This page shows tasks waiting to be done on the guides:

{dynamictasklist:Content- Coles Bay}
|F|H|F|1196656822618|          |jnermut|Vasty improve introductions|
|F|M|F|1196656268818|          |jnermut|Sow Spur Topo - photo from Mt Amos, or Als drawings, or both?|
|F|M|F|1196656353519|          |jnermut|Mt Amos N Face Topo|
|F|M|F|1196656376588|          |jnermut|Gracelands Topo|
|F|M|F|1196656389079|          |jnermut|Hazards Main Wall photo topo - from Carp Bay Point|
|F|M|F|1196656395730|          |jnermut|Gonk topo - maybe from Carp Bay Point?|
|F|M|F|1196656406381|          |jnermut|Flowstone topo - from the Gonk would be best|
|F|M|F|1196656419782|          |jnermut|Little Bluestone Bay photo topo - should be able to get the alchemy, 1st and 2nd ramp in one photo?|
|F|M|F|1196656431272|          |jnermut|Redo WWW photo topos|
|F|M|F|1196656448112|          |jnermut|Reorder Main Wall descriptions?|

{dynamictasklist:Content- Mountain}

{dynamictasklist:Content- North, NW}
|F|M|F|1196656506101|          |jnermut|Fix made up names in Duck Reach|
|F|M|F|1196656539570|          |jnermut|Add missing crags to Duch Reach|
|F|M|F|1196656563442|          |jnermut|Add missing crags to North Esk|
|F|M|F|1196656623280|          |jnermut|Tony to edit Mt Roland|

{dynamictasklist:Content- South}

{dynamictasklist:Content- Other}

|F|M|F|1196656602408|          |jnermut|Add random KML feature|
|F|M|F|1196656656615|          |jnermut|Add guide header to PDF generation|
|F|M|F|1196656670247|          |jnermut|Add GPS table to PDF generation|
|F|M|F|1196656681312|          |jnermut|Set up PDF for Coles Bay|
|F|M|F|1196656693071|          |jnermut|Set up PDF for Craglets 7|