  <header autonumber="true" camping="" access="On the north east coast of Flinders Island, which is in the middle of Bass Strait. There are flights from both Launceston and Melbourne that arrive in Whitemark on Flinders Island. You can hire a car on the Island (expensive) or try and get a ride up to Killiekrankie. There&apos;s a new road that comes into the north of the cliffs, and its about a half hours walk from the end of the road along the shore. The cliff is set back about 400m from the coast. &lt;br/&gt;Camp at the shore below the middle of the cliff, with water from soaks." acknowledgement="" history="" intro="Mt Killiekrankie is a large granite crag on Flinders Island in Bass Strait that has more than 200 climbs on excellent rock. It has mainly been developed by Victorian climbers. The rock and climbing is superb. The new guidebook should bring more visitors and development." new="false" rock="Compact, fine grained granite up to about 100m high." sun="Afternoon sun" walk="About half and hour" id="1" name="Flinders Island"/>
  <gps id="345">
    <point zone="55H" northing="5594114" easting="573895" longitude="147.863178" latitude="-39.799723" pid="6" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = B.O.O.B."/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593332" easting="572562" longitude="147.847694" latitude="-39.806889" pid="7" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Dildo Direct"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593579" easting="572826" longitude="147.85075" latitude="-39.804639" pid="8" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Pain Toy"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5594114" easting="573923" longitude="147.863496883" latitude="-39.799720585" pid="9" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = TITS"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593484" easting="572718" longitude="147.8495" latitude="-39.8055" pid="10" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Trust Me I&apos;m an Idiot"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5592835" easting="572213" longitude="147.843667" latitude="-39.811389" pid="11" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Colin&apos;s treasure chest"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593588" easting="572586" longitude="147.847937" latitude="-39.804573" pid="12" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Old Driftwood Hut"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5594073" easting="573390" longitude="147.85727689" latitude="-39.800139305" pid="13" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Intersection to Toberone"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5594054" easting="573887" longitude="147.863091" latitude="-39.800265" pid="14" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Red Wall"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593980" easting="576199" longitude="147.8901" latitude="-39.800727" pid="15" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Road intersection to the docks"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593189" easting="572493" longitude="147.846899" latitude="-39.808179" pid="16" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Slash"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5594234" easting="573929" longitude="147.863556" latitude="-39.798639" pid="17" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Split Rock Track intersection"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5594258" easting="573690" longitude="147.860757029" latitude="-39.798443333" pid="18" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - The Dock Campsite"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5594195" easting="573923" longitude="147.863494" latitude="-39.798996" pid="19" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - The Docks intersection"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593082" easting="572244" longitude="147.844" latitude="-39.809167" pid="20" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - The Lingam saddle"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593888" easting="573420" longitude="147.85765" latitude="-39.801804" pid="21" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Toblerone"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593485" easting="572595" longitude="147.848056164" latitude="-39.805507786" pid="22" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - upper cliff Interestion - Finish"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593716" easting="572837" longitude="147.850863261" latitude="-39.803401152" pid="23" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - upper cliff Interestion - Start"/>
    <point zone="55H" northing="5593592" easting="572872" longitude="147.851286" latitude="-39.804518" pid="24" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - upper cliff turn right"/>
    <polyline pid="25" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Walk from old driftwood hut to Climb - Dildo Direct">-39.804573,147.847937 -39.804671,147.847925 -39.804761,147.84786 -39.804836,147.847776 -39.804963,147.847742 -39.805069,147.847742 -39.805151,147.847799 -39.805255,147.847843 -39.805356,147.847917 -39.805451,147.848 -39.805528,147.848081 -39.805614,147.84813 -39.805708,147.848101 -39.805792,147.848158 -39.805846,147.848058 -39.805937,147.848049 -39.806011,147.847977 -39.806102,147.848004 -39.806159,147.847909 -39.806215,147.847806 -39.806276,147.847718 -39.806363,147.847685 -39.806467,147.847668 -39.80655,147.847623 -39.806637,147.847588 -39.806727,147.847621 -39.806816,147.847687 -39.806889,147.847694</polyline>
    <polyline pid="26" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Walk from car to old driftwood hut">-39.804573,147.847931 -39.804492,147.848001 -39.804444,147.848103 -39.804387,147.848194 -39.804466,147.848321 -39.804492,147.848439 -39.804495,147.848565 -39.804414,147.848662 -39.804373,147.848778 -39.804337,147.848902 -39.804241,147.849024 -39.804269,147.849212 -39.804212,147.849314 -39.804102,147.849402 -39.804126,147.849522 -39.804107,147.849645 -39.804029,147.849752 -39.804004,147.849906 -39.803951,147.850038 -39.8039,147.850159 -39.80385,147.850261 -39.80385,147.850404 -39.803721,147.850483 -39.803685,147.850595 -39.803582,147.850666 -39.803503,147.850728 -39.803434,147.850804 -39.803024,147.851511 -39.80307,147.851619 -39.803082,147.85174 -39.803051,147.851857 -39.802964,147.851927 -39.802881,147.85199 -39.802785,147.852025 -39.802689,147.852068 -39.802628,147.852171 -39.802572,147.852333 -39.802492,147.852431 -39.80241,147.852521 -39.802342,147.852598 -39.802285,147.852697 -39.802242,147.852808 -39.802183,147.8529 -39.802095,147.852993 -39.80202,147.853108 -39.801932,147.853159 -39.801804,147.85315 -39.801677,147.853169 -39.801574,147.853284 -39.801502,147.853404 -39.801399,147.853487 -39.801362,147.853646 -39.801353,147.853806 -39.801291,147.85397 -39.801231,147.854086 -39.80112,147.854193 -39.801071,147.854345 -39.801044,147.85447 -39.801039,147.854616 -39.800952,147.85475 -39.800882,147.854865 -39.800809,147.854984 -39.800819,147.855114 -39.800797,147.855258 -39.800722,147.855396 -39.800655,147.85555 -39.800552,147.855624 -39.800481,147.85575 -39.800486,147.855908 -39.800447,147.856076 -39.800431,147.85623 -39.800433,147.856363 -39.800397,147.856505 -39.800352,147.856632 -39.800242,147.856723 -39.800181,147.856866 -39.800134,147.856972 -39.80009,147.857095 -39.800131,147.857206 -39.800128,147.857392 -39.800137,147.857518 -39.800096,147.85765 -39.800042,147.857766 -39.800031,147.857883 -39.800003,147.858 -39.799929,147.85811 -39.799912,147.858242 -39.7999,147.858358 -39.799914,147.858482 -39.799916,147.858618 -39.799893,147.858771 -39.79983,147.858921 -39.799762,147.859057 -39.799727,147.859171 -39.799677,147.859283 -39.799669,147.8594 -39.799618,147.859505 -39.799551,147.859637 -39.79951,147.85988 -39.799474,147.86008 -39.799383,147.86024 -39.799371,147.860433 -39.79932,147.860583 -39.799271,147.860733 -39.799225,147.860858 -39.799123,147.860963 -39.798993,147.861047 -39.798892,147.861128 -39.798785,147.861111 -39.798661,147.861087 -39.798564,147.861001 -39.798482,147.860855 -39.798447,147.860754</polyline>
    <polyline pid="27" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Walk from Camp to Red Wall">-39.798996,147.863494 -39.79906,147.863405 -39.799132,147.863334 -39.799203,147.863257 -39.799285,147.863305 -39.799365,147.863362 -39.799451,147.863322 -39.799532,147.863266 -39.799611,147.863207 -39.7997,147.863239 -39.799753,147.863132 -39.799813,147.863038 -39.799894,147.862977 -39.799972,147.863122 -39.80006,147.863085 -39.800147,147.863125 -39.800265,147.863091</polyline>
    <polyline pid="28" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Walk upper cliff track">-39.805513,147.848057 -39.805412,147.848054 -39.805333,147.848117 -39.805368,147.848231 -39.805299,147.848312 -39.805277,147.848431 -39.805265,147.84855 -39.805225,147.848656 -39.805187,147.848768 -39.80515,147.848879 -39.805125,147.848993 -39.80516,147.849104 -39.805173,147.849221 -39.805134,147.849331 -39.805059,147.84941 -39.804972,147.849444 -39.804881,147.849479 -39.804876,147.849605 -39.80484,147.849717 -39.804832,147.849835 -39.804884,147.849943 -39.804853,147.850071 -39.804782,147.850153 -39.804723,147.850254 -39.804668,147.850355 -39.804655,147.850477 -39.804567,147.850505 -39.804555,147.850626 -39.804588,147.850735 -39.804572,147.850857 -39.804527,147.850958 -39.804498,147.851071 -39.804494,147.851204 -39.804515,147.851289 -39.804397,147.851338 -39.804337,147.851443 -39.804304,147.851586 -39.804215,147.851598 -39.804125,147.851623 -39.804034,147.851584 -39.803943,147.851567 -39.803849,147.851599 -39.803761,147.851561 -39.803682,147.851632 -39.803602,147.851569 -39.803584,147.851413 -39.803628,147.851287 -39.80358,147.851177 -39.803503,147.851108 -39.803495,147.850981 -39.803405,147.850866</polyline>
