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Comment: Guide edited
<guide version="3" pagesize="500"> 
  <header id="1" name="Fortescue Bay" autonumber="true" camping="" walk="Up to 1.5 hours" sun="Mixed sun and shade" rock="Coastal dolerite columns, pinnacles and sea-cliffs" intro="There are many cliffs around Fortescue Bay, with the prime attraction in the area being a triptych of dolerite spires; the Moai, the Candlestick, and the Totem Pole. Each is totally different from the other two, but they all possess an adventure-climbing flavour that adds to the appeal. These summits have retained an exclusiveness which is rare given the current popularity of rock-climbing, and a trip to any one of them is not just another day at the crags - but it is a day you will surely remember for a long time to come. There are also a suite of excellent little crags for those wanting a more relaxed day out, centered around the Canoe Bay, Bivouac Bay and Fortescue Bay crags. The area is stunning even if you aren't climbing, and camping facilities are excellent - the area is a must-visit destination for any visiting or local climber.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;It is worth noting there have been a increasing number of rescues and accidents involving climbers in the modern era, some of which involved inexperience as a factor, so it is important to factor in the exposed and inaccessible nature of all the spires in particular, which makes self-rescue much more difficult. The grade does not always reflect the serious nature of some of the climbing here - so read descriptions carefully and plan well." history="" acknowledgement="Original guide by Roger Parkyn, published in Craglets. The Safe House is by Evan Peacock, Fortescue Bay Cliff by Pete Steane, Canoe Bay Cliffs by Christoph Speer, Golden Pillar Area and Bivouac Bay Crag by Lang/Speer. Thanks to Dean Rollins, Peter McHugh and Mendelt Tillema for additional information. Candlestick update by Phil Robinson in 2018/19 with info and photos from Dave James, Chris(Basil) Rathbone, Chris(Ditto) Rathbone, Mendelt Tillema, Lyle Closs, Sebastien Meffre, Dave Gray, Tim Exley, Grant Dixon, Doug Bruce, Jon Nermut and Garry Phillips." access="Fortescue Bay is about a one-and-a-half-hour drive from Hobart. From the city, head to Sorell and take the Tasman Highway towards Port Arthur. The turn-off for Fortescue Bay is on the left, about 3km past Taranna and 4km before Port Arthur. From here there's about 12km of unsealed Forestry road to Fortescue Bay. All up, about 100km from the city centre. As with most roads in Tasmania, be careful of wildlife from dusk to dawn, as they seem to enjoy jumping into the middle of the road at unsuitable times. All of these spires can be done in a day from Hobart.  Choose a day when the swell forecast is low - information is available by checking the Bureau of Meteorology's website at:"/>  
  <text id="252" class="heading2">Camping</text>  
  <text id="253" class="text">Pleasant and well-equipped campsites exist right next to the beach at Fortescue Bay. There are toilets, cooking facilities and water, including showers (paid). For tent camping, the Banksia campground next to the beach is very good, with car and caravan camping available at the boat ramp further up the road. Camping is about $10 a night and you should book ahead with Parks in summer as it gets quite busy here, especially on weekends.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;If you're heading out to climb at the Moai, Golden Pillar or Bivouac Bay Crag, consider camping at Bivouac Bay. There are good tent platforms, running water (creek) and a toilet, all in a secluded setting only 10-15 minutes from the climbs - the walk into the campsite is ~1 hour each way along an easy formed track. Camping here is also free.</text>  
  <text id="279" class="heading2">Quality</text>  
  <text id="280" class="text">Quality ratings of routes are always subjective, and present a particular problem in this guide, as the nature of climbing in the area varies considerably (how could you compare any route with an icon such as the Tote?). Keeping this in mind, star ratings should be read in relation to the overall experience at hand (i.e. cragging vs. mega adventure routes).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;*** A classic route. Iconic and mega, or otherwise excellent and consistent climbing up a prominent line.&lt;br/&gt;** Highly recommended. Great climbing and well worth seeking out.&lt;br/&gt;* A good route that's worth doing.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;A no star route may not always mean it is sub-par. The FA may not have wanted to provide a rating for various reasons.</text>  
  <gps id="251"> 
    <point pid="1" latitude="-43.11709" longitude="147.97674" easting="579461" northing="5225719" zone="55G" description="Golden Pillar area" code="FTS010" height="96m"/>  
    <point pid="2" description="The Moai" latitude="-43.12094" longitude="147.97932" easting="579666" northing="5225289" zone="55G" height="2m" code="FTS020"/>  
    <point pid="4" description="Canoe Bay Crag" latitude="-43.12951" longitude="147.95882" easting="577987" northing="5224356" zone="55G" code="FTS022"/>  
    <point pid="5" description="Fortescue Bay Crag" latitude="-43.13483" longitude="147.97276" easting="579114" northing="5223753" zone="55G" code="FTS023"/>  
    <point pid="6" description="The Safehouse Crag" latitude="-43.13930" longitude="147.99482" easting="580903" northing="5223235" zone="55G" code="FTS024"/>  
    <point pid="7" description="Candlestick and Totem Pole" latitude="-43.13891" longitude="148.00601" easting="581813" northing="5223268" zone="55G" code="FTS025"/>  
    <point pid="9" description="Bivouac Bay Crag" latitude="-43.12603" longitude="147.96888" easting="578810" northing="5224734" zone="55G" code="FTS030"/>  
    <polyline pid="10" description="Track to Bivouac Bay Crag" code="FTS031" longitude="147.97009" latitude="-43.12220" easting="578913" northing="5225158" zone="55G">-43.122178,147.970045 -43.122282,147.970099 -43.122417,147.970174 -43.122562,147.970313 -43.12263,147.970281 -43.12278,147.970142 -43.123004,147.970087 -43.123228,147.970065 -43.123497,147.970041 -43.123596,147.970134 -43.12374,147.97017 -43.1238,147.970123 -43.123896,147.969923 -43.124135,147.969929 -43.124473,147.970039 -43.124797,147.969979 -43.125193,147.969581 -43.125468,147.969332 -43.125722,147.969412 -43.12599,147.968924</polyline> 
  <text class="heading1" id="3">Cape Hauy</text>  
  <text class="text" id="4">There are a number of interesting rock formations in the Cape Hauy area: The Candlestick, The Totem Pole, The Monument and assorted cliffs up to 100m high. It is a very spectacular spot and worthwhile even for just a look. Climbing on the Cape is usually epic and exposed.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The walking track to Cape Hauy starts from beside the boat ramp in the Fortescue Bay Campground, at the right-hand end of the beach as you drive in. The walk takes about an hour and a half. The track is well defined and in very good condition as it has been re-built as part of the proposed Three Capes Walk. To get to the abseil point for the Stick and the Tote, continue past the warning sign at the end of the formed track and follow a pad downhill. It is another 100m or so to the end of Cape Hauy. Follow a rough, slightly overgrown, and sporadically cairned track in the direction of Fortescue Bay along to a profile view of both sea stacks, at a level lower than the Tote's summit. From here you can traverse back across to a ledge within spitting distance of the Tote. Access to both stacks is by abseiling from a DBB here (about 60m).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Boat access to the base of the sea-spires is possible, but water movements through the channels and sudden surges make anchorage rather difficult. Kayaks can be z-pulley-ed out of the water to avoid damage from rock fall.</text>  
