queries at this location.</text>  
  <image id="1445" src="IMG_1697Needles(ThePR Thimble2024)r.jpg" height="450533" legendwidth="true800" legendTitle="The Thimble S Face" legendx="6" legendy="11" width="600">
      <path id="28952" points="245,373, 250,338, 257,284, 258,238, 255,200, 265,176, 274,150, 280,115, 298,84, 310,53, 328,20,belay" d="M245,373C247,359 248.11029480054282,352.01531356264087 250,338C251.88970519945718,323.98468643735913 255.53234123259128,302.34573459260895 257,284C258.4676587674087,265.65426540739105 258.3629279734066,253.2429748830771 258,238C257.6370720265934,222.7570251169229 253.83321945927776,210.33434193211121 255,200C256.16678054072224,189.66565806788878 261.30573528951487,185.72174923811883 265,176C268.69426471048513,166.27825076188117 271.37202850830226,160.68708406623733 274,150C276.62797149169773,139.31291593376267 275.14580473416737,128.3490369810398 280,115C284.85419526583263,101.65096301896021 292.2085135461006,95.96907200472535 298,84C303.7914864538994,72.03092799527465 304.3564656833092,65.03953987560709 310,53C315.6435343166908,40.96046012439292 320.8,33.2 328,20" linkedTo="5"/>
  <climb id="5" name="Stitched Up" stars="*" extra="" number="2." length="28m" grade="14" fa="T. McKenny, P. Robinson and S. Scott, Feb 2015. ">Threads a line up the middle off the south face of the Thimble. Start just to the R of a tree towards the RH end of the steep face, climb up and slightly L to follow a direct line to the very top. Thoughtful climbing on generally sound rock with spaced but adequate gear.</climb>
  <text class="heading2" id="6">Avatar Cliff</text>
  <text class="text" id="7">This large crag across the valley to the east of The Thimble is visible from the col and has a classic line right up the middle with pleasant climbing and great views. From the Thimble, take the easiest line downhill and across the valley through the chest- high melaleuca bushes and button grass clumps on the far side. It is a bit of a roller coaster but only takes 20-25min.</text>
  <image id="15" src="DSC00479Tony&apos;s photo).JPG" height="450" legend="true" legendTitle="Avatar Cliff" legendx="5" legendy="9" width="600">
      <path id="22765" points="277,430, 289,399, 307,386, 320,354, 329,305, 331,265, 341,253, 347,216,belay 346,176, 334,125, 336,83, 338,46, 341,5,belay" d="M277,430C281.8,417.6 283.9967570460333,406.33808966581784 289,399C294.0032429539667,391.66191033418215 301.96151183116785,393.3139344386273 307,386C312.03848816883214,378.6860655613727 316.3787175887067,367.33290342339796 320,354C323.6212824112933,340.66709657660203 327.0349535348885,320.8990123086295 329,305C330.9650464651115,289.1009876913705 329.5950328885452,271.0881908163042 331,265C332.4049671114548,258.9118091836958 339.06054766799053,258.939572766779 341,253C342.93945233200946,247.060427233221 346.0284531620587,230.96182130429602 347,216C347.9715468379413,201.03817869570398 348.2634486961272,191.8441408728905 346,176C343.7365513038728,160.1558591271095 335.7981334221529,141.72264082602197 334,125C332.2018665778471,108.27735917397803 335.2504990739397,97.80264328969103 336,83C336.7495009260603,68.19735671030896 337.05184311781425,60.79124736209776 338,46C338.94815688218574,31.208752637902243 339.8,21.4 341,5" linkedTo="8"/>
