Climbers Club of Tasmania Constitution
1. Title
The organisation shall be titled The Climbers Club of Tasmania ("the Club")
2. Membership
- Membership of the Club is open to active members of the Tasmanian climbing community wishing to further the Club's objectives (below).
- Membership applications will be received through the Club's website or email address.
- Membership applications will be assessed by the current members of the CCT. Applicants be notified by email of the outcome in a couple of days and the nominee's name will be entered in a register of members.
- The Secretary of the Club will be responsible for managing the membership register.
- A member of the Association may resign by emailing the Secretary who will remove their name from the register of members.
- Any right, privilege or obligation of a person as a member of the Association (a) is not capable of being transferred to another person; and (b) terminates on the cessation of the membership.
- The Club may expel a member from the Club if, after 14 days notice, a vote on the expulsion receives at least a 75% majority.
3. Objectives
The objectives of the Club are:
Communication: fostering better communication between Tasmanian climbers, including maintaining guidebooks.
Policy: making decisions on issues, publishing codes of conduct, and other standards.
Maintenance and Environmental Work: track and crag work, signage, and anchor maintenance.
4. Committee
The management of the Club shall be vested in a Committee.
4.1 Committee Officers
The officers of the Committee are:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
See the Committee page for current office holders.
4.2 Election of Committee
- The officers shall be elected at the annual general meeting (AGM) of the Club and hold office for the ensuing year.
- If an office becomes vacant the remaining members of the Executive may appoint a member to that office or call for nominations to the election of members.
4.3 Records
The Committee shall keep membership records, maintain accurate financial records and record activities for the Club. As much as possible these records will be kept online at the Club's website.
4.4 Committee Meetings
Meetings of the Committee shall be as required and will be notified on the Club's website. Members of the Club may attend these meetings and may be invited to vote on business. The President shall preside as Chairman of the Club or in his/her absence as decided by the members present at the meeting.
The Committee may meet together either in person or by telephone, telex, radio, conference television or any other form of technology, audio or audio-visual instantaneous communication for the despatch of business and adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. A resolution passed by such a conference shall, notwithstanding that the Members are not present together at one place at the time of the conference, be deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Members held on the day and at the time at which the conference was held.
5. Public Officer
The Committee will appoint the Public Officer of the Club. The Public Officer may be one of the Committee office holders.
6. Meetings
Meetings of the Club, working bees, and other meetings shall be held as required and will be notified on the Club's website and by email.
The Members may meet together either in person or by telephone, telex, radio, conference television or any other form of technology, audio or audio-visual instantaneous communication for the despatch of business and adjourn and otherwise regulate their meetings as they think fit. A resolution passed by such a conference shall, notwithstanding that the Members are not present together at one place at the time of the conference, be deemed to have been passed at a meeting of the Members held on the day and at the time at which the conference was held.
6.1 Special General Meetings
- The committee may convene a special general meeting of the Association at any time.
- The committee, on the requisition in writing of at least 10 members of the Association, is to convene a special general meeting of the Association.
- A requisition for a special general meeting –
- is to state the objects of the meeting; and
- is to be signed by each of the requisitionists; and
- is to be deposited at the office of the Association; and
- may consist of several documents, each signed by one or more of the requisitionists.
- If the committee does not cause a special general meeting to be held within 21 days after the day on which a requisition is deposited at the office of the Association, any one or more of the requisitionists may convene the meeting within 3 months after the day of the deposit of the requisition.
- A special general meeting convened by requisitionists is to be convened in the same manner, as nearly as practicable, as the manner in which a special general meeting would be convened by the committee.
- All reasonable expenses incurred by requisitionists in convening a special general meeting are to be refunded by the Association.
7. Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of members shall be held within three months of the end of the Club's financial year. The President shall chair the meeting. Notice of the meeting will be given on the Club's website and by email.
8. Quorum
At Committee meetings a minimum of 2 officers shall form a quorum for the meeting. At general meetings a minimum of 5 members shall form a quorum for the meeting.