  <text class="heading2" id="7">The Totem Pole</text>  
  <text class="text" id="8">The Totem Pole is one of the most spectacular pieces of rock on the planet. It is a free-standing dolerite pillar spearing straight out of the water in a gloomy chasm infested with sharks and subject to volatile swell patterns. It is over sixty metres tall, but only about four metres wide at the base. It sways in the wind and shudders with the crash of every wave. The "Tote" is too slender to even be described as a phallic symbol, unless of course you've got a very skinny dick!&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The prospect this piece of rock presents the climber is uncompromising and chilling. Equip yourself not only with the necessary gear but also a bottle of bravery pills. The challenge is psychological as much as technical.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;See the Cape Hauy overview for details to get the the rap point. Fix a 60m rope to the DBB here and rap into the chasm. What you do next will depend on how big the swell is at the time...&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;In good conditions, it is possible to stand comfortably on the flat rock at the base of the Ewbank Route. There is a single carrot bolt at the bottom of route which can be used by the belayer for all routes on the Tote if that is the case. Even in moderate swell conditions, however it is subject to wave wash. (RP: I found that wearing bare feet and a waterproof jacket helped).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;In more 'elevated' seas, a hanging belay is often employed at the start of the Deep Play Variant First Pitch, just left of the arete closest to the mainland. There is a spacious ledge about 4m off the water opposite the Fortescue Bay facing side that may be used as a base camp for the entertaining operation of penduluming over to the Tote. Taking a stick-clipping device of about 3 m length makes this crossing to this belay easy.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The easiest 'descent' option is to trail your abseil rope to to the top and use it to Tyrolean traverse back to the mainland. If you don't know what a Tyrolean traverse is, or how to set one up, then this is probably not the best place to learn how.</text>  
  <image id="14" height="976" width="600" src="totempole.png" noPrint="false">null</image>  
  <climb id="15" name="The Ewbank Route (free version aka 'The Freed Route')" number="1." fa="John Ewbank, Allan Keller, March 1968. FFA: Doug McConnell, Dean Rollins, Jan 2009." grade="27" length="65m" extra="" stars="">All but ignored following the ascent of The Free Route, the original aid route to the top of the Totem Pole was not as impossible to free as many had suspected. It now provides quality free climbing of a more committing nature than The Free Route. Gear required: plenty of quickdraws, cams to #1 Camalot, with doubles from #0.5 Camalot down, 1 set of wires, 1 set of RPs. Double ropes recommended.&lt;br/&gt;1. 20m 25. Start as for The Free Route and follow it to the SW (i.e. right) arête. Instead of continuing R, climb the arête, face and hollow flake to the triangular alcove.&lt;br/&gt;2. 15m 26. From the alcove, climb up to the roof. Step L around the arête via spike to a thin flake (good medium wires). Climb the face and arête, trending R at the horizontal to the semi-hanging DBB. Consider belaying the next pitch from below the DBB to avoid a potential factor 2 fall.&lt;br/&gt;3. 25m 27. Up the L arête and crack/seam, past a bolt, to a stance. Continue up crack past rattling spikes to the upper alcove. Up thin crack, then R and up to finish at ledge (DBB).&lt;br/&gt;4. 5m 17. Climb the prominent crack in the summit block. A tricky start gives way to cruisy crack climbing (this 'pitch' was freed on the first ascent).</climb>  
  <climb id="16" name="The Free Route" number="2." fa="Steve Monks, Simon Mentz (alt.), Jane Wilkinson, Simon Carter, Mar 1995." grade="25" length="65m" extra="" stars="***">One of the most iconic and recognisable rock climbs in the country, this route spirals its way up the Tote, climbing on all four faces. Start on the rock platform at the base of the Original Route if the swell is low, otherwise set up a hanging belay at the start of Deep Play. Many ascents these days start with the Deep Play variant first pitch instead of the one described here.&lt;br/&gt;1. 25m 25. Up the balancey arete on the L until possible to traverse R (across the Original Route) to the R arete (bolts). Keep moving R around the pillar (bolt) and then head up short corner (2 fixed pins, and/or cams) to the ledge.&lt;br/&gt;2. 40m 25. This is a really superb pitch; long, sustained, interesting and well-equipped. Pure class. Most people go L for a few metres after clipping the third bolt, and the back to the arete. There are 10 FHs, with some natural gear (cams) required in the last 10m. Gear: cams from small to #2 Camalot (but #0.75 and #1 are not used on this pitch or "Deep Play"), and plenty of quickdraws (including a couple of extendable quickdraws for under the roof).</climb>  
  <climb id="17" name="Gallegos Route" number="3." fa="Gallegos brothers (Spanish aid hard-men) 1993." grade="A?" length="65m" extra="" stars="">No one seems to know anything much about this, except that it appeared in a Boreal catalogue. From fixed gear left behind, it appears that the first pitch goes out left from the start of the Original Route and up to the big ledge on the far side (this pitch has been freed and is now known as Deep Play). The second pitch then cuts back R across the Tote, following a thin diagonal hairline crack with 2 old pitons... to perhaps join the Original Route at belay two? It may finish as for that route, or it could continue up independently... no sé!</climb>  
  <climb id="18" name="Deep Play" number="4." fa="Gallegos brothers (Spanish aid hard-men) 1993. FFA: Steve Monks, Enga Lokey, Feb 1999." grade="24" length="20m" extra="" stars="***">A popular alternative to the first pitch of the Free Route, as it lessens then the shenanigans required to get your abseil/Tyrolean rope to the summit. This pitch was originally aid-climbed as the first pitch to the Gallegos Route. It has now been retro-bolted (with 5 fixed hangers) and freed to create a more direct approach to the ledge on the far side of the Tote. Take a set of wires, and cams to red alien.</climb>  
