Had a good 3 days climbing on the pipes.  A quick word of warning though.

Fare well to Arms has quite a loose flake at about 7m up on it.  Enough that if it comes out it could cut the rope or land on the belayer.  Also getting up to it has become a bit of a epic with the new vegetation.  We rapped off the bollard at the top and then a gum tree.  The rope sling at the top is in a real bad way so bring a sling if you want to do it,


The light g23 on the far L.H SIDE also could do with a edit in the guide.  Its a good route but has become quite mossy like Beaten and Abused.  For the light where it says grade 18 crack id say its harder and also carry a single rack of cams up to #3 camolot with double .5 camolots.


Hope this helps