    <polyline pid="29" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Walk to Climb - Toblerone">-39.800131,147.857272 -39.800193,147.857289 -39.800282,147.857329 -39.800378,147.857324 -39.800476,147.857327 -39.800563,147.857373 -39.800656,147.857379 -39.800731,147.857445 -39.800825,147.857472 -39.800914,147.857504 -39.801,147.85754 -39.801094,147.857537 -39.801185,147.857577 -39.801274,147.85762 -39.801364,147.857622 -39.801451,147.857662 -39.801533,147.857714 -39.801626,147.857718 -39.801686,147.857625 -39.801791,147.857649</polyline>
    <polyline pid="30" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Walk to Climb - Slash">-39.808179,147.846899 -39.808175,147.847019 -39.808146,147.847131 -39.808178,147.847243 -39.808223,147.847386 -39.80822,147.847507 -39.808129,147.847506 -39.80805,147.847569 -39.80803,147.847453 -39.807982,147.847346 -39.807893,147.847369 -39.807801,147.847345 -39.80773,147.84727 -39.807647,147.847325 -39.807624,147.847201 -39.807529,147.847203 -39.807444,147.84724 -39.807484,147.847348 -39.807563,147.847426 -39.807463,147.847395 -39.807383,147.847471 -39.807174,147.847426 -39.807061,147.84748 -39.806958,147.847593 -39.80689,147.847697</polyline>
    <polyline pid="31" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Walk to Climb - TITS">-39.798646,147.863556 -39.798714,147.863467 -39.79877,147.863363 -39.798822,147.863461 -39.79892,147.863489 -39.798995,147.863494 -39.799006,147.863571 -39.799062,147.863583 -39.799154,147.863598 -39.799232,147.863534 -39.799326,147.863523 -39.799415,147.863487 -39.799467,147.863583 -39.799563,147.863604 -39.799588,147.86372 -39.799687,147.863707 -39.799786,147.863639 -39.799761,147.863597 -39.799712,147.863605 -39.799693,147.863566 -39.799721,147.863496</polyline>
    <polyline pid="32" description="Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Track - Drive from main rd to camp">-39.800725,147.890102 -39.800684,147.889875 -39.800896,147.889234 -39.80111,147.888452 -39.8013,147.8876 -39.801667,147.886749 -39.80209,147.885732 -39.802377,147.88483 -39.802619,147.883808 -39.803182,147.882782 -39.804093,147.881706 -39.804788,147.880482 -39.805117,147.879161 -39.805495,147.877819 -39.805763,147.876481 -39.806139,147.875151 -39.806086,147.873789 -39.805754,147.872423 -39.805268,147.871554 -39.804615,147.870653 -39.80406,147.870008 -39.803375,147.869494 -39.803275,147.86909 -39.803229,147.868646 -39.803064,147.868104 -39.80352,147.867784 -39.803208,147.867121 -39.803224,147.866519 -39.803121,147.866142 -39.802772,147.866121 -39.802418,147.866056 -39.801973,147.865981 -39.801278,147.865929 -39.800397,147.865708 -39.799728,147.865663 -39.799084,147.865374 -39.798855,147.864694 -39.798713,147.863965 -39.798647,147.863553 -39.798614,147.86329 -39.798493,147.863094 -39.79829,147.862626 -39.798442,147.862248 -39.798602,147.86178 -39.798688,147.86146 -39.79864,147.86108 -39.798582,147.861015 -39.798524,147.860922 -39.798483,147.860843 -39.798447,147.860756</polyline>
  <text new="false" id="2" class="indentedHeader">Guide: Climb Northern Tasmania by Bob McMahon and Gerry Narkowicz contains a comprehensive guide to the island, including both Killiekrankie and the other crags on the island.</text>
  <text id="350" class="heading2">The Docks</text>
  <image id="351" legendy="12" legendx="9" legendTitle="The Docks" legend="true" width="1200" height="800" src="Flinders Island Topos - The Docks.jpg">
      <path id="39703" linkedTo="3" d="M26.0,646.0C30.0,626.0 31.4,615.9 36.0,596.0C40.6,576.1 50.1,530.4 57.0,511.0C63.9,491.6 73.8,476.6 82.0,466.0C90.2,455.4 97.6,453.4 108.0,445.0" points="26,646, 36,596, 57,511, 82,466, 108,445,"/>
      <path id="27043" linkedTo="349" d="M418.0,588.0C424.4,540.0 433.4,475.3 434.0,468.0C434.6,460.7 429.7,457.4 430.0,450.0C430.3,442.6 438.1,426.8 436.0,419.0" points="418,588, 434,468, 430,450, 436,419,lower"/>
      <path id="48950" linkedTo="5" d="M509.0,585.0C509.0,569.4 511.6,559.0 509.0,546.0C506.4,533.0 500.5,527.6 495.0,516.0C489.5,504.4 486.2,498.8 481.0,487.0C475.8,475.2 471.5,462.6 467.0,453.0C462.5,443.4 459.4,436.1 454.0,430.0C448.6,423.9 439.1,426.8 437.0,419.0" points="509,585, 509,546, 495,516, 481,487, 467,453, 454,430, 437,419,"/>
      <path id="73839" linkedTo="13" d="M1171.0,465.0C1166.6,445.0 1165.3,425.7 1160.0,415.0C1154.7,404.3 1142.1,406.8 1137.0,396.0C1131.9,385.2 1125.9,362.3 1124.0,339.0C1122.1,315.7 1124.0,277.8 1124.0,237.0" points="1171,465, 1160,415, 1137,396, 1124,339, 1124,237,belay"/>
      <path id="64642" linkedTo="17" d="M606.0,222.0C604.4,184.0 603.6,165.0 602.0,127.0" points="606,222, 602,127,"/>
  <climb id="3" name="Dykes at the Docks" fa="" extra="" number="1." grade="17" length="35m" stars="**">A fun climb with a few carrots. Need a Rap anchor added, until then simulrap off back using a single old rusty bolt as a directional.</climb>
  <climb id="4" name="Gravel Road" number="2." grade="16" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="352" name="J.U.G.S. ( Jump Up Gravelley Slopers)" fa="Nick Hancock  2004" extra="" number="3." grade="25" length="20m" stars="**">Climb the overhanging intermittent cracks on the left side of the back wall of Dykes at the Docks, via 5 bolts to a DBB.</climb>
  <climb id="349" name="Big Wide Dyke" fa="FFA John Fischer, Simon Bischoff, Alex Hartshorne  6th December 2014" extra="Þ" number="4." grade="27" length="25m" stars="**">10m left of BOOB is a broken slanting wide crack that leads to a short overhang. Turn this with difficulty to a vague rest on R and then climb the crystally seam that takes stonker gear. Step left at the top and grab the jug rail at the top of the cliff (crux). The big cracks take plenty of gear up to 4 and 5 camalots but surprisingly require no OW technique. The higher seam takes small cams and medium to small wires. DBB.</climb>
  <climb id="5" name="B.O.O.B. (Bag of old bones)" fa="" extra="" number="5." grade="20" length="25m" stars="**">&lt;br/&gt;GPS Coordinates (Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = B.O.O.B.)</climb>
  <climb id="6" name="Best Line on Cliff" number="6." grade="17 M1" length="42m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="7" name="Parrot Fish and Polenta" number="7." grade="19" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="8" name="True Grit" number="8." grade="13" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="9" name="Nude Woman Tries Miracle Shampoo" number="9." grade="12" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="10" name="Gravel Pit" number="10." grade="18" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="11" name="Games People Play" number="11." grade="18" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="12" name="Watch the Road Sailor" number="12." grade="16" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <text id="337" class="heading2">Red Wall</text>
  <image id="338" legendTitle="Red Wall" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Red Wall.jpg">
      <path id="67666" linkedTo="14" d="M22.0,868.0C60.4,803.6 96.0,739.8 118.0,707.0C140.0,674.2 160.3,660.5 181.0,631.0C201.7,601.5 207.0,583.6 226.0,553.0C245.0,522.4 286.4,461.0 287.0,460.0C287.6,459.0 325.6,391.5 338.0,371.0C350.4,350.5 383.2,322.0 371.0,321.0C358.8,320.0 349.3,314.0 347.0,302.0C344.7,290.0 355.6,224.8 349.0,207.0C342.4,189.2 316.6,197.4 305.0,189.0C293.4,180.6 296.2,167.5 284.0,160.0C271.8,152.5 248.0,153.4 241.0,150.0C234.0,146.6 224.4,139.3 230.0,134.0C235.6,128.7 246.2,124.0 256.0,116.0C265.8,108.0 272.2,102.7 281.0,92.0C289.8,81.3 294.8,71.6 304.0,58.0" points="22,868, 118,707, 181,631, 226,553, 287,460, 338,371, 371,321, 347,302,label 349,207, 305,189, 284,160, 241,150, 230,134, 256,116, 281,92, 304,58,"/>
      <path id="27431" linkedTo="13" d="M287.0,460.0C287.6,459.0 289.9,462.7 289.0,462.0C288.1,461.3 264.3,448.3 256.0,433.0C247.7,417.7 264.1,400.1 250.0,390.0C235.9,379.9 177.5,377.3 161.0,365.0C144.5,352.7 151.7,335.4 149.0,315.0C146.3,294.6 140.3,253.8 143.0,231.0C145.7,208.2 159.1,188.7 165.0,178.0C170.9,167.3 175.0,162.0 185.0,155.0C195.0,148.0 223.4,138.3 229.0,133.0" points="287,460, 289,462, 256,433,label 250,390, 161,365, 149,315, 143,231, 165,178, 185,155, 229,133,"/>
      <path id="94590" linkedTo="15" d="M445.0,98.0C438.6,124.8 434.1,137.9 429.0,165.0C423.9,192.1 426.0,226.2 415.0,256.0C404.0,285.8 383.2,323.0 371.0,322.0" points="445,98, 429,165, 415,256,label 371,322,"/>
  <climb id="13" name="A Bolt From the Blue" number="13." grade="21" length="45m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="14" name="High Stepping Stone" fa="" extra="" number="14." grade="18" length="45m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="15" name="Morrison of Peking" number="15." grade="19" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="16" name="Paradise Prow" number="16." grade="24" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="17" name="T.I.T.S. (Tasmania&apos;s Incredibly Tiny Serpentine)" fa="Nick Hancock  Dec 2002" extra="Þ" number="17." grade="24" length="15m" stars="***">GPS Coordinates (Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = TITS)&lt;br/&gt;Climb the stunning North face of the top block at the Docks. Four U bolts to a single U bolt belay.</climb>
  <climb id="18" name="Salty Dog" number="18." grade="18" length="10m" stars=""/>
  <image id="294" legendTitle="Suspension Trauma Area" legend="true" width="1200" height="800" src="Flinders Island Topos - Suspension Trauma.jpg">
      <path id="93758" linkedTo="19" d="M406.0,515.0C404.4,489.0 406.2,461.5 402.0,450.0C397.8,438.5 380.7,444.0 376.0,434.0C371.3,424.0 379.6,417.8 382.0,407.0" points="406,515, 402,450, 376,434, 382,407,"/>
      <path id="52708" linkedTo="293" d="M958.0,318.0C949.2,274.8 944.8,253.2 936.0,210.0" points="958,318, 936,210,"/>
  <climb id="19" name="Suspension Trauma" number="19." grade="M4" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="293" name="If you give a Moose a Muffin" fa="Simon Bischoff and Tierney O’sullivan Dec 2014" extra="" number="20." grade="23" length="15m" stars="*">The shorter tombstone buttress around 50m to the right of suspension trauma cave with a splitter running up the middle. Harder than it looks.</climb>
  <text id="316" class="heading2">Toblerone Area</text>
  <image id="318" legendy="7" legendx="7" legendTitle="Toblerone Area" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Toblerone.jpg">