  <climb id="104" name="The Sorcerer " number="5." fa="Garry Phillips and Chris Coppard, 2015." grade="27" length="58m" extra="" stars="***">A mind-blowing line. The climbing is sustained and technically demanding. &lt;br/&gt;1. 10m 22 Climb up to the 1st bolt on Deep Play, clip this with a long draw then drop back down a few metres to the horizontal break. Traverse left and around the arête to a stance and belay on the east face. &lt;br/&gt;2. 15m 25 Blast up the face for a few metres then traverse onto the right hand arête. Climb this via a tricky and powerful crux sequence to the ledge.&lt;br/&gt;Note: stay on the right hand arête: if you head left at the top it will become way run out and even harder. &lt;br/&gt;3. 30m 27 Follow the finger crack (.5 .4 .3 and .2 camolots) to the left hand arête. Up this past 8BR and a few bits of natural gear to the traverse line that leads right to the ledge. &lt;br/&gt;4. 3m 17 The crack to the summit. &lt;br/&gt;Gear List:&lt;br/&gt;• Double set of cams from .2 to .5 camolots&lt;br/&gt;• 2x 30cm quick draws&lt;br/&gt;• 1x 60cm quick draw&lt;br/&gt;• 14x quick draws&lt;br/&gt;• single 60m rope and 1 x 120cm sling &lt;br/&gt;• A ton of Psyche!&lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt; &lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <text class="heading2" id="19">The Candlestick</text>  
  <text class="text" id="20">The Candlestick stands behind the Tote. The sea heaving and surging between them caresses the rock walls like a hot lover. The water isn't that hot though, pretty freezing really, but hey, you didn't walk all this way for some kind of disco-party. You lugged all that climbing junk down to this chasm of doom for something far more special - a climbing experience you can really launch yourself into ... bodily.</text>  
  <text class="text" id="21">The crux of the Candlestick is the swim. About 10m of shark-infested, usually surging, water lies between the base of the Tote and the Stick. Send someone else into the water but first give them an end of a rope so they can rig up a Tyrolean. This will minimise the overall wetness of the party. I hesitate to state what should be bloody obvious but someone from Queensland wrote in to say that people should be advised not to swim around the Cape Pillar side to the Tote. Despite the sharp angle the 60m obelisk would put on their rope they were hoping that it would slide smoothly up the Tote as they climbed the Candlestick (until they would be high enough to simply flick it over). They appear to have been surprised when their ropes got caught!</text>  
  <text class="text" id="22">&lt;br/&gt;Access&lt;br/&gt;To get to the abseil point for the Stick and the Tote, at the end of the formed track follow a pad downhill. It is another 100m or so to the end of Cape Hauy. Follow a rough, slightly overgrown track in the direction of Fortescue Bay along to a profile view of both sea stacks, at a level lower than the Tote's summit. From here you can traverse back right across to a ledge within spitting distance of the Tote. Access to both stacks is by abseiling from a DBB here (about 60m). A 70m+ rap line is required to be able to access start of routes (or extend the 60m rope).&lt;br/&gt;There are two ledges on the Candlestick accessible by a short swim from the base of the Tote: (1) A small one to the north that has a double bolt belay with fixed hangers 3m above sea level. This is the start of the NW (The Corner)Route. Jump in and swim left to ledge with U bolts 2-3m above the water. Drag traverse rope across 15m gap and setup Tyrolean or swim.&lt;br/&gt;and (2) a larger one, with no bolts, that is about 20 m south of (1) in the direction of Cape Pillar, behind the Tote, and directly below the actual Candlestick summit.&lt;br/&gt;The Middle Way, the Original (1971) Route and The Wick (1981) start from the larger (southern) ledge. The West Wall is also accessible from here by climbing up The Wick a short way before traversing left.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Descent&lt;br/&gt;From the summit rap down to the bolts at the bottom of the last pitch. The 40m Tyrolean back requires two ropes and involves a controlled descent as anchors are approx. 20m higher than mainland. It is also possible to rap down to the bolts at the top of pitch 2 of ‘The Original Route’ and set up a Tyrolean from there, although ropes have been known to become stuck from this point.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Loose rock is the norm on the Candlestick so take great care. Look out for those below you.&lt;br/&gt;</text>  
  <image id="171" src="Claire abseiling in.jpg" height="375" width="500"/>  
  <image id="173" src="Candlestick Tyrolean AW 1999.jpg" height="344" width="500"/>  
  <climb id="128" stars="" extra="" number="6." name="Tyrolean-Mitre Rock to Cape Hauy " length="" grade="" fa="Reg Williams, John Moore, Alan Keller 1967">An expedition by the CCT in April 1967 landed Reg Williams, John Moore and Alan Kellar at what Reg WIliams named ‘Thank Christ Ledge’. See sketch. A 20m grade 16 pitch led to the summit from the ledge. The epic is documented in an article in HWC Tramp no.18 (Jan.1968 pp43-55). ‘The Candlestick Circus’ by Tim Christie.</climb>  
  <image id="133" src="Topo1.jpg" height="754" width="500"/>  
  <climb id="152" stars="**" extra="DWS" number="7." name="Sankara" length="20m" grade="22" fa="Danny Wade Jan 2019">Arete on north east corner of the Candlestick. High crux.</climb>  
  <climb id="129" stars="" extra="" number="8." name="'ABC' Route" length="~110m" grade="18" fa="M. Tillema, L. Wood, G. Kowalik 1975                                                  Alternative grappling hook access:   C.(Basil) Rathbone, C.(Ditto)Rathbone June 1977">The north side of the Candlestick. First ascent for a ABC TV program “Sportsnight’, now on a 30-minute video: -&lt;br/&gt;;br/&gt;Five pitches. Swim across to the north side of the Candlestick (see topo), solo or aid climb ~8-10m to a ledge and rig a Tyrolean. Three further pitches lead to ‘Thank Christ Ledge’ where the classic Mitre Rock- Mainland Tyrolean landed the 1st ascent party of the Candlestick in 1967. A 20m grade 16 pitch leads to the summit from here.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Note: The swim has been avoided by tossing a homemade grappling hook on polypropylene cord across to the Candlestick and slowly lowering to the ledge at the top of the 1st pitch. Time consuming and not for the faint hearted due to the chance of a massive pendulum and collision back on the mainland cliff.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <image id="155" src="ABC Topo(29-03-19)PR.jpg" height="801" width="600" legend="true"> 
  <climb id="156" stars="*" extra="" number="9." name="Livin In Lutana " length="50m" grade="23" fa="Alex Hartshorne &amp; John Fisher 2019">1. 23 Climb the NW route for a couple of metres then traverse left via a tricky move and small gear. Head directly up to slopey ledge via finger crack and some death flakes (which couldn't be pulled off).&lt;br/&gt;2. 20 Continue straight up via unprotected squeeze chimney.&lt;br/&gt;3. Continue up NW route.&lt;br/&gt;All sizes from blue alien to #6.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <image id="166" src="Livin In Lutana 2.jpg" height="667" width="400"/>  
  <image id="167" src="candlesticktopo(23-06-20).jpg" height="890" width="500" legend="true" printLayout="auto"> 
