This page shows tasks waiting to be done on the guides:

{dynamictasklist:Content- Coles Bay|sortAscending=false|sortBy=priority}
|F|H|F|1196656419782|          | |Little Bluestone Bay photo topo - should be able to get alchemy, 1st and 2nd ramp in one photo?|
|F|H|F|1196656969434|          | |Collect action photos|
|F|H|F|1196656822618|          | |Add heaps to introductions|
|F|M|F|1196893319562|          |jnermut|Windy Hill topo|
|F|M|F|1196893293331|          |jnermut|White Stack topo|
|F|M|F|1196893237435|          |jnermut|Underworld topos|
|F|M|F|1196656268818|          | |Sow Spur Topo - photo from Mt Amos, or Als drawings, or both?|
|T|M|F|1196656431272|1199603199896|jnermut|Redo WWW photo topos - ideally need new photos for all of this|
|F|M|F|1196656353519|          | |Mt Amos N Face Topo|
|F|M|F|1196656389079|          | |Hazards Main Wall photo topo - from Carp Bay Point|
|F|M|F|1196656376588|          | |Gracelands Topo(s)|
|F|M|F|1196656395730|          | |Gonk topo - maybe from Carp Bay Point?|
|F|H|F|1196893245098|          |jnermut|Friendly point topo|
|T|M|F|1198399080646|1199603209502|jnermut|Add star factory to hazards map|
|T|L|F|1196656448112|1199603225256|jnermut|Reorder Main Wall descriptions?|
|F|L|F|1196656406381|          | |Flowstone topo - from the Gonk would be best|

{dynamictasklist:Content- North|sortAscending=false|sortBy=priority}
|T|H|F|1196767020847|1199603234059|jnermut|Access details and introduction for Stacks Bluff|
|F|M|F|1196657061809|          |tmckenny|Tony to edit Rocky Cape|
|F|M|F|1196656623280|          |tmckenny|Tony to edit Mt Roland|
|T|M|F|1196766990776|1199603241136|jnermut|Route names on Bradys Lookout topo|
|F|M|F|1196892513111|          | |Missing grades on Frews Flutes routes|
|T|M|F|1196656506101|1196683029859|jnermut|Fix made up names in Duck Reach|
|F|M|F|1196656563442|          |jnermut|Add missing crags to North Esk|
|F|M|F|1196656539570|          |jnermut|Add missing crags to Duck Reach|
|T|M|F|1196658364646|1196768290549|jnermut|Add header to Final Valley|
|T|M|F|1196657220911|1196892925213|jnermut|Add header block to BL guides|
|F|L|F|1196657905903|          | |Township Creek access description|
|F|L|F|1196764742014|          | |rewrite Snake Buttress, Pavillion and Heathcliff|
|F|L|F|1196657699347|          | |Meadstone falls access description|

{dynamictasklist:Content- South}
|T|M|F|1196657236653|1196833934328|jnermut|Add header block to all S, W guides|
|F|M|F|1196657960678|          |jnermut|GPS controls in The Mountain|
|F|M|F|1196657977647|          |jnermut|Header blocks in The Mountain|
|F|M|F|1196720403409|          |tmckenny|Tony to edit Sentinels|
|F|M|F|1196720429408|          |tmckenny|Tony to edit Freuhauf|
|F|M|F|1196720443820|          |tmckenny|Tony to edit Bruny|
|F|M|F|1196720457176|          |tmckenny|Tony to edit Proctors|
|F|M|F|1196720471118|          |tmckenny|Tony to edit Rocky Tom|
|F|M|F|1196720486136|          |phil.robinson|Phil to edit Coningham|
|F|M|F|1196768443312|          |phil.robinson|Phil to edit and add access details for Geryon|
|F|M|F|1196833954241|          |jnermut|Tyndalls: write up main face routes|
|F|M|F|1198399170043|          |jnermut|Rocky Tom: fix map to show new gate|
|F|M|F|1198400057661|          |jnermut|Federation Peak: redraw all topos|
|F|M|F|1200704661560|          |jnermut|Topos for Rocky Cape|

{dynamictasklist:Content- Other|sortAscending=false|sortBy=priority}
|T|M|F|1200704577992|1200704593547|jnermut|Introduction - travel|
|F|M|F|1200704623295|          |jnermut|Introduction - symbols|
|F|M|F|1200704603439|          |jnermut|Introduction - climate|

|T|H|F|1196892409014|1198399180356|jnermut|Fix line breaks in header block|
|T|H|F|1196656656615|1198399203395|jnermut|Add guide header to PDF generation|
|T|H|F|1196656670247|1198399199132|jnermut|Add GPS table to PDF generation|
|T|M|F|1198399277962|1199603266229|jnermut|TOC in PDFs|
|T|M|F|1196656693071|1198399189371|jnermut|Set up PDFs for Craglets 7|
|T|M|F|1196656681312|1198399194419|jnermut|Set up PDF for Coles Bay|
|T|M|F|1198399235005|1198496903563|jnermut|Section name running header|
|T|M|F|1196659963753|1199603277075|jnermut|Override scripting infrastructure|
|F|M|F|1198399270719|          |jnermut|Index in PDFs|
|T|M|F|1198399292488|1198496917044|jnermut|Frontspiece in PDFs|
|T|M|F|1196676061031|1199603282296|jnermut|Color coding of guides sections in PDF|
|T|M|F|1198399216698|1199603284856|jnermut|Add icons to PDF|
|T|L|F|1196657188912|1198496932018|jnermut|Script for auto uploads of PDFs|
|T|L|F|1196657263093|1199603289876|jnermut|Add graphs to PDF generation|
|F|L|F|1196656602408|          |jnermut|Add arbitary KML feature|