      <path id="8742" linkedTo="317" d="M170.0,524.0C176.8,500.0 180.9,488.2 187.0,464.0C193.1,439.8 195.1,419.0 204.0,390.0C212.9,361.0 233.9,306.9 243.0,282.0C252.1,257.1 256.8,244.8 266.0,220.0" points="170,524, 187,464, 204,390, 243,282, 266,220,lower"/>
      <path id="26587" linkedTo="319" d="M379.0,795.0C369.4,770.6 361.3,749.0 355.0,734.0C348.7,719.0 346.4,710.9 338.0,697.0C329.6,683.1 312.9,661.0 301.0,645.0C289.1,629.0 281.2,618.7 270.0,606.0C258.8,593.3 252.0,588.0 240.0,576.0" points="379,795, 355,734, 338,697, 301,645, 270,606, 240,576,belay"/>
  <climb id="319" name="Bounty" fa="Anna-Veronique L&apos;hoest, Alex Hartshorne 11th December 2014" extra="Þ" number="21." grade="19" length="15m" stars="*">Fun route by itself but really a warm up and access for Toblerone. Dark friction slab below the pyramid of granite candy. 4 bolts. You can belay easily from the giant she oak.</climb>
  <climb id="317" name="Toblerone" fa="Anna-Veronique L&apos;hoest, Alex Hartshorne 11th December 2014" extra="4Þ" number="22." grade="21" length="18m" stars="**">Summits the amazing candy shaped chunk of granite that stands out on the Killiecrankie skyline. ~15 minutes walk from the end of 4wd track at the docks. Can be viewed briefly from the last clearing on the track. The best way to get there is up the cairned drainage gully (the third one along the track). Follow this easily up to a wombat hole and another cairn then bash for about 5 meters to another clearing and head directly to the base of Bounty. Climb Bounty to access or scramble around left (but who would?) Ascends the left arête and face via excellent friction climbing to gain the one foot wide ridge at the top. Amazing. 4 bolts to DBB.&lt;br/&gt;GPS Coordinates (Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Toblerone)</climb>
  <text id="320" class="heading2">Suck Me up the Funnel of Death</text>
  <image id="321" legendy="6" legendx="7" legendTitle="Suck Me up the Funnel of Death" legend="true" width="1200" height="800" src="Flinders Island Topos - Suck Me Up the Funnel of Death.jpg">
      <path id="64465" linkedTo="24" d="M462.0,591.0C466.0,566.2 456.6,548.9 472.0,529.0C487.4,509.1 507.0,513.7 530.0,503.0C553.0,492.3 582.8,490.5 603.0,468.0C623.2,445.5 618.8,425.4 626.0,396.0C633.2,366.6 634.3,345.5 641.0,312.0C647.7,278.5 655.6,245.6 660.0,226.0C664.4,206.4 666.6,196.6 671.0,177.0" points="462,591, 472,529, 530,503, 603,468, 626,396, 641,312, 660,226, 671,177,lower"/>
  <climb id="24" name="Suck Me up the Funnel of Death" fa="Nick Hancock  Jan 2003" extra="9Þ" number="23." grade="27" length="25m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="25" name="Brown and Yellow Streak" number="24." grade="15" length="90m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="26" name="Shoulder Arms" number="25." grade="13" length="68m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="27" name="Road Gang" number="26." grade="14" length="23m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="28" name="Grand Stand" number="27." grade="17" length="18m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="29" name="Southern Stand" number="28." grade="14" length="24m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="30" name="Measley Mumps" number="29." grade="11" length="12m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="31" name="Consumptive Cancer" number="30." grade="15" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="32" name="Chatternooga Choo-Choo" number="31." grade="15" length="18m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="33" name="Birthday Boy" number="32." grade="13" length="18m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="34" name="Thirty Three" number="33." grade="11" length="18m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="35" name="Avoid the Arete" number="34." grade="13" length="16m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="36" name="Lying Eyes" number="35." grade="20" length="25m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="37" name="Chock a Block" number="36." grade="18" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="38" name="Men at Work" number="37." grade="14" length="30m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="39" name="Democratic Dictator" number="38." grade="14" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="40" name="Sea Mist" number="39." grade="12" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="41" name="Little Sir Echo" number="40." grade="14" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="42" name="In the Groove" number="41." grade="17" length="30m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="43" name="Groovy Baby" number="42." grade="18" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="44" name="Fingertip" number="43." grade="20" length="28m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="45" name="Buffalo Bill" number="44." grade="18" length="30m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="46" name="Happy Chapp" number="45." grade="15" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="47" name="Ross Crescent" number="46." grade="16" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="48" name="Flaky Pastry" number="47." grade="14" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="49" name="Windansea" number="48." grade="18" length="27m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="50" name="Hello Sailor" number="49." grade="23" length="28m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="51" name="First Blood" number="50." grade="13" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="52" name="Skye Pilot" number="51." grade="19" length="23m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="53" name="Glorified Labourers" number="52." grade="21" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="54" name="Blue Skies Coming" number="53." grade="20" length="40m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="55" name="Camberwell Junction" number="54." grade="18" length="27m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="56" name="Beat Around the Bush" number="55." grade="14" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="57" name="Double Move With Pike" number="56." grade="12" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <text id="304" class="heading2">Skye Buttress</text>
  <image id="305" legendTitle="Skye Buttress" legend="true" width="1200" height="800" src="Flinders Island Topos - Skye Buttress.jpg">
      <path id="42882" linkedTo="303" d="M479.0,678.0C473.6,661.5 473.4,643.7 469.0,621.0C464.6,598.3 455.2,559.4 448.0,518.0C440.8,476.6 435.8,432.3 431.0,401.0C426.2,369.7 423.2,354.2 418.0,323.0" points="479,678,belay 469,621, 448,518, 431,401, 418,323,lower"/>
      <path id="67030" d="M531.0,798.0C524.2,777.2 513.9,746.6 514.0,746.0" points="531,798, 514,746," lineStyle="dashed"/>
      <path id="68728" d="M514.0,746.0C514.1,745.4 514.9,745.6 515.0,745.0C515.1,744.4 506.1,728.2 500.0,717.0C493.9,705.8 484.4,695.5 479.0,679.0" points="514,746, 515,745, 500,717, 479,679," lineStyle="dashed"/>
      <path id="68266" d="M515.0,745.0C515.1,744.4 514.9,747.6 515.0,747.0C515.1,746.4 547.4,717.8 573.0,705.0C598.6,692.2 641.1,682.6 661.0,674.0C680.9,665.4 705.1,668.5 708.0,647.0" points="515,745, 515,747, 573,705, 661,674, 708,647," lineStyle="dashed"/>
      <path id="38398" linkedTo="60" d="M697.0,635.0C699.9,613.5 673.4,598.7 662.0,574.0C650.6,549.3 648.9,535.3 639.0,510.0C629.1,484.7 613.6,465.9 609.0,439.0C604.4,412.1 610.9,398.0 615.0,371.0C619.1,344.0 635.1,302.8 637.0,256.0C638.9,209.2 627.7,85.8 627.0,71.0C626.3,56.2 623.1,43.2 626.0,34.0C628.9,24.8 648.0,26.8 644.0,18.0" points="697,635, 662,574, 639,510, 609,439, 615,371,label 637,256, 627,71, 626,34, 644,18,lower"/>
      <path id="41893" linkedTo="348" d="M639.0,509.0C619.8,489.0 607.8,481.0 591.0,459.0C574.2,437.0 545.2,406.0 532.0,369.0C518.8,332.0 524.8,299.4 524.0,271.0C523.2,242.6 527.1,216.9 527.0,200.0C526.9,183.1 535.2,169.6 523.0,158.0C510.8,146.4 486.4,146.0 462.0,138.0" points="639,509, 591,459, 532,369,label 524,271, 527,200, 523,158, 462,138,"/>
      <path id="38976" linkedTo="346" d="M855.0,453.0C851.4,439.8 850.9,432.8 846.0,420.0C841.1,407.2 834.3,384.4 821.0,364.0C807.7,343.6 791.8,327.2 780.0,319.0C768.2,310.8 754.3,316.8 745.0,311.0C735.7,305.2 736.8,296.6 730.0,288.0C723.2,279.4 718.5,262.4 703.0,258.0C687.5,253.6 636.3,256.5 610.0,254.0C583.7,251.5 570.8,248.5 545.0,243.0C519.2,237.5 494.0,230.4 460.0,222.0" points="855,453, 846,420, 821,364, 780,319, 745,311, 730,288, 703,258, 610,254, 545,243, 460,222,"/>
      <path id="40239" linkedTo="347" d="M710.0,541.0C709.2,480.6 708.8,428.8 708.0,390.0C707.2,351.2 705.5,320.2 705.0,293.0C704.5,265.8 701.3,243.6 705.0,225.0C708.7,206.4 723.4,200.3 727.0,183.0C730.6,165.7 726.6,156.3 723.0,139.0C719.4,121.7 713.1,101.6 707.0,87.0C700.9,72.4 697.5,64.8 687.0,53.0C676.5,41.2 650.0,26.8 646.0,18.0" points="710,541, 708,390, 705,293, 705,225, 727,183, 723,139, 707,87, 687,53, 646,18,"/>
  <climb id="58" name="Swell Corner" number="57." grade="17" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="303" name="Golden Presents" fa="Squib  Feb 2015" extra="" number="58." grade="24" length="20m" stars="*">The thin seam to the right of Swell corner and to the left of the obvious arete. Technical climbing on great rock with bomber gear. First rapped and cleaned by Simon Bischoff and gifted to squib when he visited the island. Ascend easy terrain and make a belay below the big ledge where the seam begins. Bolted anchor at the top.</climb>
  <climb id="59" name="Skye" number="59." grade="16" length="79m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="348" name="Lalla Rooke" fa="" extra="" number="60." grade="??" length="??" stars="">Hamish Jackson project&lt;br/&gt;Thin crack 3-4m left of Pain toy. 2 BR</climb>
  <climb id="60" name="Pain Toy" fa="" extra="" number="61." grade="21" length="35m" stars="***">GPS Coordinates (Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Pain Toy)</climb>