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      <path id="26133" points="352.0,699.0, 355.0,636.0, 360.0,561.0, 341.0,514.0, 349.0,376.0, 346.0,357.0, 324.0,324.0, 330.0,107.0," linkedTo="24" d="M352.0,699.0C353.2,673.8 353.5,661.2 355.0,636.0C356.5,610.8 362.3,581.1 360.0,561.0C357.7,540.9 342.2,534.2 341.0,514.0C339.8,493.8 348.8,383.7 349.0,376.0C349.2,368.3 349.3,363.9 346.0,357.0C342.7,350.1 325.0,339.8 324.0,324.0C323.0,308.2 327.6,193.8 330.0,107.0"/>  
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      <path id="91165" points="475.0,757.0, 466.0,724.0, 463.0,673.0, 452.0,642.0, 445.0,601.0, 442.0,573.0, 440.0,496.0, 460.0,415.0, 460.0,365.0, 473.0,294.0, 467.0,267.0, 484.0,141.0," linkedTo="89" d="M475.0,757.0C471.4,743.8 467.9,737.5 466.0,724.0C464.1,710.5 465.2,686.0 463.0,673.0C460.8,660.0 451.5,655.1 452.0,642.0C452.5,628.9 446.6,612.1 445.0,601.0C443.4,589.9 442.5,584.3 442.0,573.0C441.5,561.7 436.5,526.6 440.0,496.0C443.5,465.4 457.0,434.8 460.0,415.0C463.0,395.2 457.9,384.9 460.0,365.0C462.1,345.1 472.2,305.0 473.0,294.0C473.8,283.0 466.2,278.0 467.0,267.0C467.8,256.0 477.2,191.4 484.0,141.0"/> 
  <climb id="103" name="North West(The Corner) Route" number="10." grade="18" length="105m" extra="" stars="**" fa=" Pitch 1&amp;2 Drew Fenton &amp; Brad Miller 05/01/1998">A quality route and popular way to climb the Candlestick due to its convenience to DBB anchors at a small ledge on the Stick to the north, 3m above sea level, visible from the start of the swim at the bottom of the 60m rap. Establish oneself on the ledge after desperately grabbing the kelp and move left 3m into the corner.&lt;br/&gt;1. 30m 18. The corner, stepping right around the small roof at 18m. Up to a sloping ledge.&lt;br/&gt;2. 30m 17. Up corner crack and continue to loose vegetated belay ledge at top with slings around boulder. &lt;br/&gt;3. 25m 16. Up wide crack and through awkward chimney squeeze being careful not to dislodge loose rock. Take care not to snag the drag line on the arete to your right. An alternative is to climb the wall on the left which is "&gt;gr.18., delicate and tricky". See 'The Pommish Invasion' film, 2016, at;br/&gt;3. 20m 16. Move the belay back to the bolts and secure your drag line. Go up the crack to your left and follow the line to the top. Alternatively, and somewhat looser, follow a steep jam crack (~18), traversing left under a rooflet near the end of the pitch to regain the original line to the summit. Rap back down to the bolts from slings and set up your escape via Tyrolean.</climb>  
  <climb id="161" stars="**" extra="" number="11." name="Cherry Picker" length="70m" grade="20" fa="Alex Bog and Chris Wallace (01/2020)">The obvious continuous thin crack about 5m right of the north west route. The first pitch is a bit weird however leads to stunning and classic climbing on pitches 2 &amp; 3.&lt;br/&gt;1. 15m 18 Start at the base of the North West route traversing 8m right with limited pro until a large corner system is reached. Up this for 5m then traverse back left on the easy ledge to build a belay. This semi circle of a pitch could be completed direct on reasonable holds as a DWS at around grade 20-22, the described line follows the pro and the easier climbing. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;2. 25m 20 (crux) Launch up the obvious crack system that begins with #2s (save a couple for the next belay) and finishes with 0.4's and wires. Sustained and classic, just enough holds and rests when you need them. A belay is best made on one of the smaller ledges reached first as the pro is not as solid on the large ledge up higher (the higher ledge is also in the way of potential rock fall).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;3. 30m 18 Up the clean #1 size splitter and into the big corner system. Stem up this passing a death block around halfway (surprisingly solid) and a #3 - #4 corner crack to finish off. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;4. Continue up the remaining two pitches of the North West route. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;A small rack of wires and triple rack from #0.4-#3 will make this climb a pleasant experience.</climb>  
  <climb id="125" name="The Middle Way" number="12." fa="Possibly many people. Climbed as described by  Xinyu Zheng, Sabine Pratt Hunziker and Dave James. 02/01/18" grade="18" length="95m" extra="" stars="*">From the large sloping ledge where the Original Route begins, scramble around the corner to the left along the narrow ledge making an anchor at its end. A good alternative to the Original Route.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;1. Climb handcrack to belay at small ledges.&lt;br/&gt;2. Move left into adjacent more attractive crack, jamming and stemming to a small roof, traverse right into handcrack and onto subsequent belay ledge.&lt;br/&gt;3. Climb chimney above and into clean corner where it is possible to see between the columns. Belay on large ledge that extends around to final pitch options to the summit.&lt;br/&gt;4. 20m cracks to summit</climb>  
  <climb id="24" name="Original Route" number="13." fa="R.Williams., M.Tillema, C. Hocking, L. Closs (CCT 1971)" grade="16" length="110m" extra="" stars="">Another popular route. Beware of loose rock. From the large ledge behind the Totem Pole (~20m right of the smaller NW-Corner Route ledge) take the obvious chimney/gully that slowly slants from right to left. A double set of cams is useful. There are no bolts on this ledge at the time of writing.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;1. 25m 14 Up the chimney/crack to a sloping ledge.&lt;br/&gt;2. 35m 16 More chimney/crack, cross over the top of the gnarly chockstone and up to the large ledge. with 2 rings which can be used to Tyrolean back to the mainland roughly level with the top of the Tote.&lt;br/&gt;3. 30m 16 Step right and up a hand and finger crack to the right of the chimney. When the crack finishes step left and finish up broken ground to the upper ledge system and a bolt belay (this can also be used to Tyrolean back to the main land from).&lt;br/&gt;4. 20m 16 Nice cracks to the summit&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <image id="169" src="West Side Original(J.N.)23-06-20.jpg" height="700" width="700" legend="true"> 
      <path id="92994" points="214.0,520.0, 202.0,448.0, 187.0,374.0, 160.0,261.0," linkedTo="103" d="M214.0,520.0C209.2,491.2 207.3,476.7 202.0,448.0C196.7,419.3 193.6,403.5 187.0,374.0C180.4,344.5 170.8,306.2 160.0,261.0"/>  
      <path id="41046" points="214.0,317.0, 204.0,276.0, 194.0,208.0, 211.0,179.0, 203.0,94.0," d="M214.0,317.0C210.0,300.6 207.0,292.6 204.0,276.0C201.0,259.4 193.0,221.4 194.0,208.0C195.0,194.6 209.9,192.4 211.0,179.0C212.1,165.6 206.2,128.0 203.0,94.0" linkedTo="125"/>  
      <path id="37462" points="336.0,547.0, 324.0,448.0, 294.0,338.0, 260.0,206.0, 232.0,85.0," d="M336.0,547.0C331.2,507.4 331.9,487.1 324.0,448.0C316.1,408.9 305.7,382.1 294.0,338.0C282.3,293.9 271.8,254.3 260.0,206.0C248.2,157.7 243.2,133.4 232.0,85.0" linkedTo="24"/>  
      <path id="43363" points="376.0,560.0, 384.0,534.0, 407.0,487.0, 399.0,352.0, 379.0,2.0," linkedTo="130" d="M376.0,560.0C379.2,549.6 379.7,544.0 384.0,534.0C388.3,524.0 409.3,496.6 407.0,487.0C404.7,477.4 402.1,406.0 399.0,352.0C395.9,298.0 387.0,142.0 379.0,2.0"/>  
