<guide version="3">
  <header autonumber="true" camping="" walk="20 min" sun="Not much sun" rock="Dolerite walls and cracks up to 80m" name="Bulging Buttress" intro="Bulging Buttress spans the wide-ranging area between Avalanche Couloir and Teardrop Gully. The buttress is divided into left hand and right hand sections by a centrally located prow. At the left hand end close to Avalanche Couloir is SSSSI Wall, a hanging wall of quality looking lines that rises to join the main buttress to its right. Right of here on the left side of the prow is a steep, clean wall (Black Magic area) on which several fine sport and trad routes reside. The prow has a pronounced step 25m off the ground that traverses a short way left below this clean wall. On the right side of the prow the routes are initially shorter and finish at the step (Jelly Wall). Further right the routes in the Breaker Spur area become longer before the cliff eventually merges into the natural continuation of Teardrop Gully. The quality of the rock right of the prow is significantly poorer than that to the left. " history="" acknowledgement="" access="Bulging Buttress is accessed from the climbers&apos; carpark. Walk left along the Organ Pipes Track for approximately 400m arriving at the signposted Bulging Buttress/University Buttress track junction that heads right up a boulder field (GPS MTW070). Follow this climbers&apos; track to where it first meets the base of the cliff just right of the prow. This is Jelly Wall.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Following the track further left from Jelly wall takes you around the prow to access routes on SSSSI Wall and the Black Magic area&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;To access SSSSI Wall continue along this track, traversing left across and up to enter Avalanche Couloir.  A scramble back right from the couloir accesses the base of SSSSI wall. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Routes in the Black Magic area are found immediately around and uphill left of the prow.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;For routes right of the prow, those on Jelly Wall can be accessed from where climbers’ track first meets the cliff.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;To access routes in the Breaker Spur area follow the base of the cliff 25m further right from Jelly Wall.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;To descend climbs on this buttress, there are rap anchors on SSSSI (30m), Mildly Amused (35m), Beaten and Abused (35m), Heat Pump (50m), Warm Glow (50m), Black Magic (47m and 35m: or 1x 60m to the base of the scrambling route), Dal Nulla (30m), Jelly Roll (35m), Smoke and Mirrors (32m), and Breaker Spur area (50m and 37m)." id="1"/>
  <text class="heading3" id="17">SSSSI Wall</text>
  <image id="34" legend="true" legendTitle="SSSSI Wall" legendx="9" legendy="11" src="ssssi nl.jpg" height="736" width="500">
      <path id="52015" points="145.0,670.0, 139.0,413.0, 151.0,264.0, 159.0,213.0, 143.0,202.0, 147.0,133.0,lower" d="M145.0,670.0C142.6,567.2 138.1,472.8 139.0,413.0C139.9,353.2 148.9,284.5 151.0,264.0C153.1,243.5 160.0,220.7 159.0,213.0C158.0,205.3 144.2,209.7 143.0,202.0C141.8,194.3 145.4,160.6 147.0,133.0" linkedTo="23"/>
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  <text class="text" id="19">A clean hanging black wall located right of Avalanche Couloir that offers quality steep routes. To gain access, climb 50m up Avalanche Couloir and scramble back R to the base of the wall. Descent from these routes is by the Mildly Mused rap station (35m) which is located on the southern side of the summit blocks.</text>
  <climb name="SSSSI (Seriously Searching For Sanity but Suiciding Instead)" id="23" fa="K. Bischoff, G. Dixon, Feb 1981. FFA: S. Parsons, P. Bigg, and D. Fife freed the lower half in 1982; N. Deka and D. Stephenson freed the original aid line in Feb 1989." grade="22" length="30m" extra="↓" stars="***" number="1.">A quality free route courtesy of an old aid line. At the LH end of the wall is a clean steep corner capped by a roof at 20m. &lt;br/&gt;Climb the thin corner crack to the roof. Step L and up to DBB on a small ledge. Any old pegs on the line should be ignored and preferably removed, as they are well past their use-by date.</climb>