  <climb id="347" name="The Spirit Level" fa="" extra="" number="62." grade="??" length="??" stars="">Hamish Jackson project&lt;br/&gt;Arete right of pain toy, 3 BR so far, needs more, plus has some natural. it will end at same point as pain toy (anchors installed), possibly will be split as 2 pitches. and has two alternate starts either side of arete (see BR left of arete near start)</climb>
  <climb id="346" name="Flight of the Moon bird" fa="" extra="" number="63." grade="??" length="??" stars="">Hamish Jackson project&lt;br/&gt;Traverses the massive rising diagonal (right to left) out of Rock and Roll. Pitch 1 to arete (done in 1995 by me, but back climbed as descent). Pitch 2 Project goes around arete via BR and onto finish on Skye ledge (scramble off)</climb>
  <climb id="61" name="Beagle in the Skye With Diamonds" number="64." grade="17" length="33m" stars=""/>
  <text id="282" class="heading2">Beagle Buttress</text>
  <climb id="62" name="Rock and Roll" number="65." grade="16" length="78m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="63" name="Shake, Rattle and Roll" number="66." grade="25" length="75m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="64" name="Magic Moments" number="67." grade="18" length="80m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="65" name="Frustrated Ambitions" number="68." grade="18" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <image id="322" legendTitle="Beagle Buttress" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Beagle Buttress.jpg">
      <path id="17251" linkedTo="66" d="M192.0,776.0C173.6,659.2 153.5,534.3 146.0,484.0C138.5,433.7 130.4,405.9 130.0,358.0C129.6,310.1 126.7,264.6 144.0,239.0C161.3,213.4 216.6,255.7 220.0,225.0" points="192,776, 146,484, 130,358, 144,239, 220,225,lower"/>
      <path id="36336" linkedTo="67" d="M566.0,876.0C552.4,841.2 546.0,823.6 532.0,789.0C518.0,754.4 507.5,728.1 490.0,688.0C472.5,647.9 452.7,604.5 444.0,587.0C435.3,569.5 424.5,563.8 419.0,545.0C413.5,526.2 414.7,505.9 416.0,492.0C417.3,478.1 424.0,472.6 427.0,459.0C430.0,445.4 433.0,437.4 431.0,423.0C429.0,408.6 425.5,393.3 416.0,380.0C406.5,366.7 396.7,364.9 383.0,356.0C369.3,347.1 349.2,341.0 331.0,325.0C312.8,309.0 308.8,291.0 289.0,273.0C269.2,255.0 216.6,254.7 220.0,224.0" points="566,876, 532,789, 490,688, 444,587, 419,545, 416,492, 427,459, 431,423, 416,380, 383,356, 331,325, 289,273, 220,224,"/>
  <climb id="66" name="Willy the Wimp" number="69." grade="18" length="20m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="67" name="That Sinking Feeling" number="70." grade="17" length="20m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="68" name="Beagle Rock" number="71." grade="17" length="118m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="69" name="Absolute Beginners" number="72." grade="17" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="70" name="Jamie&apos;s Jamb" number="73." grade="17" length="55m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="71" name="Ramblers Route" number="74." grade="15" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="72" name="Holding Back the Years" number="75." grade="17" length="23m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="73" name="Poem Lovely as a Tree" number="76." grade="18" length="30m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="74" name="Golden Streak" number="77." grade="17" length="113m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="75" name="Fighting Back the Years" number="78." grade="19" length="93m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="76" name="Yellow Streak" number="79." grade="14" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="77" name="Topaz" number="80." grade="15" length="115m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="78" name="Laid Back Days" number="81." grade="17" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="79" name="Beginners" number="82." grade="12" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <text id="331" class="heading2">Skull Walls</text>
  <image id="336" legendy="15" legendx="9" legendTitle="Skull Walls" legend="true" width="1200" height="800" src="Flinders Island Topos - Skull Walls.jpg">
      <path id="92815" linkedTo="333" d="M252.0,730.0C252.4,672.4 254.5,601.3 253.0,586.0C251.5,570.7 241.5,562.8 235.0,552.0C228.5,541.2 219.7,538.4 217.0,526.0C214.3,513.6 215.5,469.1 215.0,459.0C214.5,448.9 217.9,442.1 212.0,434.0C206.1,425.9 157.7,379.8 150.0,370.0C142.3,360.2 140.2,353.4 139.0,341.0C137.8,328.6 139.0,287.6 139.0,252.0" points="252,730, 253,586, 235,552, 217,526,belay 215,459, 212,434, 150,370, 139,341, 139,252,"/>
      <path id="74278" linkedTo="327" d="M509.0,654.0C513.4,605.6 517.1,551.0 520.0,533.0C522.9,515.0 530.3,507.6 535.0,490.0C539.7,472.4 543.0,443.6 547.0,431.0C551.0,418.4 559.6,414.8 563.0,402.0C566.4,389.2 566.6,370.2 569.0,349.0" points="509,654, 520,533, 535,490, 547,431, 563,402, 569,349,lower"/>
      <path id="62550" linkedTo="88" d="M741.0,581.0C733.8,551.4 725.9,521.6 723.0,507.0C720.1,492.4 720.8,484.8 719.0,470.0C717.2,455.2 714.6,427.3 710.0,403.0C705.4,378.7 700.6,365.8 695.0,343.0C689.4,320.2 686.6,308.8 681.0,286.0" points="741,581, 723,507, 719,470, 710,403, 695,343, 681,286,lower"/>
      <path id="75805" linkedTo="87" d="M720.0,470.0C740.0,458.0 747.9,447.3 770.0,440.0C792.1,432.7 830.6,430.5 847.0,428.0C863.4,425.5 876.5,426.8 888.0,422.0C899.5,417.2 901.2,408.7 911.0,401.0C920.8,393.3 933.1,378.8 952.0,372.0C970.9,365.2 1008.9,361.3 1034.0,357.0C1059.1,352.7 1071.8,351.0 1097.0,347.0" points="720,470, 770,440, 847,428, 888,422, 911,401, 952,372,label 1034,357, 1097,347,"/>
      <path id="93331" linkedTo="89" d="M1135.0,520.0C1129.4,481.6 1127.7,455.4 1121.0,424.0C1114.3,392.6 1104.7,368.0 1098.0,347.0C1091.3,326.0 1075.5,316.5 1080.0,295.0C1084.5,273.5 1115.0,256.8 1121.0,237.0C1127.0,217.2 1113.0,206.6 1113.0,186.0C1113.0,165.4 1129.4,151.6 1121.0,131.0C1112.6,110.4 1079.0,72.8 1051.0,34.0" points="1135,520, 1121,424, 1098,347, 1080,295, 1121,237, 1113,186, 1121,131, 1051,34,"/>
      <path id="92959" linkedTo="328" d="M583.0,641.0C585.8,625.0 588.4,608.0 590.0,601.0C591.6,594.0 593.1,590.6 596.0,584.0C598.9,577.4 601.6,571.6 606.0,565.0C610.4,558.4 616.3,553.4 619.0,550.0C621.7,546.6 621.1,542.9 625.0,541.0C628.9,539.1 637.6,540.0 641.0,539.0C644.4,538.0 646.6,540.0 650.0,539.0C653.4,538.0 658.1,533.6 659.0,528.0C659.9,522.4 657.2,511.2 656.0,500.0C654.8,488.8 653.5,477.0 652.0,465.0C650.5,453.0 649.6,447.0 648.0,435.0" points="583,641, 590,601, 596,584, 606,565, 619,550, 625,541, 641,539, 650,539, 659,528, 656,500, 652,465, 648,435,lower"/>
      <path id="58533" linkedTo="309" d="M762.0,580.0C769.6,555.2 778.1,527.6 781.0,518.0C783.9,508.4 787.1,504.0 788.0,494.0C788.9,484.0 788.7,470.5 787.0,455.0C785.3,439.5 780.7,415.6 778.0,400.0C775.3,384.4 773.6,374.6 771.0,361.0C768.4,347.4 766.8,340.6 764.0,327.0" points="762,580, 781,518, 788,494, 787,455, 778,400, 771,361, 764,327,lower"/>
  <image id="332" legendTitle="Skull Walls Left Hand Side" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Skull Walls Left.jpg">
      <path id="29075" linkedTo="333" d="M337.0,848.0C339.4,747.2 343.0,596.0 343.0,596.0C343.0,596.0 344.1,549.0 339.0,532.0C333.9,515.0 328.7,504.3 313.0,496.0C297.3,487.7 261.6,507.8 250.0,485.0C238.4,462.2 254.5,411.7 257.0,386.0C259.5,360.3 267.3,333.0 266.0,322.0C264.7,311.0 250.8,312.4 247.0,302.0C243.2,291.6 227.5,232.0 225.0,210.0C222.5,188.0 239.4,179.9 251.0,161.0C262.6,142.1 282.2,114.2 303.0,83.0" points="337,848, 343,596, 339,532, 313,496,label 250,485,belay 257,386, 266,322, 247,302, 225,210, 251,161, 303,83,"/>
      <path id="48010" linkedTo="80" d="M343.0,595.0C343.0,595.0 343.0,595.0 343.0,595.0C343.0,595.0 358.2,531.4 363.0,506.0C367.8,480.6 371.5,460.2 372.0,442.0C372.5,423.8 371.6,413.3 366.0,397.0C360.4,380.7 354.9,373.3 344.0,360.0C333.1,346.7 319.0,336.4 303.0,320.0C287.0,303.6 266.0,285.9 252.0,266.0C238.0,246.1 228.5,233.0 226.0,211.0" points="343,595, 343,595, 363,506,label 372,442,belay 366,397, 344,360, 303,320, 252,266, 226,211,"/>
      <path id="5366" linkedTo="81" d="M424.0,734.0C423.6,643.2 426.7,567.9 423.0,507.0C419.3,446.1 408.6,416.6 401.0,356.0C393.4,295.4 384.5,187.2 381.0,173.0C377.5,158.8 355.4,166.0 351.0,152.0C346.6,138.0 347.4,96.8 345.0,60.0" points="424,734, 423,507, 401,356, 381,173, 351,152, 345,60,"/>
  <climb id="333" name="Socket Rocket" fa="Niels Tietze &amp; Liz Oh Feb 2015" extra="" number="83." grade="20" length="50" stars="*">1 move wonder through a cool feature. (No gear on top slab)</climb>
  <climb id="80" name="Highbrow" number="84." grade="17" length="63m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="81" name="Crossbones" number="85." grade="18" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="82" name="Haggis" number="86." grade="19" length="32m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="83" name="Trigger" number="87." grade="21" length="85m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="84" name="Phantom" number="88." grade="25" length="80m" stars=""/>
  <text id="329" class="heading2">Goonies Cave</text>
  <image id="330" legendTitle="Goonies Cave" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Goonies Cave.jpg">
      <path id="46319" linkedTo="327" d="M162.0,761.0C170.0,696.2 178.9,615.0 182.0,599.0C185.1,583.0 197.2,578.8 201.0,563.0C204.8,547.2 203.0,510.1 207.0,495.0C211.0,479.9 220.2,475.6 228.0,462.0C235.8,448.4 241.9,442.2 246.0,427.0C250.1,411.8 249.6,394.6 252.0,373.0" points="162,761, 182,599, 201,563, 207,495, 228,462, 246,427, 252,373,lower"/>
      <path id="24252" linkedTo="328" d="M251.0,754.0C255.0,734.4 253.0,722.3 261.0,705.0C269.0,687.7 290.6,668.8 291.0,668.0C291.4,667.2 307.4,635.8 319.0,626.0C330.6,616.2 349.3,628.1 355.0,614.0C360.7,599.9 352.2,567.0 351.0,547.0C349.8,527.0 349.2,517.0 348.0,497.0" points="251,754, 261,705, 291,668, 319,626,label 355,614, 351,547, 348,497,lower"/>
      <rect style="black_text_on_solid_yellow" id="82060" width="32" height="22" y="473" x="352" text="30m"/>
      <path id="52829" linkedTo="85" d="M291.0,667.0C291.4,666.2 291.6,669.8 292.0,669.0C292.4,668.2 290.4,650.4 290.0,638.0C289.6,625.6 289.2,617.0 290.0,603.0C290.8,589.0 293.0,569.4 295.0,547.0" points="291,667, 292,669, 290,638, 290,603,label 295,547,lower"/>