      <path id="99507" points="517.0,604.0, 475.0,581.0, 467.0,541.0, 417.0,498.0, 396.0,485.0, 380.0,387.0, 357.0,354.0, 328.0,118.0, 314.0,2.0," linkedTo="89" d="M517.0,604.0C500.2,594.8 485.1,593.8 475.0,581.0C464.9,568.2 476.3,554.4 467.0,541.0C457.7,527.6 419.3,507.6 417.0,498.0C414.7,488.4 399.1,494.4 396.0,485.0C392.9,475.6 384.6,402.4 380.0,387.0C375.4,371.6 360.1,369.8 357.0,354.0C353.9,338.2 333.7,164.4 328.0,118.0C322.3,71.6 319.6,48.4 314.0,2.0"/>  
      <path id="8399" points="172.0,200.0, 157.0,101.0," d="M172.0,200.0C166.0,160.4 163.0,140.6 157.0,101.0" linkedTo="103"/> 
  <climb id="130" stars="*" extra="" number="14." name="The Wick" length="~110m" grade="17" fa="L. Closs, T. Williams, S. McDowell (1981)">The obvious direct line to the summit up the middle of the Candlestick when viewed from the mainland following a steep vertical chimney crack system, Start on the right side of the large ledge, right of the Original Route.&lt;br/&gt;Climb with some difficulty into the base of the chimney and continue to the top of the Candlestick. The initial intimidating offwidth overhang is ‘gr.16/17 with holds in the right places’. Although the route looks like cracks and chimneying, it makes much more use of wall holds than it might seem from a distance. “An enjoyable climb, although maybe a bit too old school for today's generation”- Lyle.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <climb id="89" name="West Wall" number="15." fa="David Gray and Sebastien Meffre, April 1997." grade="18" length="130m" extra="" stars="">Access is via kayak or boat, paddling around to the south side of the Lanterns, beaching on the shelf at the southern end of the Candlestick. Start at the left edge of the shelf.&lt;br/&gt;1. 15m 14. Traverse left until beneath the major cleft (The Wick) right of the Candlestick's Original Route.&lt;br/&gt;2. 50m 17. Climb a short wall, then the major chimney (The Wick) until a ramp system can be followed out left to an exposed belay.&lt;br/&gt;3. 50m 18. Climb the steep cracks above until a belay above a large loose block (use extreme caution).&lt;br/&gt;4. 15m 16. Continue up the corner, then more easily to the summit.</climb>  
  <text class="heading2" id="25">The Monument (aka The Monolith)</text>  
  <text class="text" id="26">This large sea-stack is just off to the south of Cape Hauy (clearly visible from the track) was first climbed in 1970 by a Climbers' Club of Tasmania group. This sea-stack is much less popular than the others in the area, perhaps due to the fact that it is not as dramatic looking and is only about 50m high. However, since it is about 100m off shore, it is not any less of an mission to reach the top. Indeed, the tale of the first ascent is yet another grand CCT epic spread over a few attempts.</text>  
  <text class="text" id="27">Prior to the successful attempt, Mendelt Tillema had already swam out to the stack, though his companion (Peter McHugh), who planned to follow in a rubber dingy was not able to make it out to the stack due to the swell. Mendelt swam back to shore and the attempt was aborted. The next time, Mendelt again swam (trailing a rope) to the prominent ledge on the NE corner of the stack. Mike Emery and Ray Lassman tied in the middle of the rope and followed, while Col Hocking held the other end and waited on the mainland should things get messy. McHugh contributed to proceedings by tumbling down the cliff as the start of the day, leaving blood stained rocks as markers for the path to the sea.</text>  
  <text class="text" id="28">From the ledge, the team took the prominent chimney in the corner. This was an 80ft (or 25m) pitch at a grade of "VDiff" (now considered about grade 12-ish), and then a scramble to the top. Upon erecting a cairn they donated some green tights for a flag, though it appears these have long since blown away.</text>  
  <text class="text" id="29">Most (all?) subsequent ascents have utilised a vessel of some sort; either a kayak, or a motor boat (including the second ascent, where they hitched a ride out to the stack on a fishing boat, and flagged down another boat to get a lift back a few hours later!). These days, the sea-stack is perhaps best approached by a kayak launched from Fortescue Bay on a calm day; unless you like swimming, that is.</text>  
  <climb id="30" name="The CCT Route" number="16." fa="Easter 1970." grade="12" length="40m" extra="" stars="">The route starts from a prominent ledge on the NE corner of the stack and climbs via a prominent chimney in the corner until the angle relents enough to scramble to the summit. Descend by abseil. Mendelt Tillema, Mike Emery, Ray Lassman and Col Hocking.</climb>  
  <text class="text" id="31">The following route is on the cliffs overlooking The Momument (I think...).</text>  
  <climb id="32" name="Elementary Penguin" number="17." fa="Stefan Karpiniec, Phil Robinson, Oct 1974." grade="13" length="35m" extra="" stars="">On cliffs opposite obvious doline/cenote/gulch. Descend gully on seaward side to platform at base of cliffs. Climb begins above a loose detached block on platform. 1. 25m. Up chimney for 6m to twin cracks. Down through the overhanging LH crack, then traverse to RH one when feasible. Continue to top of this and belay. 2. 10m. Move L and climb obvious corner</climb>  
  <text id="276" class="heading2">Cape Hauy Cliffs</text>  
  <text id="278" class="heading3">Cliffs Facing the Candlestick and Totem Pole</text>  
  <text class="text" id="34">The following route climbs the steep cliffs overlooking the Candlestick and the Totem Pole, and is accessed by rapping down the route. To get there, follow the Cape Hauy track from Fortescue Bay as for the Totem Pole. At the "Track Ends 50 metres" sign, do not turn off left (as for the Tote), rather go to the end of the track to the rock edge/lookout on the R. Rap bolts are located on the L (looking out), just over the edge. TODO: GPS co-ords.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The raps are: (a) 25m from top (DBB) to a ledge (2 rings + 1 FH), (b) 30m to 2 rings, (c) 30m to 2 FH, then (d) 15m to the bottom ledge, which is huge. NOTE: rap (b) does NOT go directly below the bolts, but instead goes off the other side of the ledge (towards Cape Pillar).</text>  
  <climb id="36" name="Candle in the Wind" number="18." fa="Steve Monks, Adrian Laing, May 2006." grade="25" length="100m" extra="" stars="">Another great alternative if you go to do the Free Route on the Totem Pole and the seas are too big. The bottom ledge for this route is 15 metres off sea level, so the route will be a goer in 'most' seas. Gear required: 60m climbing rope, 2 sets of wires, double set cams to #3 Camalot, hexes, 3 bolt plates, lots of draws.&lt;br/&gt;1. 15m 24. Off the deck past 3 carrots to 2 fixed hangers. Natural gear also required.&lt;br/&gt;2. 30m 25. Straight up crack to belay stance with DBB.&lt;br/&gt;3. 30m 22/23. Continue up crack to ledge with DBB.&lt;br/&gt;4. 25m 18. Interesting face &amp; crack climbing to the ledge, then up corner to top (it is possible to finish more easily on the R).</climb>  
  <text id="277" class="text">The following route is on the mainland cliffs facing the Totem Pole. Fix a 60m rope to DBB as for the Totem Pole access, but rap diagonally towards Cape Pillar (SE), heading down a scungy corner to a ledge with a DBB belay. Continue rapping down the wall below, L of knife blade arête, to arrive at a small ledge about 5m above the ocean with another DBB.</text>  
