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<guide><text class="heading1">Adamsfield</text><text
        class="intro">As well as having Tasmania's best sport climbing, Adamsfield also has some its best bouldering. Adamsfield is about 2 hours from Hobart, see Craglets for the full Adamsfield climbing guide and for how to get there. There are lots of established problems of all difficulties, but no one has got around to recording most of them yet. Thanks to Garry Phillips for this information.</text><image
        src="AdamsfieldAdamsfield_Mud_Map2.jpg" width="800"/><text
        class="access">Access instructions and map from Craglets, thanks to Roger Parkyn:
The Adamsfield cliffs are situated at Grid reference 715430 on the Wedge 1:100 000 map at the northern end of the Ragged Range, about 35 km past Maydena. Once you have driven past Maydena, continue into the National Park along the Gordon River road, driving past the Scotts peak dam turn off (Frodshams Pass). About 5 km on from here, the road will be heading downhill. After passing several minor offshoots, a sign indicates "Clear Hill Road", follow this. 
Turn right down the road and drive for 16 km (from the Gordon Road) until a large boulder sticks out on the right, nearly overhanging the road (this is the climb Roadkill). If you haven't been here before look out for this boulder as it is easy to miss and is the best way to locate the area. Only 50 metres on from this it is possible to park on the left, opposite a slimy looking bank. Walk up this bank with a little difficulty, then head up to the right through bracken and bushes for about 100 metres to the large boulder. This boulder is known as The High Wire. </text><text
        class="heading2">The High Wire
        src="Adamsfieldhighwire.gif"/><problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V8"
        name="Sub Zero" number="1."
        stars="       ">Starts 6m to the right of the route Magic Potion and traverses to the start of Magic Potion</problem><problem
        extra="(SDS)" grade="V6" name="Titanic" number="2."
        stars="       ">An easier variant on Sub Zero</problem><image
        class="text">Campbell Godfrey on Sub Zero V8</text><text
        class="heading2">Pyramid Rock
        class="text">To the right of the route County Toad (20) there are a few boulder problems. Grades range from V1 to V5. </text><problem
        extra="       " grade="V5" name="Flight Control" number="1."
        stars="       ">Traverse from the arete to the block on the right of the cave.</problem><problem
        extra="       " grade="V?" name="Chasm Left Wall" number="2."
        stars="       ">The Chasms left wall has been traversed.</problem><text
        class="heading2">The Bear Pit
        src="Adamsfieldbearpit.gif"/><problem extra="       " grade="V6"
        name="Mouse Trap" number="1."
        stars="       ">Starts low and finishes on the finish hold of the Mighty Mouse Traverse</problem><problem
        extra="       " grade="V6" name="Bear Trap" number="2."
        stars="       ">Starts on a big hueco in the middle of the cave and cranks out to a jug in the middle of the traverse.</problem><problem
        extra="       " grade="V3" name="Mighty Mouse Traverse"
        stars="       ">This is the easy traverse from right to left along the bottom of the boulder.Start where the initials are printed on the rock.</problem><problem
        extra="       " grade="V4" name="Mighty Mouse, Morjabia link up"
        stars="       ">Do the Mighty Mouse traverse then finish up Morjabia.</problem><text
        class="text">Other variations:
</text><problem extra="       "
        grade="V3" name="       " number="5."
        stars="       ">The traverse from left to right</problem><problem
        extra="       " grade="V4" name="       " number="6."
        stars="       ">The traverse there and back</problem><problem
        extra="       " grade="V5" name="Cheddar Traverse" number="7."
        stars="       ">Around the boulder at the back of the cave.</problem><text
        class="heading2">Magic Mushroom
        extra="       " grade="V5" name="Vidi Vici Traverse" number="1."
        stars="       ">A long traverse along the west face, starts below Meltdown and finish on the arete near Snake Charmer</problem><problem
        extra="       " grade="V4" name="Short Circuit" number="2." stars="       ">