  <climb id="327" name="Lion Heart" fa="Niels Tietze &amp; Liz Oh Feb 2015" extra="" number="89." grade="25" length="25m" stars="***">Up face, through roof to crux pulling a move to a flaring hand crack. Underling and offwidth the crack above roof till able to move right and climb face to DBB</climb>
  <climb id="85" name="Diana Palmer" number="90." grade="26" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="328" name="Truffle Shuffle" fa="Crazy John Fischer 22 Feb. 2015" extra="" number="91." grade="29" length="25m" stars="***">In the big cave right of Diana Palmer. Tie into 2 ropes. Up to first bolt of Diana Palmer. Traverse R a few metres and then downwards and out the 10 metre roof. At the lip of the roof, wack in double knee bars, place a nest of gear for the 2nd rope then chuck off your first rope and finish up the crux 10 metre overhanging headwall taking the L hand crack.&lt;br/&gt;All gear + or - the bolt on Diana Palmer to DBB</climb>
  <text id="307" class="heading2">Skull Walls - Right Hand Side</text>
  <image id="308" legendTitle="Skull Walls - Right Hand Side" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Skull Walls - Right Hand Side.jpg">
      <path id="10555" linkedTo="306" d="M182.0,498.0C182.0,498.0 182.0,498.0 182.0,498.0C182.0,498.0 177.9,404.8 176.0,372.0C174.1,339.2 169.3,316.7 170.0,290.0C170.7,263.3 173.4,249.6 180.0,224.0C186.6,198.4 201.6,188.4 203.0,162.0" points="182,498, 182,498, 176,372,label 170,290, 180,224, 203,162,lower"/>
      <path id="14271" linkedTo="86" d="M311.0,851.0C297.8,800.2 296.0,773.3 278.0,724.0C260.0,674.7 182.0,498.0 182.0,498.0C182.0,498.0 154.3,450.7 146.0,432.0C137.7,413.3 135.3,403.0 131.0,383.0C126.7,363.0 123.2,333.8 118.0,301.0" points="311,851,label 278,724, 182,498, 146,432, 131,383,label 118,301,"/>
      <path id="18868" linkedTo="309" d="M388.0,818.0C398.4,777.2 409.9,736.1 414.0,716.0C418.1,695.9 418.2,685.5 419.0,665.0C419.8,644.5 422.0,603.2 420.0,562.0C418.0,520.8 411.4,450.0 407.0,416.0C402.6,382.0 394.5,355.9 390.0,332.0C385.5,308.1 381.4,283.1 380.0,272.0C378.6,260.9 379.4,255.2 379.0,244.0" points="388,818, 414,716, 419,665, 420,562, 407,416, 390,332, 380,272, 379,244,lower"/>
      <path id="84820" linkedTo="88" d="M328.0,839.0C317.6,792.2 309.6,760.6 302.0,722.0C294.4,683.4 288.9,647.7 286.0,625.0C283.1,602.3 281.7,590.9 282.0,568.0C282.3,545.1 287.3,505.2 288.0,480.0C288.7,454.8 290.0,441.9 286.0,417.0C282.0,392.1 276.7,378.7 268.0,354.0C259.3,329.3 251.3,314.4 242.0,292.0C232.7,269.6 226.0,259.2 219.0,236.0C212.0,212.8 201.6,188.4 203.0,162.0" points="328,839, 302,722, 286,625, 282,568, 288,480, 286,417, 268,354, 242,292, 219,236, 203,162,"/>
  <climb id="86" name="Apes in Space" number="92." grade="21" length="20m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="306" name="Squibs Slab" fa="Squib and Danger Darren Feb 2015" extra="" number="93." grade="22" length="45m" stars="**">Amazing and extremely run out climbing on the second half of the route... Start up apes in space, but instead of traversing out left continue blasting up the face until you reach the last good runner. Then head off boldly up the proud arête until you reach the rappel for trust me I’m an idiot. It was top roped prior to the first ascent.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb id="88" name="Trust Me, I&apos;m an Idiot" fa="" extra="" number="94." grade="20" length="68m" stars="***">Great, a must do.&lt;br/&gt;GPS Coordinates (Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Trust Me I'm an Idiot)</climb>
  <climb id="309" name="Heart of stone" fa="Simon Bischoff Feb 2015" extra="Þ" number="95." grade="26" length="30m" stars="**">Fully bolted. Line of bolts to the right of trust me I’m an idiot. Incredible varied sport climbing with a technical crux at half height followed by an amazing flaked roof with a powerful finish.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb id="87" name="Diamond Traverse" number="96." grade="22" length="60m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="89" name="Jaws" number="97." grade="21" length="86m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="90" name="Sell Out" number="98." grade="22" length="75m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="91" name="Carefree Highway" number="99." grade="15" length="26m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="92" name="Silver Stream" number="100." grade="17" length="115m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="93" name="The Shining Path" number="101." grade="18" length="115m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="94" name="Wrong Turn" number="102." grade="13" length="120m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="95" name="Second Time Around" number="103." grade="16" length="120m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="96" name="Uppers and Downers" number="104." grade="19" length="10m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="97" name="Jive Time" number="105." grade="18" length="10m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="98" name="Silver Stairs Variant Start" number="106." grade="16" length="16m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="99" name="Silver Stairs" number="107." grade="13" length="136m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="100" name="Blow Hole" number="108." grade="14" length="146m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="101" name="Wet and Dry" number="109." grade="18" length="??m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="102" name="Shine on Me Crazy Diamond" number="110." grade="18" length="138m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="103" name="Undertow" number="111." grade="21" length="10m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="104" name="Beginning Middle End" number="112." grade="18" length="93m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="105" name="Innocent Man" number="113." grade="16" length="65m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="106" name="Bow Saw" number="114." grade="??" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="107" name="Persistence" number="115." grade="17" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="108" name="Left Brain Dominant" number="116." grade="16" length="10m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="109" name="Real Brainy" number="117." grade="22" length="25m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="110" name="Lobotomy" number="118." grade="25" length="15m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="111" name="Tumour" number="119." grade="24" length="28m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="112" name="Right Brain Dominant" number="120." grade="16" length="23m" stars=""/>
  <text id="295" class="heading2">Campsite Area</text>
  <image id="299" legendTitle="Campsite Boulder 1" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Campsite Boulder Project.jpg">
      <path id="31366" linkedTo="298" d="M216.0,701.0C210.8,650.2 219.7,619.2 203.0,574.0C186.3,528.8 148.8,500.7 133.0,476.0C117.2,451.3 112.6,437.0 99.0,411.0" points="216,701, 203,574, 133,476, 99,411,lower"/>
  <climb id="298" name="First Blood Project" fa="" extra="Þ" number="121." grade="30?" length="10m" stars="">Bolted by Alex Hartshorne &amp; Simon Bischoff Dec 2014</climb>
  <climb id="296" name="Killer Crank" fa="Nick Hancock  Dec 2002" extra="" number="122." grade="27" length="7m" stars="***">The overhanging wall directly opposite the driftwood shack.</climb>
  <climb id="297" name="A Flay at the Beach" fa="Nick Hancock  Dec 2002" extra="" number="123." grade="21" length="7m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="356" name="Red Snapper" fa="Nick Hancock  2004" extra="" number="124." grade="21" length="7m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="300" name="Death or Gory" fa="Nick Hancock  Jan 2003" extra="" number="125." grade="25" length="6m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="301" name="Meat Jamaica" fa="Nick Hancock  Dec 2002" extra="" number="126." grade="24" length="8m" stars=""/>
  <text id="302" class="heading2">Don't Knock the Rock Cave Area</text>
  <image id="334" legendy="5" legendx="5" legendTitle="Don&apos;t Knock the Rock Cave Area" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Don&apos;t Knock the Rock Cave Area.jpg">
      <path id="43982" linkedTo="113" d="M487.0,383.0C447.8,372.6 422.2,368.0 389.0,357.0C355.8,346.0 340.8,336.2 308.0,324.0C275.2,311.8 244.3,301.3 215.0,292.0C185.7,282.7 156.7,297.5 141.0,271.0C125.3,244.5 151.4,212.3 157.0,194.0C162.6,175.7 169.6,168.2 178.0,151.0" points="487,383, 389,357, 308,324,label 215,292, 141,271, 157,194, 178,151,"/>
      <path id="95739" linkedTo="115" d="M558.0,865.0C549.2,751.4 540.4,618.2 536.0,581.0C531.6,543.8 523.0,526.3 514.0,490.0C505.0,453.7 504.8,424.0 487.0,384.0C469.2,344.0 418.3,276.2 418.0,275.0C417.7,273.8 416.9,262.8 412.0,257.0C407.1,251.2 404.4,216.4 403.0,198.0C401.6,179.6 402.8,170.4 404.0,152.0C405.2,133.6 405.8,119.6 409.0,105.0C412.2,90.4 418.5,82.1 422.0,70.0C425.5,57.9 425.6,51.4 428.0,39.0" points="558,865, 536,581, 514,490, 487,384, 418,275, 412,257, 403,198,label 404,152, 409,105, 422,70, 428,39,"/>
      <path id="72210" linkedTo="114" d="M418.0,275.0C417.7,273.8 415.9,262.8 411.0,257.0C406.1,251.2 372.8,260.9 351.0,254.0C329.2,247.1 313.4,242.4 303.0,223.0C292.6,203.6 302.9,187.4 305.0,168.0C307.1,148.6 318.5,133.4 314.0,120.0C309.5,106.6 288.4,110.0 283.0,103.0C277.6,96.0 283.6,89.8 284.0,81.0" points="418,275, 411,257, 351,254,label 303,223, 305,168, 314,120, 283,103, 284,81,"/>
      <path id="57628" linkedTo="116" d="M418.0,275.0C417.7,273.8 417.3,273.2 417.0,272.0C416.7,270.8 445.2,259.1 453.0,242.0C460.8,225.0 454.5,211.4 454.0,191.0C453.5,170.6 451.3,147.8 450.0,119.0C448.7,90.2 447.6,54.2 446.0,11.0" points="418,275, 417,272, 453,242, 454,191,label 450,119, 446,11,"/>