  <climb name="Mildly Amused" id="22" fa="R. Parkyn, Feb 1999." grade="25" length="35m" extra="↓" stars="***" number="2.">This route tends to remain dry even when the others on this wall are seeping. Start as for Beaten and Abused. At the horizontal break at 6m where Beaten and Abused goes R, go slightly L and up (tricky) into the crack above until the first U can be clipped. Undercling around the flake (crux) then continue up the face and arête above. Good natural pro is available in the crack (wires and cams), then 9 fixed anchors lead to a rap station.</climb>
  <climb name="Beaten and Abused" id="21" fa="D. Stephenson, N. Deka, Pete Steane, Feb 1989." grade="22" length="40m" extra="↓" stars="***" number="3.">The sustained and classic LH start to the upper crack of Crazed and Confused. Start just R of the arête to the R of SSSSI, at the base of the black streaks. Layback the thin flake to the horizontal break, then move R and climb the hand and finger crack past a couple of bulges to a second horizontal break. Step R and finish up the widening crack as for Crazed and Confused.</climb>
  <climb name="Crazed and Confused" id="20" fa="N. Deka, D. Stephenson, Feb 1989." grade="22" length="40m" extra="" stars="**" number="4.">The upper half of the wall is split by a prominent crack. Crazed and Confused is the RH variant. About 15m R of SSSSI, locate a large pedestal at the base of a steep black streaked wall. Climb the LH side of the pedestal. Launch off this and up a short steep wall (crux) until it is possible to step L into the prominent crack. Climb the crack and then mount the block on the L to a belay stance.</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="26">Black Magic Area</text>
  <text class="text" id="27">Routes from What's Left to Warm Glow start from ground level. Routes from Lignum Vitae to Isonomy start from the prominent step, left of the prow. A 15m scrambling route up a weakness left of the prow provides access to the step. If in any doubt, rope up to climb the scrambling route.</text>
  <image id="37" legend="true" legendTitle="Black Magic Area" legendx="13" legendy="15" src="Bulging Buttress nls.jpg" height="1500">
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      <rect id="92329" x="552" y="538" width="55" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="The Step"/>
  <climb id="53" stars="" extra="Þ" number="5." name="What&apos;s Left" length="25m" grade="23" fa="Roger Parkyn, Owen Gervasoni, Dec 2015. ">The left hand finish to Whatever that ascends the lump of rock left of the Wizard. From the U-bolt on the Whatever overhang, go straight up and climb through to the ledge on the left side of the arete.</climb>
  <climb id="51" stars="*" extra="11Þ" number="6." name="Whatever" length="25m" grade="21" fa="Roger Parkyn, James Parkyn, Nov 2015">Grunty work through the overhang (trending rightwards) leads to some thinner moves on the arete (crux). Continue up and then step left onto the ledge. Finish by lay-backing the fin of rock up to the anchors.</climb>
  <climb name="The Wizard" id="16" fa="K. Bischoff, P. Robinson, Feb 1981." grade="18" length="80m" extra="" stars="**" number="7.">A spell-binding route that is best after a dry spell. On the LH side of Bulging Buttress and obscured in the corner is a prominent line capped by a large overhang. Scramble up over blocks to the base of the line. &lt;br/&gt;1. 25m. Climb up to the overhang, pass it on the L and follow the steep crack to a ledge. &lt;br/&gt;2. 25m. Continue up a short, awkward corner to a large ledge then straight up to base of the black corner. &lt;br/&gt;3. 30m. A demanding pitch. Up the vee-chimney, jam through the bulge and continue pleasantly to the top. Descend by walking down Avalanche Couloir or arranging a tape abseil.</climb>