  <climb id="8" name="Avatar" stars="*" extra="" number="3." length="65m" grade="16" fa="P.Robinson, C.Rathbone March 2015">Start climbing at the foot of the crag in the middle below a corner which is steeper than it looks. The rock is generally sound but take care.&lt;br/&gt;1. 30m. Climb the short wall R of the cave to reach the corner and follow it straight up to where it steepens (crux). From the ledge, continue up the rock on the L to a comfortable grassy ledge with a tall tea tree.&lt;br/&gt;2. 35m. Up the steep wall for a few metres where the angle eases and follow the face and ridge to the top. Good pro is infrequent but the climbing easier.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <text class="heading2" id="10">Needle Buttress</text>
  <text class="text" id="11">The main track to the Needles summit continues climbing up south from the Thimble and passes close to a prominent needle of rock with a very impressive arête/face.</text>
  <image id="16" src="DSC00486 (1024x768).jpg" height="1024" legend="true" legendTitle="Needle Buttress" legendx="10" legendy="10" width="600">
      <path id="53476" points="269,657, 271,592, 282,514, 279,416, 288,372, 325,360, 330,324, 376,299, 385,270, 379,197, 369,135, 364,64, 379,31,belay" d="M269,657C269.8,631 268.64495658040095,617.9054776155893 271,592C273.35504341959904,566.0945223844106 280.56926231989285,545.476228962357 282,514C283.43073768010714,482.523771037643 278.2416171451994,433.9483942302799 279,416C279.7583828548006,398.0516057697201 278.1241399190675,384.0227861854831 288,372C297.8758600809325,359.9772138145169 315.426511533619,370.941129675864 325,360C334.573488466381,349.058870324136 320.6748821201239,335.1535723661263 330,324C339.3251178798761,312.8464276338737 367.3332081718497,307.5092137949112 376,299C384.6667918281503,290.4907862050888 384.64292555291564,282.1405312008676 385,270C385.35707444708435,257.8594687991324 381.95655316959835,221.94591736848613 379,197C376.04344683040165,172.05408263151386 371.8152918207839,159.96225414428406 369,135C366.1847081792161,110.03774585571592 362.61220310832885,78.4330876733798 364,64C365.38779689167114,49.5669123266202 373,44.2 379,31" linkedTo="12"/>
  <climb id="12" name="Suture" stars="*" extra="" number="4." length="25m" grade="15" fa="S. Scott, P. Robinson and T. McKenny,  Feb 2015.">Starting at the very toe of the buttress, climb up and over the overlaps, stepping awkwardly R and up at the second one. Up the slabs to the steep finish.</climb>/>  
  <text class="heading2" id="2">The Thimble</text>  
  <text class="text" id="3">The first buttress to be reached at the col (25 mins walk) is the Thimble, a large block of quartzite with a long northerly slab on one side and a shorter wall to the west.</text>  
  <image id="13" src="IMG_0109(Thimble)r copy.jpg" height="463" legend="true" legendTitle="The Thimble N Face" legendx="9" legendy="8"> 
      <path id="64444" points="365.0,313.0, 361.0,269.0, 359.0,229.0, 352.0,197.0, 345.0,174.0, 336.0,145.0, 328.0,120.0, 305.0,73.0,belay" d="M365.0,313.0C363.4,295.4 362.1,285.0 361.0,269.0C359.9,253.0 360.6,242.0 359.0,229.0C357.4,216.0 354.4,206.3 352.0,197.0C349.6,187.7 347.8,183.2 345.0,174.0C342.2,164.8 339.2,155.0 336.0,145.0C332.8,135.0 332.2,129.6 328.0,120.0C323.8,110.4 312.0,88.7 305.0,73.0" linkedTo="4"/>  
      <path id="44355" points="328.0,319.0, 315.0,303.0, 326.0,283.0, 312.0,245.0, 306.0,214.0, 309.0,174.0,belay 298.0,145.0, 304.0,117.0, 288.0,77.0,belay" d="M328.0,319.0C322.8,312.6 315.5,311.2 315.0,303.0C314.5,294.8 326.5,292.1 326.0,283.0C325.5,273.9 315.5,257.1 312.0,245.0C308.5,232.9 306.5,226.6 306.0,214.0C305.5,201.4 310.4,186.3 309.0,174.0C307.6,161.7 299.0,156.4 298.0,145.0C297.0,133.6 305.7,128.3 304.0,117.0C302.3,105.7 295.0,92.7 288.0,77.0" linkedTo="36"/> 