  <climb id="113" name="Killiecranking" number="127." grade="18" length="80m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="114" name="Cold Journey" number="128." grade="17" length="70m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="115" name="Armageddon" number="129." grade="18" length="140m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="116" name="Sunbeam" number="130." grade="20" length="50m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="117" name="Don&apos;t Knock the Rock" number="131." grade="16" length="139m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="118" name="Exodus" number="132." grade="15" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="119" name="Savant" number="133." grade="17" length="18m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="120" name="Reflex Arc" number="134." grade="14" length="13m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="121" name="Over Balance" number="135." grade="18" length="55m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="122" name="Blue Skies" number="136." grade="18" length="55m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="123" name="Race Off" number="137." grade="18" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="124" name="Jug After Jug" number="138." grade="21" length="60m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="125" name="Michael&apos;s Friend" number="139." grade="14" length="82m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="126" name="Mark Mark" number="140." grade="20" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="127" name="Braw Black Midnight Night" number="141." grade="15" length="110m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="128" name="Deb Ball" number="142." grade="22" length="50m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="129" name="Side Saddle" number="143." grade="17" length="112m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="130" name="Double Diabolical" number="144." grade="16" length="74m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="131" name="Tendernitis" number="145." grade="18" length="68m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="132" name="Avoid Overhangs" number="146." grade="21" length="70m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="133" name="Sea Shanty" number="147." grade="17" length="22m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="134" name="Ejector" number="148." grade="23" length="22m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="135" name="Deep End" number="149." grade="16" length="100m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="136" name="Die Laughing" number="150." grade="15" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="137" name="Aquamarine" number="151." grade="18" length="70m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="138" name="X Ray" number="152." grade="18" length="62m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="139" name="Smile For Me" number="153." grade="21" length="70m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="140" name="Blooming Heather" number="154." grade="16" length="158m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="141" name="Blazing Heather" number="155." grade="15" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="142" name="Breezin&apos;" number="156." grade="14" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="143" name="When the Wind Blows" number="157." grade="15" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="144" name="Crystal Gully" number="158." grade="19,M0" length="120m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="145" name="Why, Thank You Panda Bear" number="159." grade="23" length="100m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="146" name="Screw Driver" number="160." grade="14" length="??" stars=""/>
  <climb id="147" name="Rap Route" number="161." grade="15" length="106m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="148" name="Low Road" number="162." grade="??" length="??" stars=""/>
  <climb id="149" name="Wet Road" number="163." grade="17" length="121m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="150" name="High Road" number="164." grade="14" length="170m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="151" name="Coast&apos;n" number="165." grade="15" length="28m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="152" name="Ahistma" number="166." grade="13" length="23m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="153" name="Gale" number="167." grade="16" length="90m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="154" name="Dolphin" number="168." grade="19" length="28m" stars=""/>
  <text id="323" class="heading2">Campsite Buttress</text>
  <image id="324" legendTitle="Campsite Buttress" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Campsite Buttress.jpg">
      <path id="51060" linkedTo="155" d="M87.0,876.0C100.6,836.0 111.8,808.3 121.0,776.0C130.2,743.7 128.3,725.8 139.0,694.0C149.7,662.2 175.6,607.4 186.0,582.0C196.4,556.6 204.0,544.2 211.0,518.0C218.0,491.8 216.7,469.6 221.0,451.0C225.3,432.4 231.2,420.7 237.0,406.0C242.8,391.3 241.5,380.8 253.0,370.0C264.5,359.2 288.2,353.1 305.0,342.0C321.8,330.9 336.5,323.2 344.0,310.0C351.5,296.8 348.5,284.7 345.0,272.0C341.5,259.3 329.5,253.9 326.0,245.0C322.5,236.1 323.6,230.5 325.0,221.0C326.4,211.5 330.6,193.3 335.0,183.0C339.4,172.7 345.7,169.9 351.0,160.0C356.3,150.1 365.1,127.1 369.0,120.0C372.9,112.9 412.3,69.0 420.0,62.0C427.7,55.0 434.4,56.0 444.0,52.0" points="87,876, 121,776, 139,694, 186,582, 211,518, 221,451, 237,406, 253,370, 305,342, 344,310,belay 345,272, 326,245, 325,221, 335,183, 351,160, 369,120, 420,62, 444,52,lower"/>
      <path id="25093" linkedTo="157" d="M414.0,853.0C424.0,815.4 432.0,797.3 439.0,759.0C446.0,720.7 455.7,670.8 453.0,641.0C450.3,611.2 429.5,601.9 422.0,573.0C414.5,544.1 415.0,512.0 411.0,478.0C407.0,444.0 401.0,414.2 401.0,393.0C401.0,371.8 406.0,361.6 411.0,341.0C416.0,320.4 425.5,289.4 429.0,278.0C432.5,266.6 435.6,258.9 439.0,250.0C442.4,241.1 443.8,236.5 448.0,228.0C452.2,219.5 465.6,210.0 466.0,195.0C466.4,180.0 456.5,170.9 450.0,159.0C443.5,147.1 437.0,133.2 431.0,131.0C425.0,128.8 421.0,132.2 415.0,130.0C409.0,127.8 401.6,131.8 393.0,134.0C384.4,136.2 379.1,144.9 372.0,141.0C364.9,137.1 365.1,128.1 369.0,121.0" points="414,853, 439,759, 453,641, 422,573, 411,478, 401,393, 411,341, 429,278, 439,250, 448,228, 466,195,belay 450,159, 431,131, 415,130, 393,134, 372,141, 369,121,"/>
  <climb id="155" name="Taipan" number="169." grade="21" length="60m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="156" name="Geranium" number="170." grade="15" length="135m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="157" name="Sunset Boulevard" number="171." grade="20" length="60m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="158" name="Rock Garden" number="172." grade="15" length="90m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="159" name="Adventures in Paradise" number="173." grade="18" length="85m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="160" name="Adventures in Paradise Direct Finish" number="174." grade="17" length="18m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="161" name="Bonny Doon" number="175." grade="15" length="95m" stars=""/>
  <image id="354" legendy="17" legendx="7" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Hook line and Sinker.png">
      <path id="31844" linkedTo="162" d="M534.0,868.0C526.8,807.2 532.2,775.0 516.0,716.0C499.8,657.0 439.3,496.1 423.0,464.0C406.7,431.9 384.6,426.0 357.0,403.0C329.4,380.0 292.1,374.8 281.0,346.0C269.9,317.2 276.5,288.2 275.0,269.0C273.5,249.8 270.3,231.6 271.0,221.0C271.7,210.4 278.0,204.2 280.0,196.0C282.0,187.8 283.2,183.3 282.0,175.0C280.8,166.7 275.7,157.3 273.0,149.0C270.3,140.7 269.8,136.3 267.0,128.0C264.2,119.7 261.6,114.2 258.0,105.0" points="534,868, 516,716, 423,464, 357,403, 281,346, 275,269, 271,221, 280,196, 282,175, 273,149, 267,128, 258,105,lower"/>
      <path id="74622" linkedTo="355" d="M288.0,876.0C287.2,769.2 288.8,628.6 286.0,609.0C283.2,589.4 254.8,594.0 246.0,580.0C237.2,566.0 237.0,554.7 242.0,539.0C247.0,523.3 262.8,518.2 269.0,507.0C275.2,495.8 274.0,488.4 277.0,476.0C280.0,463.6 285.5,453.0 286.0,437.0C286.5,421.0 292.1,374.8 281.0,346.0" points="288,876, 286,609, 246,580, 242,539, 269,507, 277,476, 286,437, 281,346,"/>
  <climb id="355" name="Hook line and Sinker Direct" fa="Simon Bischoff 2016" extra="" number="176." grade="28" length="45m" stars="***">An incredible, overhanging route on perfect rock. Head up cracks on good holds and slightly left around bulge past a bolt. Clip second bolt from rest with a long sling to reduce rope drag. Technical moves on right facing flake get you below the roof. Small cams protect the crux moves around the lip. Continue straight up to good rest below the hanging dihedral, which is the second pitch of hook line and sinker. Finnish the final pitches as for hook and sinker.</climb>
  <climb id="162" name="Hook, Line and Sinker" fa="FFA. Doug McConnell &amp; Nick Hancock (alt)  Feb 2004" extra="" number="177." grade="26" length="81m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="163" name="Norseman" number="178." grade="22" length="70m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="164" name="Peppermint" number="179." grade="23" length="60m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="165" name="Avalon" number="180." grade="22" length="70m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="166" name="Farewell Gesture" number="181." grade="18" length="55m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="167" name="Carnival of Fear" number="182." grade="21" length="75m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="168" name="Hysterectomy" number="183." grade="20" length="75m" stars=""/>
  <text id="325" class="heading2">The Pinnacle</text>
  <image id="335" legendTitle="The Pinnacle" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Far Away Places.jpg">