  <climb name="Cold Power" id="15" fa="Pete Steane, D. Fife, Mar 1996." grade="21" length="30m" extra="↓" stars="***" number="8.">A committing start and a pumpy finish. This route is on the wall of the buttress R of The Wizard. Despite previous morbid descriptions of initial traverse, this excellent climb can be well protected with use of double ropes - placing a good cam above the easy traverse (previously described as unprotectable), then other small gear at the end of traverse. &lt;br/&gt;An alternative start is by climbing pitch 1 of heat pump and deviating left just before the anchors (a 45m pitch). Abseil from heat pump top anchors.</climb>
  <climb name="Heat Pump" id="14" fa="R. Parkyn, N. Hancock, 2002." grade="22" length="50m" extra="Þ ↓" stars="***" number="9.">Leave your trad rack at home. Best on a warm day. &lt;br/&gt;1. 25m 18. Start about 10m L of the scramble up to Black Magic. Follow the line of U-bolts past the LH end of an overlap to ledge with DBB. &lt;br/&gt;2. 25m 22. Classy climbing between the arête and the prominent black streak on the LH side of the steep wall.</climb>
  <climb name="Warm Glow" id="13" fa="R. Parkyn, D. McConnell, 2003." grade="22" length="50m" extra="Þ ↓" stars="*" number="10.">The second pitch runs parallel to Heat Pump's second pitch and ascends the wall 2m left of Lignum Vitae (LV).&lt;br/&gt;1. 25m 19. Climb pitch one of Heat Pump to DBB.&lt;br/&gt;2. 25m 22. Ascend the steep face left of the LV chimney to a ledge with rap station.</climb>
  <climb id="52" stars="*" extra="" number="11." name="Smokin&apos;" length="20m" grade="20" fa="Roger Parkyn, James Parkyn, Steve Goss, Jan 2016. ">Climb the steep crack-line about 6m right of the start of Heat Pump. Takes a range of gear from wires to #4 Camalot. Hardest near the bottom.</climb>
  <climb name="Lignum Vitae" id="12" fa="P. Jackson, R. McMahon, Jan 1971." grade="16" length="80m" extra="↓" stars="**" number="12.">Sharpen your trad techniques on this old school number. Follows the conspicuous black chimney in the centre of the steep and impressive wall. Climb the scrambling route until just below the top of the step. Traverse 5m left to belay at the base of the chimney. Roping up for the scrambling route is a wise plan.&lt;br/&gt;1. 50m. Up the groove past three ancient pitons to a ledge at 35m near the Warm Glow (WG) rap station. Bridge R and make an intimidating move into the bottomless chimney. Continue up line to a llarge ledge with a bollard belay. &lt;br/&gt;2. 30m. Climb the chimney at the back of the ledge then up slab to a small tea-tree at the base of double-cracks in a corner. Climb the cracks and finish via the left line up a short chimney to top. Descent: Rap from threaded slings to the Warm Glow rap station (45m). Rap from here to the base of the cliff (50m)</climb>
  <climb name="Black Magic" id="11" fa="K. Carrigan, I. Lewis, Jan 1975." grade="18" length="48m" extra="↓" stars="***" number="13.">A Pipes classic. Makes a fantastic single pitch with a large rack, or can easily be split into two. Takes the line right of centre on the steep south-facing wall. Climb the scrambling route for 15m to access the top of the step. Don't be too proud to rope up.&lt;br/&gt;1. 25m. Climb the slab, trending left of the prow to a stance below an over-hanging crack. Jam up and over a spike and then continue up the crack to a ledge and belay stance. &lt;br/&gt;2. 23m. From the belay, trend left with a thoughtful move up into a small niche to gain the base of a wide crack equipped with finger jams. Up and step right onto the wall then back left into the crack to reach the next ledge. Continue up the hand-crack to a pea-pod. Step R at this point and around the corner to the prow and Black Magic rap station - 47m to top of the step, with a second rap (35m) from there to the ground. Take care with the first abseil from the top as it's notorious for jamming ropes (run them away from the groove!).</climb>