  <climb id="36" stars="*" extra="" number="1." name="Thunder Thimble" length="50m" grade="10" fa="C. Wansborough, P. Pritchard 6/1/24">1. Start at the lowest point of the buttress and take an indistinct crack directly up the front of the pillar. Follow this to a good thread at the base of a large detached block. Easily avoid this on its left and climb up to belay at the foot of the corner (possible belay for Northern Slab). A lovely pitch. &lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt;2. Follow the corner to the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="4" name="Northern Slab" stars="" extra="" number="2." length="50m" grade="6" fa="P. Robinson 2012   ">Easy climbing up solid rock, a great introductory route for beginners – or a pleasant ramble for the tyro! Scramble easily down the back to rejoin the main track.</climb>  
  <image id="14" src="IMG_1697(The Thimble)r.jpg" height="450" legend="true" legendTitle="The Thimble W Face" legendx="6" legendy="11" width="600"> 
      <path id="28952" points="245.0,373.0, 250.0,338.0, 257.0,284.0, 258.0,238.0, 255.0,200.0, 265.0,176.0, 274.0,150.0, 280.0,115.0, 298.0,84.0, 310.0,53.0, 328.0,20.0,belay" d="M245.0,373.0C247.0,359.0 248.1,352.0 250.0,338.0C251.9,324.0 255.5,302.3 257.0,284.0C258.5,265.7 258.4,253.2 258.0,238.0C257.6,222.8 253.8,210.3 255.0,200.0C256.2,189.7 261.3,185.7 265.0,176.0C268.7,166.3 271.4,160.7 274.0,150.0C276.6,139.3 275.1,128.3 280.0,115.0C284.9,101.7 292.2,96.0 298.0,84.0C303.8,72.0 304.4,65.0 310.0,53.0C315.6,41.0 320.8,33.2 328.0,20.0" linkedTo="5"/>  
      <path id="78728" points="267.0,370.0, 283.0,258.0, 315.0,183.0, 347.0,112.0, 369.0,25.0,belay" d="M267.0,370.0C273.4,325.2 274.9,289.6 283.0,258.0C291.1,226.4 302.5,211.5 315.0,183.0C327.5,154.5 336.9,141.5 347.0,112.0C357.1,82.5 360.2,59.8 369.0,25.0" linkedTo="27"/>  
      <path id="770" points="301.0,363.0, 308.0,267.0, 320.0,241.0, 340.0,191.0, 387.0,93.0, 398.0,30.0,belay" d="M301.0,363.0C303.8,324.6 306.2,278.3 308.0,267.0C309.8,255.7 315.6,251.6 320.0,241.0C324.4,230.4 331.1,210.6 340.0,191.0C348.9,171.4 378.3,117.1 387.0,93.0C395.7,68.9 393.6,55.2 398.0,30.0" linkedTo="28"/> 
  <climb id="5" name="Stitched Up" stars="*" extra="" number="3." length="28m" grade="14" fa="T. McKenny, P. Robinson and S. Scott, Feb 2015. ">Threads a line up the middle off the west face of the Thimble. Start just to the R of a tree towards the RH end of the steep face, climb up and slightly L to follow a direct line to the very top. Thoughtful climbing on generally sound rock with spaced but adequate gear.</climb>  
  <climb id="27" stars="*" extra="" number="4." name="Stitch 2" length="28m" grade="15" fa="P.Robinson Jan. 2018">The next line right of Stitched Up (see topo).</climb>  
  <climb id="28" stars="*" extra="" number="5." name="Stitch 3" length="28m" grade="16" fa="P.Robinson   Jan. 2018">The next line right of Stitch 2 (see topo). Through a bulge at the bottom and another high up.</climb>  
  <text id="29" class="heading2">The Fife Needle</text>  
  <climb id="34" stars="" extra="" number="6." name="The Fife Needle" length="30m" grade="6" fa="C. Wansborough, P. Pritchard 1 Jan 2024">Just before the path reaches The Thimble it passes another tower to the right (west). The Fife Needle is smaller and more amenable than The Thimble and is perfect for beginners of those with lesser ability. The route climbs straight up the face of the tower in 2 short pitches. Descend easily off the back.</climb>  
  <image id="32" src="Fife Needle.JPG" height="533" width="400"> 
      <path id="19192" points="214.0,362.0, 178.0,194.0, 195.0,145.0,belay 138.0,102.0,belay" d="M214.0,362.0C199.6,294.8 179.8,214.7 178.0,194.0C176.2,173.3 203.3,164.0 195.0,145.0C186.7,126.0 160.8,119.2 138.0,102.0" linkedTo="34"/> 
  <text id="40" class="heading2">The Thumb</text>  
