I'm pleased to announce that the thesarvo iPhone app is now in the app store.

Version 1.0 gives offline access in a mobile optimised interface to all of the Tasmanian route and boulder guides on thesarvo - over 3000 routes and 1500 problems.

It's priced at a reasonable $3.99 - proceeds go to the running of this site.

Installing it

To install it search for "thesarvo" on the iPhone app store, or go here:

You need to be on Wi-Fi to install it as the app is about 60mb with all the topos included.

It should also work on an iPod Touch (although I havent tested it).

Bugs and Feature Requests

Version 1.0 is pretty basic, and there are a lot more features that could be added over time - I'm interested to hear what you think would be useful in the next version. Probably the biggest ones on my list are:

Also please post any bugs or issues you find here and I will try and fix them in the next version.
