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<guide><text class="heading1">Taroona</text><text class="intro"
        number="null.">The Taroona boulders have some nice problems on wave sculpted dolerite. Access is very easy and it has a pleasant location. An ideal after work area. At high tide a lot of the boulders are under water, so check the tide before coming.
        class="access">Drive down Sandy Bay Road and continue on into Taroona. Turn left down Grange Ave and park at the bottom of the hill. Follow the short track to the beach and emerge at the first boulder.</text><image
        class="text">The first, largest boulder:</text><image
        src="Taroonataroona1.jpg"/><problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V2"
        name="       " number="1."
        stars="       ">Sit start on left of face and follow diagonal line up and right</problem><problem
        extra="(Stand)" grade="V5?" name="       " number="2."
        stars="       ">Up friction slab and face.
        extra="(Stand)" grade="V?" name="       " number="3."
        stars="       ">Project? - arete</problem><problem
        extra="(Stand)" grade="V5/6?" name="E7" number="4."
        stars="       ">Stand start from good edge, up and slightly right to small holds in seam, top out</problem><problem
        extra="(Stand)" grade="V2" name="       " number="5."
        stars="       ">Up slab</problem><problem extra="(Stand)"
        grade="V2" name="       " number="6."
        stars="       ">Up groove</problem><problem extra="(Stand)"
        grade="V1" name="       " number="7."
        stars="       ">Up on right end of face</problem><problem
        extra="(Stand)" grade="V2/3" name="       " number="8."
        stars="       ">Traverse diagonal line right to left and top out</problem><text
        class="text">There are a couple of short poxy problems on the blocks in front</text><image
        src="Taroonataroona2.jpg"/><problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V2"
        name="       " number="1."
        stars="       ">
    </problem><problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V1"
        name="       " number="2."
        stars="       ">
    </problem><problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V1"
        name="       " number="3."
        stars="       ">Sitstart and mantle</problem><problem
        extra="(SDS)" grade="V3" name="       " number="4."
        stars="       ">Sitstart and mantle</problem><text
        class="text">Further on there are a couple of squarish blocks with some easy problems. Further on again is a free standing block with an overhung north face.</text><image
        src="Taroonataroona3.jpg"/><problem extra="(SDS)" grade="V2/3"
        name="Salty" number="1."
        stars="**">Sitstart on edge on left side of overhang, up and right to jug then to top</problem><problem
        extra="(SDS)" grade="V?" name="       " number="2."
        stars="       ">Project - Right side and arete of overhung face</problem><text class="text">There are some more blocks further on that have not been developed yet due to the fact they need a very low tide.</text></guide>