  <text id="41" class="text">On the opposite side of the walking track, west from The Thimble and above Fife’s Needle is another block of quartzite with overlapping rock, facing N, The Thumb.</text>  
  <image id="48" src="IMG_9389(Reach for the Sky)a.JPG" height="533" width="800" legend="true" legendTitle="The Thumb" printLayout="auto"> 
      <path id="80971" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="86203" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="56829" points="" d="" linkedTo="42"/>  
      <path id="86564" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="2875" points="463.0,243.0, 449.0,183.0, 440.0,160.0, 434.0,143.0, 430.0,93.0, 444.0,77.0, 440.0,38.0," d="M463.0,243.0C457.7,221.7 451.6,192.5 449.0,183.0C446.4,173.5 442.5,166.8 440.0,160.0C437.5,153.2 435.1,150.1 434.0,143.0C432.9,135.9 428.7,101.4 430.0,93.0C431.3,84.6 442.5,85.4 444.0,77.0C445.5,68.6 441.6,53.6 440.0,38.0"/>  
      <path id="36155" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="24572" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="18558" points="506.0,489.0, 477.0,296.0, 463.0,243.0," d="M506.0,489.0C494.4,411.8 480.8,317.6 477.0,296.0C473.2,274.4 468.3,264.3 463.0,243.0" linkedTo="42"/>  
      <path id="27372" points="601.0,477.0, 568.0,308.0, 567.0,261.0, 562.0,148.0," d="M601.0,477.0C587.8,409.4 570.9,326.6 568.0,308.0C565.1,289.4 567.7,279.8 567.0,261.0C566.3,242.2 562.4,153.8 562.0,148.0" linkedTo="43"/>  
      <path id="97719" points="548.0,102.0, 540.0,94.0," d="M548.0,102.0C544.8,98.8 543.3,96.8 540.0,94.0"/>  
      <path id="67956" points="558.0,135.0, 554.0,121.0," d="M558.0,135.0C557.6,129.2 555.6,126.6 554.0,121.0"/>  
      <path id="86539" points="550.0,114.0," d="M550.0,114.0"/>  
      <path id="23397" points="531.0,82.0, 522.0,76.0," d="M531.0,82.0C527.7,79.2 525.6,78.4 522.0,76.0"/>  
      <path id="85286" points="510.0,70.0, 502.0,62.0," d="M510.0,70.0C506.8,66.8 505.2,65.2 502.0,62.0"/>  
      <path id="76932" points="497.0,51.0, 492.0,40.0," d="M497.0,51.0C495.0,46.6 494.0,44.4 492.0,40.0"/>  
      <path id="98833" points="485.0,31.0, 471.0,25.0," d="M485.0,31.0C479.4,28.6 476.6,27.4 471.0,25.0"/> 
  <climb id="42" stars="*" extra="" number="7." name="Reach for the Sky" length="26m" grade="15" fa="P. Robinson 12-01-24 (with support from J. Robinson)">Up the centre of the cliff through three overlaps.&lt;br/&gt;An easy angle start leaves to progressively harder and entertaining overlaps. &lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <climb id="43" stars="" extra="" number="8." name="Jaggernaut" length="25m" grade="9" fa="P. Robinson 12-01-24">The face on right side of The Thumb followed by a jagged arete to the summit, a few metres R of 'Reach for the Sky'.&lt;br/&gt;Directly up the slab to a ledge on the arete. Follow the sharp rocky arete to the summit. Surprising solid, well mostly, but take care.&lt;br/&gt;Whilst the W side of the Thimble is very juggy, it is probably not the best place to solo.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <image id="49" src="IMG_9372.JPG" height="467" width="700" legend="true" legendTitle="The Thumb W side"> 
      <path id="51089" points="125.0,404.0, 216.0,290.0, 229.0,265.0, 311.0,138.0, 338.0,124.0, 349.0,74.0, 353.0,40.0," d="M125.0,404.0C161.4,358.4 209.2,299.0 216.0,290.0C222.8,281.0 223.0,274.6 229.0,265.0C235.0,255.4 303.6,147.6 311.0,138.0C318.4,128.4 331.8,134.5 338.0,124.0C344.2,113.5 346.6,87.5 349.0,74.0C351.4,60.5 351.4,53.6 353.0,40.0" linkedTo="43"/>  
      <path id="86507" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="17415" points="" d=""/> 
  <text class="heading2" id="6">Avatar Cliff</text>  
