<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        access="From Deloraine, follow the B12 through Mole Creek and take the Mersey Forest Road (C138, then C171) to Lake Rowallan. A gravel spur road on the L just after the Fish River leads to the carpark. From Devonport, follow the B14 south for 31 km to Sheffield and take the Claude Road (C136) towards Gowrie Park.  About 7km further on, turn L onto the C138 and head south for about another 20km till you join the Mole Creek Road and the C171 to the Walls. Don’t leave valuables in parked vehicles as break-ins have occurred at the Walls of Jerusalem car park. There is no public transport to this park.&#xd;&lt;br/>Follow the Horse Track up through wet sclerophyll forest for about one hour to the reconstructed Trappers Hut and continue up on a very well constructed track past the Solomons Jewels to Herods Gate at the western entrance to the main valley of the Walls, about two hours from the road head and about 6.6kms in distance.&#xd;&lt;br/>To the east is the towering West Wall, topped by the highest peak in the Central Plateau area, King David’s Peak (1499m). For the Damascus Gate, continue for about another 3km across the marshy plain and climb up about 500m to the track junction at the Pass.&#xd;&lt;br/>Camping is restricted to the hardened camping platforms at Wild Dog Creek (toilet provided), just before entering Herods Gate Huts are of poor condition and are suitable for emergency shelter only. A National Parks Pass is required by all visitors to the area.&#xd;&lt;br/>For further information, see Walls of Jerusalem Map and Notes  (TASMAP 1:25 000),  &quot;Day Walks, Tasmania&quot; and/or &quot;Cradle Mountain Lake St Clair, and Walls of Jerusalem National Parks&quot; (2009), both by John Chapman, Monica Chapman and John Siseman, or the Parks and Wild Life Service web site : www.parks.tas.gov.au&#xd;&lt;br/>"
        acknowledgement="by Tony McKenny" history=""
        intro="The Walls of Jerusalem National Park is located on  the northwest edge of the Central Plateau and consists of five main dolerite peaks with wide open grassy valleys between, dotted with small tarns, glacial moraines  and pencil pine groves. It forms part of the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area and is a mecca for local and visiting bushwalkers. The environment here is particularly fragile so please stick to the principals of minimum impact bushwalking and climbing (no bolting for example) This is also “stove-only area”."
        name="Walls of Jerusalem" new="false" rock="Alpine dolerite"
        sun="Mixed sun and shade" walk="3 hours uphill walk"></header></guide>