9. Voting
A consensus approach to decision making will be encouraged. When voting formally, each member has one vote only. Votes will be by show of hands. The Chairman of a meeting may exercise a deliberate and casting vote where a deadlock in voting arises. Votes may only be given personally and not by proxy.
Certain votes may be held online at the Club's website. Members will be notified by email of such votes, and will be open for a certain period of time. Members will have one vote only for online votes.
10. Finance Records
A true and accurate record shall be kept by the Treasurer for monies received and expended by the Club, and any bank accounts or similar.
The Records shall be kept on the Club's website.
11. Accounts
The Committee shall be open and hold accounts in financial institutions as determined by the Committee in to which all monies received shall be paid as soon as possible. No cheques or cash shall be drawn on the accounts except for payment of expenditure authorised by the Committee. Cheques shall be signed by at least 2 of the following officers:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
12. Subscriptions and Fees
The amount of annual subscription (if any) shall be as determined by members at the annual general meeting.
13. Financial Year
The financial year of the Club shall be from the First of July to the Thirtieth of June of the following year.
14. Amendments
The constitution may be amended only at annual general meetings and only upon 30 days notice being given to all financial members.
15. Non Profit Club - Income and Property
- The assets and income of the Club shall be applied solely in furtherance of its objectives above and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the Club except as bona fide compensation for services rendered or expenses incurred on behalf of the Club.
- The income and property of the Association is to be applied solely towards the promotion of the objects and purposes of the Association.
- The Club may pay a servant or member of the Club –
- remuneration in return for services rendered to the Club , or for goods supplied to the Club , in the ordinary course of business of the servant or member; or
- remuneration that constitutes a reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the servant or member for any of the objects or purposes of the Club ; or
- interest at a rate not exceeding 7.25% on money lent to the Club by the servant or member; or
- a reasonable amount by way of rent for premises, or a part of premises, let to the Club by the servant or member;
16. Audit
The Club's financial records shall be audited every year by an auditor appointed by the Committee, unless it has been decided at an AGM to apply for an exemption from audit.
- The auditor is to audit the financial affairs of the Club at least once in each financial year of the Club.
- The auditor, after auditing the financial affairs of the Club for a particular financial year of the Club, is to –
- certify as to the correctness of the accounts of the Club; and
- at the next annual general meeting, provide a written report to the members of the Club present at that meeting.
- In the report and in certifying to the accounts, the auditor is to –
- specify the information, if any, that he or she has required under subrule (5)(b) and obtained; and
- state whether, in his or her opinion, the accounts exhibit a true and correct view of the financial position of the Club according to the information at his or her disposal; and
- state whether the rules relating to the administration of the funds of the Club have been observed.
- The public officer of the Club is to deliver to the auditor a list of all the accounting records, and/or books and accounts of the Club.
- The auditor may –
- have access to the accounting records, books and accounts of the Club; and
- require from any servant of the Club any information the auditor considers necessary for the performance of his or her duties; and
- employ any person to assist in auditing the financial affairs of the Club; and
- examine any member of the committee, or any servant of the Club, in relation to the accounting records, books and accounts of the Club.
17. Dissolution
In the event of a dissolution of the Club any assets shall be transferred to a like Club or association having similar objectives and which is a non profit organisation exempt from income tax under Section 23 of the Income Tax Assessment Act. A motion to dissolve the Club may only be taken at a special general meeting to which all members must have been notified and only upon 75% of the members present approving of the dissolution.
In the event of the Club being wound up:
- every member of the Club, and
- every person who, within the period of twelve months immediately preceding the commencement of the winding up, was a member of the Club, is liable to contribute to the assets of the Club for payment of the debts or liabilities of the Club and for the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves such sum, not exceeding $1.00, as may be required, but a former member is not liable to contribute in respect of any debt or liability of the Club contracted after he/she ceased to be a member.
18. Disputes
A dispute between a member of the Club, in the capacity as a member, and the Club, is to be determined by arbitration in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Arbitration Act 1986.