  <climb id="38" name="The Swell Repeller" number="19." fa="Adam Demmert, Neil Monteith, 3 Jan 2006." grade="24" length="55m" extra="Þ" stars="*">Two pitches of stunning arêtes, both of which are fully bolted. A great bad weather option when the Tote is being hammered by the swell.&lt;br/&gt;1. 35m 24. Climb sustained arête past 10 FHs that get fairly spaced and oddly placed as you get higher. Belay on vegetated ledge at DBB.&lt;br/&gt;2. 20m 20. Up thin crack splitting the exposed arête above to small ledge. Sling rock tooth with a large sling and climb easily to top. Belay off the DBB.</climb>  
  <text id="141" class="heading3">Monroe's Bight Cliffs</text>  
  <text id="142" class="intro">The cliffs on the south side of Cape Hauy, the Shnaggle Tooth is accessed by turning south onto track at the top of the first set of steps on Cape Hauy, follow the track till it ends after 50m then wander down hill another 50m and look over the east side of the spur to see the Shnaggle Tooth.</text>  
  <climb id="143" stars="*" extra="" number="20." name="Shnaggle Tooth" length="15m" grade="9" fa="Daz &amp; Katherine Tattersall March 2018">Climb crack to summit, stand on top.</climb>  
  <image id="144" width="400" height="615" printLayout="auto" src="Shnaggle Tooth.JPG" legend="true"> 
      <path id="27118" points="2.0,34.0," d="M2.0,34.0"/>  
      <path id="40152" points="9.0,34.0," d="M9.0,34.0"/>  
      <path id="86414" points="557.0,1093.0, 514.0,1190.0, 513.0,1292.0, 523.0,1310.0, 511.0,1491.0, 500.0,1608.0," d="M557.0,1093.0C539.8,1131.8 522.8,1150.2 514.0,1190.0C505.2,1229.8 512.4,1283.8 513.0,1292.0C513.6,1300.2 523.1,1301.8 523.0,1310.0C522.9,1318.2 514.6,1444.1 511.0,1491.0C507.4,1537.9 504.4,1561.2 500.0,1608.0" linkedTo="143"/> 
  <text class="heading3" id="110">The Big Scary Shady Cliff</text>  
  <text class="text" id="111">This is one of the easiest cliffs to access, I don’t know that the old men’s excuses are for not climbing these, but if the kids with the hammer drills stay playing in the sand pit that would be greatly appreciated. Three towers, one is perfect for the epic, one is to climb and one is to get your picture taken on, what more could you ask for?&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Rap into the blue fin is clearing where small point and monument line up, cliff faces east on the Monroe's Bight side of Cape Hauy.</text>  
  <climb id="121" name="Fisherman" number="21." fa="DJ and Daz June 2017" grade="18" length="30m" extra="" stars="">Wide cracks on to the fisherman’s shoulders, final block to summit remains unconquered and the prize of stealing the fisherman’s hat. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <image id="126" height="675" src="bluefin2.JPG" legend="true"> 
      <path id="15404" linkedTo="116" d="M571.0,437.0C567.8,400.2 565.8,368.8 563.0,345.0C560.2,321.2 555.9,301.7 553.0,286.0C550.1,270.3 547.9,252.8 545.0,247.0C542.1,241.2 532.6,246.9 530.0,241.0C527.4,235.1 523.7,232.6 522.0,226.0C520.3,219.4 516.1,200.4 515.0,183.0C513.9,165.6 514.7,116.8 515.0,112.0C515.3,107.2 518.0,105.4 520.0,101.0" points="571.0,437.0, 563.0,345.0, 553.0,286.0, 545.0,247.0, 530.0,241.0, 522.0,226.0, 515.0,183.0, 515.0,112.0, 520.0,101.0,"/>  
      <path id="11814" d="M518.0,467.0C517.2,447.4 515.5,426.7 516.0,418.0C516.5,409.3 519.6,405.4 522.0,397.0" points="518.0,467.0, 516.0,418.0, 522.0,397.0," lineStyle="dotted"/>  
      <path id="82498" linkedTo="119" arrow="false" d="M521.0,390.0C518.6,338.4 515.1,269.2 515.0,261.0C514.9,252.8 522.6,246.9 520.0,241.0" points="521.0,390.0, 515.0,261.0, 520.0,241.0,"/> 
  <climb id="116" name="Blue Fin" number="22." fa="DJ and Daz alt June 2017" grade="21" length="50m" extra="" stars="***">Splitter in face, the blue fin is an endangered species. This improbably thin fin of stone ends in a perfect summit. Please take care of the bonsai's on the summit they are living a long and hard life. &lt;br/&gt;1. 15m 18. Right hand, widening crack, belay on ledge right of crack before traverse.&lt;br/&gt;2. 35m 21. Follow hand traverse left to crack, climb to summit.&lt;br/&gt;3. 10m 23. or jug rap line, crack on mainland to cliff top.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <climb id="119" name="Direct" number="23." fa="DJ and Daz June 2017" grade="18" length="20m" extra="" stars="">Wide crack direct start to the fin.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <climb id="122" name="Direct Direct" number="24." fa="Alex Hathshorne and Rosemary  Hohnen November 2017" grade="26" length="20m" extra="" stars="">Thin left hand line. Disappointing flares</climb>  
  <climb id="120" name="B Side" number="25." fa="DJ and Daz alt June 2017" grade="15" length="50m" extra="" stars="*">Wide stemming chimney between mainland and Blue Fin. Start on right hand side of fin. Jug from summit.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <climb id="113" name="Narcissist" number="26." fa="Daz July 2017" grade="" length="35m" extra="" stars="">The most photogenic of towers, visible from the Cape Hauy track.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <text class="heading3" id="39">The Safe House Crag</text>  
  <text class="text" id="40">Situated in a small inlet about 0.5 km from the end of Cape Hauy, are some superb dolerite sea crags discovered in March 1989 after a huge swell aborted a Candlestick attempt. To get there leave the Cape Hauy track (as marked on the map) and walk along the ridge line to the coast (downhill from the ridge the scrub is horrendous!). As you get to the coast you have to bash through some pretty thick stuff for maybe 100m 'til you arrive at the crag. (Editor's note: a boat sounds like a good alternative. Has anyone got one?). Routes are from L to R. The hard looking arête makes a good point of reference.</text>  
  <climb id="41" name="Plastic Machete" number="27." fa="Evan Peacock, Mar 1989." grade="21" length="12m" extra="" stars="">The face/seam L of the arête, bombproof wire protection and very nice climbing.</climb>  
  <climb id="42" name="Riff Raff and Rug Rats" number="28." fa="Evan Peacock, Mar 1989." grade="18" length="12m" extra="" stars="">R and around the arête is a nice looking corner.</climb>  
  <climb id="43" name="Flock of Dolphins" number="29." fa="Evan Peacock, Mar 1989." grade="20" length="12m" extra="" stars="">The next route to the R, excellent face/finger crack climbing.</climb>  
  <climb id="44" name="Seal of Approval" number="30." fa="Steve Ford, Mar 1989." grade="19" length="12m" extra="" stars="">Next line to the R.</climb>  
  <climb id="45" name="Morning Swim" number="31." fa="Steve Ford, Feb 1990." grade="19" length="12m" extra="">R and around the corner from SOA is a small roof, climb this.</climb>  
  <climb id="46" name="Pissin' in the Wind" number="32." fa="Evan Peacock, Feb 1990." grade="21" length="15m" extra="">Starts in the corner immediately right of MS. Some lay-away moves bring you some bridging then the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="47" name="Don't Drink Yellow Sea Spray" number="33." fa="Evan Peacock, Feb 1990." grade="15" length="15m" extra="">Starts in the wide crack about 5m R of PIW.</climb>  
  <climb id="48" name="Dunkirk" number="34." fa="Evan Peacock, Mar 1989." grade="15" length="15m" extra="" stars="">A bit further R is a corner, it looks very nice and, dare I say it, is rather obvious. It's bristling with runners and is an excellent route.</climb>  