      <path id="50338" linkedTo="170" d="M359.0,892.0C354.2,820.0 352.6,778.9 347.0,712.0C341.4,645.1 331.6,556.7 330.0,545.0C328.4,533.3 330.0,524.6 321.0,517.0C312.0,509.4 292.4,524.1 291.0,512.0C289.6,499.9 297.4,348.2 298.0,325.0C298.6,301.8 297.4,290.2 297.0,267.0C296.6,243.8 296.9,227.8 296.0,209.0C295.1,190.2 298.1,176.0 292.0,162.0C285.9,148.0 270.4,143.7 264.0,136.0C257.6,128.3 253.1,123.9 252.0,114.0C250.9,104.1 256.2,99.6 259.0,90.0" points="359,892, 347,712, 330,545, 321,517, 291,512, 298,325, 297,267, 296,209, 292,162, 264,136, 252,114, 259,90,lower"/>
      <rect style="black_text_on_solid_yellow" id="95917" width="32" height="22" y="67" x="261" text="36m"/>
  <climb id="169" name="Stone the Crows" number="184." grade="17" length="55m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="170" name="Far Away Places" number="185." grade="18" length="40m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="171" name="Well Hung" number="186." grade="18" length="27m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="172" name="So Fine" number="187." grade="20" length="27m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="173" name="White Water" number="188." grade="17" length="38m" stars=""/>
  <image id="326" legendTitle="Dildo Direct" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Dildo Direct.jpg">
      <path id="42255" linkedTo="174" d="M282.0,876.0C288.0,772.0 295.0,720.2 297.0,616.0C299.0,511.8 295.3,419.2 292.0,343.0C288.7,266.8 280.5,199.4 277.0,153.0C273.5,106.6 272.2,83.4 269.0,37.0" points="282,876, 297,616, 292,343, 277,153, 269,37,"/>
  <climb id="174" name="Dildo Direct" fa="" extra="" number="189." grade="23" length="50m" stars="">GPS Coordinates (Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Dildo Direct)</climb>
  <climb id="175" name="Tendonitis" number="190." grade="20" length="68m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="176" name="Tendonitis Variant Finish" number="191." grade="15" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="177" name="Avoid Overhangs" number="192." grade="21" length="30m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="178" name="Captain Pugwash" number="193." grade="19" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="179" name="A Christmas Carol" number="194." grade="16" length="49m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="180" name="Plain Sailing" number="195." grade="18" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="181" name="Rich Girl" number="196." grade="22" length="55m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="182" name="Inheritance" number="197." grade="22" length="43m" stars="***"/>
  <climb id="183" name="Circumcision" number="198." grade="12" length="46m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="184" name="Bobbit" number="199." grade="22" length="55m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="185" name="Excuses" number="200." grade="21" length="50m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="186" name="Mr.Jeremy Fisher" number="201." grade="22" length="50m" stars="*"/>
  <text id="339" class="heading2">Soaks</text>
  <image id="340" legendy="5" legendx="432" legendTitle="The Soaks" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Soaks.jpg">
      <path id="51423" linkedTo="188" d="M334.0,870.0C330.8,752.4 327.2,606.9 326.0,576.0C324.8,545.1 330.9,527.5 319.0,499.0C307.1,470.5 270.9,478.7 241.0,461.0C211.1,443.3 183.8,436.4 160.0,405.0C136.2,373.6 119.5,309.0 114.0,294.0C108.5,279.0 104.6,271.0 105.0,255.0C105.4,239.0 114.5,165.1 118.0,120.0C121.5,74.9 121.6,52.2 124.0,7.0" points="334,870, 326,576, 319,499, 241,461,label 160,405, 114,294, 105,255, 118,120, 124,7,"/>
      <path id="94343" linkedTo="341" d="M318.0,498.0C306.1,469.5 274.4,343.4 276.0,309.0C277.6,274.6 321.2,261.7 330.0,242.0C338.8,222.3 336.3,208.7 330.0,188.0C323.7,167.3 282.6,77.2 273.0,56.0C263.4,34.8 257.4,24.8 247.0,4.0" points="318,498, 276,309,label 330,242, 330,188, 273,56, 247,4,"/>
      <path id="1146" d="" points=""/>
  <climb id="187" name="Rain Shadow" number="202." grade="19" length="70m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="188" name="Do Not Fear" number="203." grade="20" length="50m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="341" name="Park and Soak" fa="John Fischer, Alex Hartshorne 9th December 2014" extra="" number="204." grade="26" length="30m" stars="***">Just left of the soaks there is a bolt about 13 metres up. Start up the easy face under the bolt and trending left with good gear until the overhangs are reached. Move up and right to a bomber big cam placement (#4 camalot). Committing moves to an amazing undercling let you clip the bolt. The bolt protected crux is a crazy sequence R into the corner then up and back left to a massive jug. Tricky corner (22) up to a big hueco filled cave to a roof. Turn the roof using the giant ear of rock at about grade 22. DBB immediately after roof. The next pitch is a 25 metre 14 that will be popular for people looking for another moderate pitch before rapping to the ground.</climb>
  <climb id="189" name="Shipwreck" number="205." grade="16" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="190" name="Scotch and Dry" number="206." grade="20" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="191" name="Wobbles Water World" number="207." grade="12" length="??" stars=""/>
  <climb id="192" name="Cam It" number="208." grade="17" length="53m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="193" name="Loch Ness" number="209." grade="11" length="45m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="194" name="Tilt in the Kilt" number="210." grade="15" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="195" name="Up Your Kilt" number="211." grade="14" length="17m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="196" name="Mantis" number="212." grade="16" length="18m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="342" name="Offhand Comment" fa="J. Fischer, N. Tietze, S. Young 17 Feb. 2015" extra="" number="213." grade="27" length="25m" stars="**">First crack L of Grunter. Crux is a short flaring hand crack with excellent pro. Finish up 15 metres of grade 22 fun. All gear. DBB</climb>
  <climb id="197" name="Grunter" number="214." grade="21" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="198" name="Sporran" number="215." grade="13" length="65m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="199" name="Dire Straits" number="216." grade="18" length="??m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="200" name="Genesis, One, Nine" number="217." grade="19" length="93m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="201" name="Toss the Caber" number="218." grade="14" length="72m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="202" name="White Burgundy" number="219." grade="18" length="65m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="203" name="Exodus Twenty,Three" number="220." grade="16" length="70m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="204" name="Going Coasty" number="221." grade="18,M0" length="26m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="205" name="Highland Games" number="222." grade="16" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="206" name="Rechabites Picnic" number="223." grade="14" length="80m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="207" name="Edge of Reality" number="224." grade="17" length="50m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="208" name="New Year&apos;s Revelations" number="225." grade="18" length="90m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="209" name="P Power" number="226." grade="21" length="22m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="210" name="Highland Malt" number="227." grade="17" length="28m" stars=""/>
  <image id="312" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Siberian Khatru.jpg">
      <path id="92315" linkedTo="311" d="M308.0,547.0C318.0,499.8 326.9,462.0 333.0,429.0C339.1,396.0 335.3,377.8 345.0,346.0C354.7,314.2 371.8,297.2 381.0,271.0C390.2,244.8 395.5,230.8 395.0,203.0C394.5,175.2 380.9,129.9 378.0,110.0C375.1,90.1 375.6,80.0 374.0,60.0" points="308,547, 333,429, 345,346, 381,271, 395,203, 378,110, 374,60,lower"/>
  <climb id="311" name="Siberian Khatru" fa="Simon Bischoff Feb 2015" extra="" number="228." grade="24" length="20m" stars="**">The obvious prow with a crack running up it on the far right of Sedgies buttress. The start (crux) is protected by a single bolt and bomber gear follows. Bolted anchor at the top.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <text id="310" class="heading2">Sedgies Buttress Alcove</text>
  <image id="344" legendTitle="Sedgies Buttress Alcove" legend="true" width="600" height="900" src="Flinders Island Topos - Sedgies Buttress Alcove.jpg">
      <path id="36129" linkedTo="211" d="M488.0,845.0C482.0,719.8 477.2,611.6 473.0,532.0C468.8,452.4 461.9,399.5 461.0,333.0C460.1,266.5 479.0,206.5 468.0,167.0C457.0,127.5 418.7,117.3 395.0,95.0C371.3,72.7 358.4,62.6 334.0,41.0" points="488,845, 473,532, 461,333, 468,167, 395,95, 334,41,"/>
      <path id="96309" linkedTo="343" d="M337.0,863.0C340.2,727.8 344.1,592.2 345.0,525.0C345.9,457.8 364.5,418.2 344.0,357.0C323.5,295.8 258.1,246.1 246.0,229.0C233.9,211.9 226.2,194.8 221.0,183.0C215.8,171.2 215.6,164.4 212.0,152.0" points="337,863, 345,525, 344,357, 246,229, 221,183, 212,152,lower"/>
  <climb id="343" name="Simons Route - Name ??" fa="Simon Young Feb 2015" extra="Þ" number="229." grade="27" length="15m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="211" name="Crayfish Pots and Bowline Knots" number="230." grade="20" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="212" name="Rock Bottom" number="231." grade="20" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="213" name="Incinerator" number="232." grade="16" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="214" name="Litter Tiger" number="233." grade="11" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="215" name="Bush Bash" number="234." grade="12" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="216" name="Kathunk" number="235." grade="20" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="217" name="Three Fingers" number="236." grade="20" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <text id="313" class="heading2">Billy Goat Bluff</text>
