Due to the obvious dissatisfaction of many climbers (both readers and contributors) with ROCK magazine, an idea of a community EZINE has been raised. It would be aimed at the whole climbing community, with content that all climbers find interesting and can relate to.

For more info see thread on cragX

Rock Magazine or Climbers Cosmo Link?


Rock seems to have become stale and repetitive, to prevent this happening to a new EZINE it has been suggested that each issue have a different editor(s) so that content is more varied. Also this would help keep the EZINE idea alive as it would prevent the "burn out" that surely must be associated with editing issue after issue. (maybe this is part of the problem at rock.)

A poll can be found on cragX

New ezine Poll


Various formats and models exist for such a EZINE. please put your two cents in.

Remember to be a good read for all it would need contributions from all standards of climbers, from all around Australia. Bumbly to Gun climbers.

Would you help?