  <text class="text" id="7">This large crag across the valley to the east of The Thimble is visible from the col and has a classic line right up the middle. From the Thimble, take the easiest line downhill and across the valley (20-25min.). Burnt out in 2019 so access easier.</text>  
  <image id="15" src="DSC00479Tony's photo).JPG" height="450" legend="true" legendTitle="Avatar Cliff" legendx="5" legendy="9" width="600"> 
      <path id="22765" points="277.0,430.0, 289.0,399.0, 307.0,386.0, 320.0,354.0, 329.0,305.0, 331.0,265.0, 341.0,253.0, 347.0,216.0,belay 346.0,176.0, 334.0,125.0, 336.0,83.0, 338.0,46.0, 341.0,5.0,belay" d="M277.0,430.0C281.8,417.6 284.0,406.3 289.0,399.0C294.0,391.7 302.0,393.3 307.0,386.0C312.0,378.7 316.4,367.3 320.0,354.0C323.6,340.7 327.0,320.9 329.0,305.0C331.0,289.1 329.6,271.1 331.0,265.0C332.4,258.9 339.1,258.9 341.0,253.0C342.9,247.1 346.0,231.0 347.0,216.0C348.0,201.0 348.3,191.8 346.0,176.0C343.7,160.2 335.8,141.7 334.0,125.0C332.2,108.3 335.3,97.8 336.0,83.0C336.7,68.2 337.1,60.8 338.0,46.0C338.9,31.2 339.8,21.4 341.0,5.0" linkedTo="8"/> 
  <climb id="8" name="Avatar" stars="*" extra="" number="9." length="65m" grade="16" fa="P.Robinson, C.Rathbone March 2015">Start climbing at the foot of the crag in the middle below a corner which is steeper than it looks. The rock is generally sound but take care.&lt;br/&gt;1. 30m. Climb the short wall R of the cave to reach the corner and follow it straight up to where it steepens (crux). From the ledge, continue up the rock on the L to a comfortable grassy ledge with a tall tea tree.&lt;br/&gt;2. 35m. Up the steep wall for a few metres where the angle eases and follow the face and ridge to the top. Good pro is infrequent but the climbing easier.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <text class="heading2" id="10">Needle Buttress</text>  
  <text class="text" id="11">The main track to the Needles summit continues climbing up south from the Thimble and passes close to a prominent needle of rock with a very impressive arête/face.</text>  
  <image id="16" src="DSC00486 (1024x768).jpg" height="800" legend="true" legendTitle="Needle Buttress" legendx="10" legendy="10" width="600"> 
      <path id="53476" points="269.0,657.0, 271.0,592.0, 282.0,514.0, 279.0,416.0, 288.0,372.0, 325.0,360.0, 330.0,324.0, 376.0,299.0, 385.0,270.0, 379.0,197.0, 369.0,135.0, 364.0,64.0, 379.0,31.0,belay" d="M269.0,657.0C269.8,631.0 268.6,617.9 271.0,592.0C273.4,566.1 280.6,545.5 282.0,514.0C283.4,482.5 278.2,433.9 279.0,416.0C279.8,398.1 278.1,384.0 288.0,372.0C297.9,360.0 315.4,370.9 325.0,360.0C334.6,349.1 320.7,335.2 330.0,324.0C339.3,312.8 367.3,307.5 376.0,299.0C384.7,290.5 384.6,282.1 385.0,270.0C385.4,257.9 382.0,221.9 379.0,197.0C376.0,172.1 371.8,160.0 369.0,135.0C366.2,110.0 362.6,78.4 364.0,64.0C365.4,49.6 373.0,44.2 379.0,31.0" linkedTo="12"/> 
  <climb id="12" name="Suture" stars="*" extra="" number="10." length="25m" grade="15" fa="S. Scott, P. Robinson and T. McKenny,  Feb 2015.">Starting at the very toe of the buttress, climb up and over the overlaps, stepping awkwardly R and up at the second one. Up the slabs to the steep finish.</climb>  
  <image id="44" src="Stu on Suture 2015.jpg" height="600" width="800" legendTitle="Stu Scott on Suture (2015)" legend="true"/>  
  <text id="19" class="heading3">Crack Den</text>  