  <climb name="Magic Mushroom" id="10" fa="Variant 1: T.McKenny, T. Meldrum, Jan 2011; Variant 2: G. Phillips, S. Young, Jan 2010. " grade="17" length="50m" extra="↓" stars="" number="14.">Two well protected and possibly easier alternatives to the Black Magic top pitch. Climb Black Magic to just above the bulge at 15m then step right onto the face, past a spike, and either: &lt;br/&gt;Variant 1 - Climb the crack on the left hand side of the huge detached flake or; &lt;br/&gt;Variant 2 - Traverse right for another metre and climb the off-width on the right hand side of the huge flake. &lt;br/&gt;Continue directly up the face above via a fist and hand crack, trending right and finishing up the prow to the Black Magic rap station.</climb>
  <text class="text" id="48">Descent from the next three climbs is via the Malignant Mushroom rap station (30m) and Jelly Roll rap station (35m to the ground).</text>
  <climb name="Malignant Mushroom" id="9" fa="S. Parsons, S. Brennan, Apr 1981." grade="19" length="32m" extra="↓" stars="*" number="15.">A companion line to Black Magic that follows the right hand end of the steep wall. There is loose rock on this route. Follow the scrambling route to the top of the step and belay off the Jelly Roll rap anchors, 7m right of Black Magic. &lt;br/&gt;1. 32m. Climb up past a dangerous looking spike (or take the line just to the right) and follow the corner until level with a small roof. Traverse R on slopey rail and step around the prow. Move right slightly and up to DBB.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Equipoise" id="38" fa="H. Jackson , T. Smith, Feb 2013." grade="23" length="30m" extra="↓ " stars="**" number="16.">Climbs the arête right of Malignant Mushroom. Belay off the Jelly Roll rap anchors on the step, as for Malignant Mushroom.&lt;br/&gt;Step R of the arête and ascend flake then arête with increasing difficulty and spaced protection to the overlap. Difficult moves past this, up past a bolt, then R to small ledge. Easier moves back on the arête lead to another ledge and up to the DBB .&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Isonomy" id="49" fa="A. Donoghue, H. Jackson, Feb 2014." grade="24" length="30m" extra="↓ " stars="**" number="17.">Start right of Equipoise on a subsidiary ledge slightly below and right of the far right hand end of the step, where the belayer can see the route and the ropes run clear of the arête. Mainly bolted but take #1, 2 and 3 camalots. &lt;br/&gt;Climb the arête to a ledge at 2m, then diagonally right for 3m to reach a shallow right facing corner. Up this, then some hard face moves to a rest below roof. Directly climb through the roof (crux) and up to rest 3m above the roof. Up and slightly left on the upper face to finish with Equipoise at DBB. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="35">Jelly Wall</text>
  <text class="text" id="29">The access track meets the cliff at the base of Jelly Wall. The routes here ascend the wall right of the prow to finish on the step in the buttress. They can be done as access routes to climbs starting from the step or as nice single pitch climbs in their own right. The rock quality towards the left end is sub-optimal. There are rap stations above Jelly Roll (35m), Smoke and Mirrors (32m) and Dal Nulla (30m).</text>
  <image id="41" legend="true" legendTitle="Jelly Wall" legendx="21" legendy="19" src="jelly.jpg" height="1066" width="800">
      <path id="26201" points="34.0,1051.0, 157.0,742.0, 196.0,611.0, 191.0,491.0, 250.0,359.0, 298.0,218.0,lower" d="M34.0,1051.0C83.2,927.4 138.1,793.3 157.0,742.0C175.9,690.7 189.6,658.6 196.0,611.0C202.4,563.4 180.9,538.0 191.0,491.0C201.1,444.0 228.9,412.8 250.0,359.0C271.1,305.2 278.8,274.4 298.0,218.0" linkedTo="7" lineStyle="solid" arrow="false"/>
      <path id="64279" points="288.0,961.0, 351.0,654.0, 412.0,354.0, 457.0,188.0,belay" d="M288.0,961.0C313.2,838.2 326.5,774.0 351.0,654.0C375.5,534.0 396.7,421.1 412.0,354.0C427.3,286.9 439.0,254.4 457.0,188.0" linkedTo="32"/>