  <image id="315" legendTitle="Billy Goat Bluff" legend="true" width="1200" height="800" src="Flinders Island Topos - Billy Goat Bluff.jpg">
      <path id="47422" linkedTo="314" d="M861.0,410.0C865.4,385.2 868.4,362.9 872.0,348.0C875.6,333.1 880.6,322.4 885.0,312.0C889.4,301.6 894.7,297.8 898.0,287.0C901.3,276.2 905.8,251.6 911.0,228.0" points="861,410, 872,348, 885,312, 898,287, 911,228,"/>
      <path id="30799" linkedTo="225" d="M409.0,584.0C407.4,559.2 408.7,546.6 405.0,522.0C401.3,497.4 394.6,467.4 388.0,444.0C381.4,420.6 374.0,399.0 367.0,387.0C360.0,375.0 352.6,370.4 341.0,364.0C329.4,357.6 309.0,355.0 309.0,355.0" points="409,584, 405,522, 388,444, 367,387, 341,364, 309,355,"/>
      <path id="7113" linkedTo="221" d="M309.0,355.0C309.0,355.0 309.0,355.0 309.0,355.0C309.0,355.0 314.0,327.7 322.0,313.0C330.0,298.3 337.9,293.6 349.0,281.0C360.1,268.4 368.4,259.0 382.0,245.0C395.6,231.0 402.9,220.6 420.0,208.0C437.1,195.4 454.2,188.2 477.0,175.0" points="309,355, 309,355, 322,313, 349,281,label 382,245, 420,208, 477,175,"/>
      <path id="67537" linkedTo="227" d="M988.0,413.0C991.2,382.2 992.8,366.8 996.0,336.0C999.2,305.2 1002.0,278.4 1006.0,240.0" points="988,413, 996,336, 1006,240,"/>
      <path id="92737" linkedTo="228" d="M689.0,609.0C685.4,597.0 686.2,589.9 680.0,579.0C673.8,568.1 659.0,553.5 647.0,535.0C635.0,516.5 622.9,494.7 612.0,474.0C601.1,453.3 589.7,443.4 587.0,421.0C584.3,398.6 585.6,377.7 599.0,366.0C612.4,354.3 625.5,369.0 643.0,372.0C660.5,375.0 685.6,380.3 714.0,386.0C742.4,391.7 777.3,399.3 792.0,402.0C806.7,404.7 814.1,407.5 829.0,407.0C843.9,406.5 897.0,413.7 919.0,398.0C941.0,382.3 930.5,358.8 934.0,332.0C937.5,305.2 938.8,267.2 942.0,224.0" points="689,609, 680,579, 647,535, 612,474, 587,421, 599,366,belay 643,372, 714,386, 792,402, 829,407, 919,398,belay 934,332, 942,224,"/>
      <path id="63378" linkedTo="229" d="M1019.0,551.0C1020.2,515.8 1024.2,476.4 1022.0,463.0C1019.8,449.6 1008.8,447.4 1000.0,437.0" points="1019,551, 1022,463, 1000,437,"/>
      <path id="47193" d="" points=""/>
  <climb id="218" name="Running for the Bus" number="237." grade="15" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="219" name="Vanishing Bus" number="238." grade="14" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="220" name="GoatTrack" number="239." grade="13" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="221" name="Unprecedented Finale" number="240." grade="13" length="30m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="222" name="Granitoid Dichotomy" number="241." grade="13" length="55m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="223" name="Shimmer" number="242." grade="16" length="36m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="224" name="Moon Landing" number="243." grade="16" length="48m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="225" name="Slash" fa="" extra="" number="244." grade="20" length="35m" stars="***">A great line!&lt;br/&gt;2x BDc4#6's 2x BDc4#5's sling a chockstone then a full rack from BDc4#4 to BDc4#0.3&lt;br/&gt;GPS Coordinates (Flinders Island - Killiecrankie - Climb = Slash)</climb>
  <climb id="226" name="Sandy Codpiece" number="245." grade="12" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="228" name="Ziggy" number="246." grade="12" length="62m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="229" name="Crackling Crystals" number="247." grade="14" length="18m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="314" name="Currawong crack" fa="FA. Joel Murray and Ben French Dec 2014 FFA Simon Bischoff Dec 2014" extra="" number="248." grade="25" length="25m" stars="***">Incredible finger/hand splitter crack, All gear.</climb>
  <climb id="227" name="Macho Man (Savage)" number="249." grade="18" length="26m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="230" name="Boags" number="250." grade="18" length="10m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="231" name="Sesame Street" number="251." grade="10" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="232" name="Don&apos;t Blink" number="252." grade="10" length="12m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="233" name="Gone Fishing" number="253." grade="8" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="234" name="Hook, Line and Sinker" number="254." grade="8" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="235" name="The One That Got Away" number="255." grade="15,M2" length="42m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="236" name="Barracouta" number="256." grade="13" length="27m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="237" name="Minutes To Memories" number="257." grade="17" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="238" name="Attack of the Killer Rainbow" number="258." grade="15" length="32m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="239" name="Waiting For Harry" number="259." grade="10" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="240" name="Jack High" number="260." grade="16" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="241" name="Gas Attack" number="261." grade="8" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="242" name="Trench Warfare" number="262." grade="14" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="243" name="Crank Start" number="263." grade="14" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="244" name="Bird of Pray" number="264." grade="17" length="60m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="245" name="Cock-Up" number="265." grade="8" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="246" name="Vasectomy" number="266." grade="15" length="30m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="247" name="Darren&apos;s Downfall" number="267." grade="18" length="20m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="248" name="Wheatly&apos;s Wackers" number="268." grade="20" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="249" name="Colin Ain&apos;t Here, Man" number="269." grade="16" length="20m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="250" name="Foreskin Fred" number="270." grade="14" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="251" name="Juggler&apos;s Slab" number="271." grade="13" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="252" name="Feed the Fear" number="272." grade="18" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="253" name="Jamb for Joy" number="273." grade="16" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="254" name="Money for Jam" number="274." grade="14" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="255" name="Girl&apos;s Best Friend" number="275." grade="13" length="23m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="256" name="Your Worship" number="276." grade="15" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="257" name="Spike Milligan" number="277." grade="15" length="21m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="258" name="Staghorn" number="278." grade="13" length="24m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="259" name="Scorpion" number="279." grade="14" length="25m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="260" name="Sitting on a Fortune" number="280." grade="15" length="50m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="261" name="Underneath the Arches" number="281." grade="18" length="50m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="262" name="Rutting With a Beached Whale" number="282." grade="18" length="75m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="263" name="Swans" number="283." grade="17" length="57m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="264" name="Sea Eagle" number="284." grade="18" length="50m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="265" name="Dunklings" number="285." grade="21" length="35m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="266" name="Leapfrog" number="286." grade="21" length="47m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="267" name="Rough Cut" number="287." grade="22,M0" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="268" name="Diamonds are Forever" number="288." grade="18" length="48m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="269" name="First of the First" number="289." grade="12" length="40m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="270" name="Bridge Over Troubled Ants" number="290." grade="9" length="38m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="271" name="Snap,Crackle,and Pop" number="291." grade="20" length="32m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="272" name="Turkeys" number="292." grade="17" length="45m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="273" name="The Climb That Never Ended" number="293." grade="15" length="15m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="274" name="Ruby Red" number="294." grade="15" length="19m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="275" name="Royal Pearl" number="295." grade="20" length="10m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="276" name="Jewel Thief" number="296." grade="12" length="18m" stars=""/>
  <climb id="353" name="Into the Barasco" fa="Nick Hancock, Angus McIntosh, Josh Gatehouse, Raiden Lemon &amp; Alex Hogan-Jones  Nov 2016" extra="" number="297." grade="16" length="20m" stars="">At Bottle Rocks south of Killiecrankie. On the furthest right (south) crag, north of the gully. Climb an easy crack to the bulge, step right, then up easier but poorly protected slabs.</climb>
  <climb id="277" name="Picking Pumpkins" fa="Toby Story" extra="" number="298." grade="17" length="10m" stars="">At Blyth Point north of the Docks.</climb>
  <climb id="278" name="Runnel For Your Life" fa="Nick Hancock" extra="" number="299." grade="24" length="20m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="279" name="One Small Step For Mankind, One Giant Leap For Sophie Le Roux" fa="Nick Hancock" extra="" number="300." grade="22" length="25m" stars="**"/>
  <climb id="280" name="Faith in Friction" number="301." grade="22" length="7m" stars="*"/>
  <climb id="281" name="Castle Rock" fa="Nick Hancock" extra="" number="302." grade="18,M2" length="20m" stars=""/> 