Squamish dreaming ... I'd love to see a bunch of CCT members travel together to Squamish someday for a Fun Hogs' Holiday. To that end, I thought it might be amusing to post the classic Grand Wall as "route of the month". It is 12 pitches to Bellygood Ledge at 5.11+AO), and Kevin McLane's guide to the crag gives it the reserve rating of 3 1/2 stars (the normal "top" rating is 3 stars; a small number of absolute classics are accorded the extra half star). A fantastic range of climbing is involved, from beautiful handjams to a couple of easy but slightly runout pitches of slab climbing to bomber fingerlocks to strenous laybacking and underclinging. Below is a photo from early on the brilliant 40 metre pitch of the Split Pillar 5.10b  (about 18/19).

A more impressive photo is Simon Carter's classic image of Abby Watkins nearing the top of the pitch.

To whet your appetite, here is a tick list of some of Squamish's classics.

Check out also rockclimbing.com's page to the routes starting at the base of The Chief.

Apart from being a trad climber's heaven, Squamish also has its fair share of bouldering and sport climbing.

I'm hoping to be there in August 2012. Anyone interested?