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      <rect style="black_text_on_solid_white" id="16312" height="22" width="146" x="619" y="13" text="Jelly Roll Rap Station 35m"/>
      <path id="37109" points="714.0,940.0, 716.0,652.0, 736.0,561.0, 743.0,376.0, 754.0,187.0, 745.0,137.0,belay" d="M714.0,940.0C714.8,824.8 713.8,689.2 716.0,652.0C718.2,614.8 732.4,598.1 736.0,561.0C739.6,523.9 739.4,450.0 743.0,376.0C746.6,302.0 753.8,207.3 754.0,187.0C754.2,166.7 748.6,157.0 745.0,137.0" linkedTo="50"/>
      <rect id="1288" x="368" y="164" width="56" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="The Step"/>
      <rect id="28801" x="612" y="91" width="31" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="30m"/>
      <rect id="4478" x="538" y="120" width="31" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="32m"/>
      <rect id="37250" x="281" y="183" width="31" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="35m"/>
  <climb name="Eye for a Line" id="28" fa="T. McKenny, I. Snape, D. Humphries, Dec 2010." grade="16" length="34m" extra="↓" stars="" number="18.">The open corner to the left of Jelly Roll has been climbed. The rock quality is as good (or bad) as it looks... Climb either up the corner or the left wall, breaking out right round the arête where the rock quality finally deteriorates to suicidal. Finish up last few moves of Jelly Roll. Descent as for Jelly Roll.</climb>
  <climb name="Jelly Roll" id="7" fa="S. Parsons, P. Bigg, Apr 1978." grade="17" length="35m" extra="↓" stars="*" number="19.">Great if you are a percussionist. For the rest of us though, the notes that emanate by rapping knuckles against dubious flakes on this route are more than a tad concerning. Starts near the left edge of the wall and ascends the cracked wall and crack system to the step. Descent via the Jelly Roll rap station (35m).</climb>
  <climb name="Breakneck" id="32" fa="M. Douglas, D. Cox , Nov 1962" grade="14" length="30m" extra="↓" stars="" number="20.">One of the earliest routes on the Pipes. Although the first pitch has recently (2013) had a bit of a make over, with much loose rock removed, it still requires care. Several upper pitches mentioned in the first Guide have never been identified. Start 3m right of Jelly Roll and climb the steep and in places loose crack. Finish on the step.</climb>
  <climb name="Smoke and Mirrors " id="30" fa="I. Snape and T. McKenny, V. Keller, Dec. 2012." grade="15/19" length="32m" extra="↓" stars="*" number="21.">Start about 5m R of Jelly Roll, in the middle of the wall on good rock (directly under the lower abseil line from the step). Climb straight up the wall, either trending L at the final overhang and finishing up the last few metres of the Breakneck crack (15), or climb the roof direct and the terrific steep wall above (19) to the rap station (32m).</climb>
  <climb name="Dal Nulla" id="40" fa="P. Robinson, C. (Basil) Rathbone, May 2013." grade="13" length="30m" extra="↓   " stars="" number="22.">'Traditional,' so watch out! Definitely worth a look. The corner cleft 2m right of Smoke and Mirrors. Bridging and good holds lead past a jammed block to a bulge and short exit chimney to DBB rap station (30m).</climb>
  <climb name="Crucio" id="31" fa="T. McKenny, I. Snape, Dec 2012." grade="17" length="30m" extra="↓" stars="**" number="23.">Takes a spellbinding line up the face of the pillar 5m to the right of Smoke and Mirrors, to left of Breaker Spur. Climb the open book corner and then take as direct line as possible up the exciting steep wall above, trending slightly right then left to gain the finger crack. Finish up left hand arête to the ledge and DBB belay. Abseil off (30m)&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <climb name="Humpty Dumpty" id="50" fa="P. Robinson, C. (Basil) Rathbone, Jan 2015." grade="14" length="30m" extra="↓   " stars="" number="24.">The line on the wall 2m right of Crucio. Scramble up to a small flat rock at the bottom of a hidden corner. Bridge easily up using big holds to the crack system splitting the wall above. Follow this and climb a short finger crack in the right wall (crux), move left and finish up the crack on the right. At the top go 2m left to belay as for Crucio. Rap off the Dal Nulla rap station to left (30m).&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <text class="heading3" id="25">Breaker Spur Area</text>