  <text id="274" class="heading1">Fortescue Bay Area</text>  
  <text id="275" class="text">This section of the guide covers the cliffs and crags within the sheltered area of Fortescue Bay itself. There are a number of pleasant crags within a 20 minute walk of the campsite that provide a fun and pleasant day out.</text>  
  <text class="heading2" id="50">Fortescue Bay Crag</text>  
  <text class="text" id="51">A quiet, sunny heat trap, right on the sea and with a pleasant rock platform at its base. Fortescue Bay Crag is the original crag in the area, facing North on the Cape Hauy side of the bay. The crag is about 20 metres high, and the rock is fairly typical of Tasman Peninsula, generally okay but take care. Climbing is generally on cracks and flakes. The cliff faces north, and is a warm winter crag, particularly if the sun is shining. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Approach from Fortescue Bay and walk along the Cape Hauy track for 5 minutes until it begins to leave the coast (don't follow it inland). Drop down to the shoreline and follow it for another 15 minutes. You will come to the top of the crag - you can't miss it. Either abseil, or continue through the scrub to a tricky down climb near the far end. The cleaner routes are marked with a star.</text>  
  <climb id="52" name="Wet Nurse" number="35." fa="Nick Hancock, Ken Palmer Mar 2004." grade="23" length="15m" extra="DWS" stars="**">At the left end of the cliff climb the sharp arête, starting from the ledge on the left which is gained by abseil.</climb>  
  <climb id="53" name="Nurse Shark" number="36." fa="Nick Hancock, Ken Palmer Mar 2004." grade="19" length="5m" extra="DWS" stars="">The blunt arête gained from the right.</climb>  
  <climb id="54" name="Style Over Substance" number="37." fa="Roger Parkyn, Nov 2008." grade="18" length="12" extra="" stars="*">Left of and above the start of Rhyme is a sloping ramp of rock with a wall above it. This route goes up a hand crack on the right of this wall and surmounts a block near the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="55" name="The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner" number="38." fa="Pete Steane, Sep 1995." grade="20" length="15m" extra="" stars=" * ">The thin line near the left end of the main wall. Finish at the she oak on the sloping ledge. (I had a pre-placed runner to protect the start, but if you're not a cripple you could probably boulder it OK.).</climb>  
  <climb id="56" name="Kelpie" number="39." fa="Doug Fife, Sep 1995." grade="17" length="15m" extra="" stars=" * ">The nice crack just right of The Rhyme of the Ancient Mariner. Finishes on the same sloping ledge as that climb.</climb>  
  <climb id="57" name="Unnamed" number="40." fa="Doug Fife, Sep 1995." grade="18" length="20m" extra="" stars=" * ">The crack and flake just left of Thank Christ for Bass Strait. Finish easily up the left facing corner.</climb>  
  <climb id="58" name="Thank Christ for Bass Strait" number="41." fa="Pete Steane, Jun 1995." grade="18" length="20m" extra="">The highest line on the wall. Jamming and layaways with a wide but easy finish.</climb>  
  <climb id="90" name="Jesus Without the Nails" number="42." fa="Nick &amp; Heather Hancock, Jun 2011." grade="23" length="20m" stars="**">Pinch up the fin just right of TCFBS via 7 glued carrots. Medium cams for the belay.</climb>  
  <climb id="59" name="Windscape" number="43." fa="Bob McMahon, Jun 1995." grade="19" length="20m" extra="">The line immediately right of Thank Christ for Bass Strait. Flared jamming to start. At the top, step left into Thank Christ for Bass Strait. Direct finish looks quite feasible.</climb>  
  <climb id="60" name="Blythe Star" number="44." fa="Pete Steane, Sep 1995." grade="18" length="18m" extra="">A deep crack to start (better to use the face holds) followed by a step out left to climb the neat flake (fun). Loose finish.</climb>  
  <text class="text" id="61">A short distance right there is a small barnacle filled gutter below an easy looking corner. The gutter forms a break between the higher cliffs of the Main Wall on the left, and the smaller wall on the right.</text>  
  <climb id="62" name="Sunny Gym" number="45." fa="Pete Steane, Jun 1995." grade="17" length="10m" extra="" stars=" * ">Nice jamming up the line just right of the easy looking corner. A fun move over the bulge near the top. Crack may be wet after rain.</climb>  
  <climb id="63" name="Exit Route" number="46." grade="16" length="10m" extra="" stars=" * ">The next crack right. Corner through a roof. Pleasant.</climb>  
  <text id="108"/>  
  <text id="174" class="heading2">Canoe Bay Crag</text>  
  <text id="175" class="text">With the relaxing setting, easy walk from Fortescue Bay camp-ground and an abundance of good routes all virtually next door to each other, these cliffs provide great cragging and a popular low commitment alternative to the more adventurous nature of climbing in the area. There are large wave-cut belay ledges facing the Hippolytes and Cape Hauy to bask-on, and it's a great spot to have a swim on a hot day. The rock quality is generally good, though it can be friable in places - wear a helmet. The crag goes into shade in the afternoon but is good year round. Some seepage occurs after consecutive heavy rainfall. Routes listed with a ≈ symbol are best climbed when the tide/swell is low (&lt;0.8m tide is ideal) Check:!/tas-pirates-bay. The crag is split across two cliffs (North and South), with routes listed from climbers' left to right. Access is from the Canoe Bay walking track (one of Tasmania's 60 Great Short Walks). From the car park, head North along the beach, then follow the track to Canoe Bay for ~15 minutes.</text>  
  <text id="176" class="heading3">South Cliff</text>  
  <text id="271" class="text">The South Cliff gets more sun than the North Cliff and has a nice big amphitheatre of rock to bask on. There's a handful of nice sport routes here and a few excellent trad lines. Cut-off from the track down to the point on your right (locate a small cairn at 43 deg 7.8327’ S, 147 deg 57.5309’ E), immediately before Canoe Bay at around the top of the hill. Rock-hop around the water-line towards Canoe Bay and you will come to the southern crag.</text>  
  <image id="218" src="IMG_3073.jpg" height="800" width="600" legend="true" legendTitle="South Cliff - Cove"> 
      <path id="73676" points="112.0,687.0, 123.0,469.0, 74.0,338.0, 116.0,247.0, 221.0,222.0, 254.0,164.0,lower" d="M112.0,687.0C116.4,599.8 129.1,524.6 123.0,469.0C116.9,413.4 75.3,378.1 74.0,338.0C72.7,297.9 84.5,271.8 116.0,247.0C147.5,222.2 198.1,235.8 221.0,222.0C243.9,208.2 248.7,190.2 254.0,164.0" linkedTo="179"/>  
      <path id="65804" points="239.0,690.0, 251.0,519.0, 271.0,389.0, 292.0,251.0, 325.0,233.0, 327.0,204.0, 314.0,181.0,lower" d="M239.0,690.0C243.8,621.6 245.4,571.3 251.0,519.0C256.6,466.7 263.0,441.0 271.0,389.0C279.0,337.0 287.1,265.2 292.0,251.0C296.9,236.8 318.1,242.3 325.0,233.0C331.9,223.7 328.8,214.4 327.0,204.0C325.2,193.6 319.2,190.2 314.0,181.0" linkedTo="180"/>  
      <path id="96415" points="320.0,663.0, 335.0,341.0, 338.0,272.0, 329.0,205.0," d="M320.0,663.0C326.0,534.2 333.7,368.6 335.0,341.0C336.3,313.4 339.2,299.0 338.0,272.0C336.8,245.0 330.8,215.4 329.0,205.0" linkedTo="181"/>  
