Forestier Peninsula

Mostly dolerite, some granite
The Forestier Peninsula is the Northern part of the Tasman Peninsula, encapsulating the area South of Dunally and North of Eaglehawk Neck. A few routes have been done around the islands and bays here, though many are unrecorded. Access to the sea cliffs and islands on this part of the peninsula is often guarded by dense forest or private property. As a result, exploration by boat is really the only viable option - which is a stretch for most.

Visscher Island

Dolerite Columns in south facing amphitheater.

Visscher Rock

The rock is almost a sea stack if you look at it from the right angle, can be scrambled to summit via short loose corner on west side and slabs.

Cape Fredrick Henrick

Looks like beautiful choss because it is.

First Sister

First sister from the coast, possible to scramble to the top up loose gully on east side.

Elephant Sister

The second sister from the coast, good quality granite tower. Access by boat from pirates bay boat ramp.
Hand Crack right of cave on south face.
Daz and Ben Carter 27/2/2019

Deep Glen Bay

Most climbs completed are Deep Water Soloes (DWS), although some trad lines have also been completed, and there is substnaital potential for climbs of various types.

The bay and immediate surrounds is remarkable for the number and variety of caves, islands and archways. There is also quite a variety of quality rock types on offer, with the following listed in order of how many climbs have been put up on each type, to date: Granite, Limestone, Conglomerate, and Black Silt Stone.


The easiest access to Deep Glen Bay is via boat.

By Foot:
It is also possible to walk to Deep Glen Bay from the Cape Surville track (Hylands road access). It is a long walk (2-3 hours) and access to many climbs is inconvenient even once the Bay has been reached.

The coastal traverse from Walters Openning (near high yellow bluff) south to Deep Glen Bay is highly recommended, but an epic day out. There has also been a failed attempt to traverse from DGB to Pirates Bay - many caves made for slow progress!

Clydes Island/Osprey Head

Deep water soloing easily accessible by foot.
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