  <text class="text" id="42">Climbs in the Breaker Spur area start 20m right of Jelly Wall.</text>
  <image id="43" legend="true" legendTitle="Breaker Spur Area" legendx="8" legendy="9" src="breaker-spur.jpg" height="1217" width="1000">
      <rect style="yellow_outline" id="69260" height="399" width="240" x="752" y="47" text="Teardrop Gully - Farewell to Arms Buttress"/>
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  <climb name="Breaker Chimney" id="5" fa=" T. Terry, K. Hall, Mar 1968. Direct finish: Basil Rathbone, P. Robinson, Apr 1979." grade="14" length="104m" extra="↓" stars="" number="25.">The prominent chimney high on the face to the right of Malignant Mushroom and left of Breaker Spur, Start 20m right of July Wall, as for Breaker Spur. &lt;br/&gt;1. 32m. As for Breaker Spur. &lt;br/&gt;2. 12m. Follow the line just left of the arête, swing left and up a short nose to gain a terrace (as for Breaker Spur). &lt;br/&gt;3. 30m. Traverse left to the foot of the chimney, which is followed to a broad ledge. &lt;br/&gt;4a. 30m. Original route: traverse left along the ledge and continue heading up, keeping towards the left skyline. Move right and scramble to the top.&lt;br/&gt;4b. 30m. Direct finish: follow the line directly above the chimney past a chockstone. Abseil via the Black Magic rap station (1 x 47m; 1x 35m).</climb>
  <climb name="Breaker Spur" id="4" fa="M. Douglas, J. Fairhall, Jun 1967." grade="16" length="82m" extra="↓" stars="*" number="26.">Worthwhile face and crack climbing that follows the left hand side of the prominent narrow rib 20m right of Jelly Wall. Start at the crack at the very foot of the spur.&lt;br/&gt;1. 32m 14. Climb the line up the rib keeping mainly to the left of the arête. After reaching the first platform at 25m, traverse right across the blank wall and climb up to a second platform. Belay at the left end of this on the arête.&lt;br/&gt;2. 22m 15. Up the line just left of the arête, passing an old piton (still in situ 2017), and climb a short nose to a terrace (pitches 3a and 3b head left from here). For pitches 3c and 3d, continue up a short vegetated slope to the base of the prominent corner. Belay where it steepens.&lt;br/&gt;3a. 28m. From the terrace, move left and up the rib on sloping ledges.&lt;br/&gt;3b. 28m. From the terrace, move left and up the chimney to exit through the bulge.&lt;br/&gt;3c. 28m. Climb straight up the corner, following it to a ledge.&lt;br/&gt;3d. 28m 16. Recommended and the variant depicted on the topo. Climb the corner for 6m, traverse right into the next line and follow this corner system to a ledge and U-bolt rap station (1 x 50m; 1 x 37m). Now out of favour, a final pitch once went up the gully for a further 15m to a big established gum.</climb>
  <climb name=" Indian Summer " id="39" fa="T. McKenny, P. Robinson (alt), April 2013, Left hand Variant: A. Adams, T. McKenny, A. Beech, Nov, 2016. The top bulge was climbed in 1974 by G. Kowalik and P. Robinson." grade="16" length=" 49m" extra="↓" stars="**" number="27.">The original route offers entertaining and varied climbing, first on the narrow rib of Breaker Spur and then up the right-hand crack to finish up the narrow fin above. Start at the foot of the rib. &lt;br/&gt;1a. 30m 15. Left hand variant. Climb the rib, but instead of traversing right as for the original line, continue straight up following the exciting narrow rib through two bulges to pull over the top onto the first platform, rejoining the original line. Beware there's a large suspect piece of architecture capping the first bulge. Traverse right across the thin wall and up to the belay station on the second platform as for Pitch 2.