  <text id="20" class="text">The series of buttresses and ridges below the Needles summit. Partly viewable from the hiking trail access, walking down from the hiking trail after passing Needle Buttress. The nature of the rock requires some care and consideration, this is part of the experience and participants would be unwise to expect no loose or questionable rock...(Eds. comment. Does this mean b---- loose?&lt;br/&gt;It is conceivable and likely that some of these routes were climbed by the original Tasmanians. In addition, Phil Robinson reports the ridges here were climbed by TUMC members in the 1970s. Descriptions and names below by Dave James not offered as first ascents.</text>  
  <climb id="21" stars="" extra="" number="11." name="Injection" length="110" grade="9" fa="Possibly Tas Uni Mountaineering club (TUMC) 1970's">1. 55m. starting on right side of ridge where weakness continues onto easy slabs following ridge as desired.&lt;br/&gt;2. 55m continue up slabs alpine style to col where ridge breaks down and easy scramble take you off ridge towards the east and walk back down.</climb>  
  <climb id="26" stars="" extra="" number="12." name="Syringe" length="110m" grade="10" fa="Possibly Tas Uni Mountaineering Club (TUMC)1970's">Major ridge ~20m right of Injection. Somewhat of a tiny Rysavy Ridge...&lt;br/&gt;1 55m, dicky move onto overlap/ridge then follow slabs. step right into small col to belay at about 50-55m (or else you'll find you need to downclimb a few metres off a little pinnacle.)&lt;br/&gt;2.45m moving right onto slabs and excellent position, navigate upwards.&lt;br/&gt;3. `10m (?) one more little slab then its easy walking up to the summit of the Needles &lt;br/&gt;descend via hiking trail.</climb>  
  <image id="25" src="crackden.jpg" height="472" legendTitle="Crack Den" legend="true"> 
      <path id="39342" points="551.0,244.0, 540.0,183.0, 540.0,184.0, 503.0,133.0," d="M551.0,244.0C546.6,219.6 540.2,183.4 540.0,183.0C539.8,182.6 540.2,184.4 540.0,184.0C539.8,183.6 517.8,153.4 503.0,133.0" linkedTo="21" lineStyle="dotted"/>  
      <path id="73462" points="583.0,242.0, 568.0,193.0, 565.0,150.0, 566.0,132.0," d="M583.0,242.0C577.0,222.4 571.3,209.9 568.0,193.0C564.7,176.1 565.2,157.2 565.0,150.0C564.8,142.8 565.6,139.2 566.0,132.0" linkedTo="26" lineStyle="dotted"/>  
      <path id="95875" points="161.0,125.0, 155.0,91.0," d="M161.0,125.0C158.6,111.4 157.4,104.6 155.0,91.0" linkedTo="12"/> 
  <image id="56" src="Crack Den (IMG_6437)topo.jpg" height="450" width="600"/>  
  <climb id="53" stars="***" extra="" number="13." name="Seamless" length="50m" grade="11" fa="P. Robinson (with support from C. Rathbone)  5/03/24  ">A wonderful slab below the summit of the 1st peak along the range from the Needles summit. Good rock, great position, and easy climbing.&lt;br/&gt;Access 1-1.5 hours. Climb up the Needles walking track toward the summit passed the Thimble and traverse the slopes below Needle Buttress across to the ridge leading east. Pass the 1st peak on the R (south side) and descend a grassy slope to the foot of the slab which faces N. &lt;br/&gt;A steepish start to gain the slab, follow the centre of the slab passing through a couple of small overlaps and a short thin section high up. Scramble to the top of the peak for a few metres to find a solid belay.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <image id="54" src="IMG_9455.JPG" height="414" width="600">
      <path id="83034" points="478.0,372.0, 475.0,341.0, 443.0,290.0, 399.0,219.0, 365.0,149.0, 340.0,106.0, 287.0,25.0," linkedTo="53" d="M478.0,372.0C476.8,359.6 479.9,352.5 475.0,341.0C470.1,329.5 455.7,310.4 443.0,290.0C430.3,269.6 414.1,246.2 399.0,219.0C383.9,191.8 374.2,166.6 365.0,149.0C355.8,131.4 350.6,122.8 340.0,106.0C329.4,89.2 308.2,57.4 287.0,25.0"/>
  <image id="55" src="IMG_9726.JPG" height="467" width="700" legend="true" legendTitle="Seamless (takes L skyline to summit)"/> 