&lt;br/&gt;1b. 20m 15. Original route. Climb the front face of the rib to below the first small roof on the right. Hand traverse right 3m and up to belay at the base of the obvious corner.&lt;br/&gt;2. 17m 15. Follow the corner with its hidden surprises and pull up over the jammed block onto the first platform. From the right-hand end of the platform, traverse right across the wall and climb up to the second platform and belay station.&lt;br/&gt;3. 12m 16. Climb the crack on the left then move left onto the arête, keeping clear of the hollow sounding flakes on the right. High step up the arête and then move right and up the wall to a rap station on a narrow fin of rock. Descent (1 x 49m).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>
  <text class="text" id="44">The next climb takes the short red arête to the right of the second pitch of Indian Summer.</text>
  <climb name="Spice Trade" id="45" fa="L. Martin, T. Smith, Feb 2014." grade="19" length="19m" extra="" stars="" number="28.">The 6m run-out above dodgy gear on this route might be a bit too spicy for most. Start from the left hand end of Cracked Pepper 'ledge' or step right as an alternative second pitch to Indian Summer. Climb the lovely little arête on minimal protection until it re-joins Indian Summer at the belay station on pitch 2. Either finish up Indian Summer or rap off (1 x 37m).</climb>
  <climb name="Cracked Pepper" id="33" fa="I. Snape, T. McKenny (alt.), A. Adams, Dec 2012." grade="17" length="46m" extra="↓" stars="**" number="29.">Access to the route involved significant floral landscaping! A strong line up the left-facing black corner 10m right of Breaker Spur. Scramble up steeply to start at the "ledge" on the left. Possibly best climbed as one long sustained pitch - but take plenty of mid-sized cams.&lt;br/&gt;1. 26m 17. Easy climbing up to the base of the crack which is climbed using the left face and right arête until face holds on the left wall lead to the hakea above the small roof. Climb past tree and up and left to triple bolt belay.&lt;br/&gt;2. 20m 16. Step back right into the corner and climb the terrific crack line, gently over the Sword of Damocles, to belay at a spike on a ledge on the left. Abseil from rap station down the line (46m).</climb>
  <climb name="Breakout" id="3" fa="G. Kowalik, P. Robinson, Mar 1979." grade="13" length="105m" extra="" stars="" number="30.">Scene of the departure of a very large rock. On the wall 10m right of Breaker Spur find a bottomless chimney about 30m above the ground. Now heavily vegetated.&lt;br/&gt;1. 24m. Up a series of loose, vegetated walls to a tree covered ledge beneath the chimney. &lt;br/&gt;2. 30m. Climb the bottomless chimney and up the line to belay on a large ledge. &lt;br/&gt;3. 27m. Up the walls above, trending slightly left at the top to a jam crack. &lt;br/&gt;4. 24m. Easier climbing to the top.</climb>
  <climb name="Hormesis" id="47" fa="H. Jackson, A. Donoghue, Mar 2014." grade="20" length="48m" extra="↓" stars="" number="31.">"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Add a grade if you’re not used to loose rock and long run-outs... add a star if adventure is all that matters to you. Many loose pieces are used in the process of climbing... the loose bits are fairly large, while the surfaces are good quality," (Hamish Jackson). The name really says it all - you have been warned. It would be prudent for belayers to stand out of the possible line of fire.&lt;br/&gt;Start as for Breakout and climb up the dense vegetation to the airy face above. Follows a line just right of the Breakout chimney though some small roofs and open faces reaching a ledge on the left at 40m, then back right onto the face again to finish at larger ledge. Descent: traverse easily left to Cracked Pepper rap station (48m to base of line).</climb>