      <path id="61171" points="357.0,722.0, 395.0,545.0, 370.0,234.0, 355.0,117.0,lower" d="M357.0,722.0C372.2,651.2 393.1,617.4 395.0,545.0C396.9,472.6 374.4,281.0 370.0,234.0C365.6,187.0 361.0,163.8 355.0,117.0" linkedTo="182"/>  
      <path id="32800" points="581.0,574.0, 562.0,414.0, 494.0,252.0, 422.0,185.0, 417.0,133.0, 391.0,98.0,lower" d="M581.0,574.0C573.4,510.0 578.8,476.2 562.0,414.0C545.2,351.8 514.5,285.6 494.0,252.0C473.5,218.4 433.4,202.5 422.0,185.0C410.6,167.5 422.9,149.4 417.0,133.0C411.1,116.6 401.4,112.0 391.0,98.0" linkedTo="183"/>  
      <path id="84835" points="142.0,686.0, 172.0,448.0, 218.0,334.0, 258.0,249.0, 254.0,164.0," d="M142.0,686.0C154.0,590.8 161.6,496.1 172.0,448.0C182.4,399.9 203.1,368.5 218.0,334.0C232.9,299.5 250.9,282.3 258.0,249.0C265.1,215.7 248.7,190.2 254.0,164.0" linkedTo="272"/> 
  <climb id="178" stars="" extra="" number="47." name="Below Deck" length="8m" grade="13" fa="Christoph Speer, Rach Chong, Nov 2022">Up the twin cracks in the first little alcove on the left, just before you approach the main crag near the waterline. Belay on shrubs and walk-off left through the scrub (crux).</climb>  
  <climb id="179" stars="" extra="≈" number="48." name="The Jolly Roger" length="12m" grade="15" fa="Roger Parkyn, Christoph Speer, Oct 2022">Pleasant face climbing on big holds. Start in the middle of the wall and trend left and up the groove past some cam pockets to the arete, then move back right and up following the diagonal crack. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="272" stars="*" extra="5Þ" number="49." name="Piracy" length="12m" grade="14" fa="Christoph Speer, Daniel Peacock, May 2024">Big jugs - will clean up with some traffic. Fully bolted. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="180" stars="**" extra="≈" number="50." name="The Kraken" length="18m" grade="19" fa="Christoph Speer, Cameron Semple, Roger Parkyn, Oct 2022">Jam up the steep hand crack to the bush, with some exciting bridging across the groove 1m below this to finish up the final few metres of Davey Jones’ Locker. Take a #4. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="181" stars="*" extra="≈" number="51." name="Davey Jones’ Locker" length="18m" grade="19" fa="Zack Lazatin, Jemma Herbert, Nov 2022">The watery grave. Chimney, stem and jam up the line. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="182" stars="**" extra="≈ 7Þ" number="52." name="Parlay" length="15m" grade="18" fa="Christoph Speer, Roger Parkyn, Nov 2022">Classy climbing. Start in the middle of the face below the undercut and head directly up past the flake and seven bolts to the lower-off. Fully bolted.</climb>  
  <climb id="183" stars="*" extra="Mixed" number="53." name="Sea Legs" length="13m" grade="18" fa="Christoph Speer, Roger Parkyn, Nov 2022">Thoughtful climbing up the open corner. Small / medium wires and cams with a single bolt in the middle provide good protection to the lower-off.</climb>  
  <image id="219" src="IMG_3072.jpg" height="800" width="600" legend="true" legendTitle="South Cliff - Rum Wall"> 
      <path id="88082" points="291.0,767.0, 280.0,698.0, 269.0,648.0, 281.0,446.0, 300.0,390.0, 262.0,323.0, 263.0,284.0, 287.0,243.0, 290.0,156.0,lower" d="M291.0,767.0C286.6,739.4 283.7,718.1 280.0,698.0C276.3,677.9 268.9,668.5 269.0,648.0C269.1,627.5 278.2,469.5 281.0,446.0C283.8,422.5 303.6,413.4 300.0,390.0C296.4,366.6 267.1,337.7 262.0,323.0C256.9,308.3 258.3,298.9 263.0,284.0C267.7,269.1 283.1,261.6 287.0,243.0C290.9,224.4 293.7,179.9 290.0,156.0" linkedTo="184"/>  
      <path id="35358" points="461.0,720.0, 463.0,611.0, 458.0,506.0, 451.0,401.0, 442.0,318.0, 403.0,279.0, 377.0,241.0, 315.0,213.0, 290.0,158.0," d="M461.0,720.0C461.8,676.4 463.6,653.0 463.0,611.0C462.4,569.0 460.4,548.0 458.0,506.0C455.6,464.0 453.8,434.3 451.0,401.0C448.2,367.7 450.1,338.5 442.0,318.0C433.9,297.5 414.9,293.1 403.0,279.0C391.1,264.9 391.7,252.1 377.0,241.0C362.3,229.9 332.5,229.7 315.0,213.0C297.5,196.3 293.7,181.9 290.0,158.0" linkedTo="185"/> 
  <climb id="184" stars="***" extra="Mixed" number="54." name="Rum on the Rocks" length="16m" grade="23" fa="Christoph Speer, Nov 2022">A classic little finger crack. Well-protected, technical and pumpy. Up the crack, moving right out to the flake when it gets desperate. Cross back over and climb the face past a bolt to finish up the corner (save a BD#0.5) to a Lower-off. The crack goes direct at 24 if you don't use the flake.</climb>  
  <climb id="185" stars="**" extra="" number="55." name="The Peg Leg" length="17m" grade="20" fa="Christoph Speer, Roger Parkyn, Cameron Semple, Oct 2022">A well-protected trad route that keeps you working. Follow the crack with help from the arete to the small roof. Pull left under this and traverse across the featured face, then pull into the corner to finish as for Rum on the Rocks. Save a BD #1 for the traverse and #0.5 for the top corner.</climb>  
  <image id="220" src="IMG_3074.jpg" height="800" width="600" legend="true" legendTitle="South Cliff - Sirens Wall"> 
      <path id="71088" points="241.0,566.0, 241.0,455.0, 254.0,288.0, 196.0,217.0, 213.0,156.0, 253.0,112.0,lower" d="M241.0,566.0C241.0,521.6 238.9,499.4 241.0,455.0C243.1,410.6 260.8,324.0 254.0,288.0C247.2,252.0 203.5,241.2 196.0,217.0C188.5,192.8 201.7,176.9 213.0,156.0C224.3,135.1 237.0,129.6 253.0,112.0" linkedTo="186"/>  
      <path id="19504" points="385.0,759.0, 358.0,635.0, 323.0,533.0, 312.0,277.0, 307.0,170.0, 300.0,103.0, 290.0,59.0,lower" d="M385.0,759.0C374.2,709.4 369.4,676.6 358.0,635.0C346.6,593.4 328.5,575.8 323.0,533.0C317.5,490.2 313.9,319.8 312.0,277.0C310.1,234.2 308.9,196.9 307.0,170.0C305.1,143.1 302.7,120.8 300.0,103.0C297.3,85.2 294.0,76.6 290.0,59.0" linkedTo="187"/>  
      <path id="84605" points="499.0,744.0, 458.0,611.0, 462.0,520.0, 435.0,366.0, 426.0,266.0, 404.0,202.0, 373.0,156.0, 359.0,108.0,lower" d="M499.0,744.0C482.6,690.8 463.9,646.9 458.0,611.0C452.1,575.1 465.4,556.3 462.0,520.0C458.6,483.7 440.6,405.8 435.0,366.0C429.4,326.2 431.0,292.6 426.0,266.0C421.0,239.4 413.6,222.0 404.0,202.0C394.4,182.0 381.6,174.0 373.0,156.0C364.4,138.0 364.6,127.2 359.0,108.0" linkedTo="188"/>  
      <path id="30291" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="60954" points="591.0,685.0, 550.0,443.0, 539.0,345.0, 509.0,240.0,lower-right" d="M591.0,685.0C574.6,588.2 556.0,482.0 550.0,443.0C544.0,404.0 546.8,383.7 539.0,345.0C531.2,306.3 521.0,282.0 509.0,240.0" linkedTo="189"/> 
  <climb id="186" stars="*" extra="6Þ" number="56." name="Phishing" length="14m" grade="19" fa="Christoph Speer, Jai Friend, Oct 2022">Good climbing up the slabby wall left of The Sirens Call. Follow the left-hand edge of the flake to some tricky moves reaching a jug, then trend left up the face until you can move back right to gain good holds and lower-off. Fully bolted.</climb>  
  <climb id="187" stars="*" extra="" number="57." name="The Sirens Call" length="17m" grade="16" fa="Christoph Speer, Jai Friend, Oct 2022">Somewhat insecure climbing up the eye-catching line to the lower-off. The leaning block is keyed-in but take care. A BD#4 for the top is useful - or lower-off from Phishing.</climb>  
  <climb id="188" stars="*" extra="7Þ" number="58." name="Three Sheets to the Wind" length="16m" grade="19" fa="Christoph Speer, Roger Parkyn, Nov 2022">Crank through the roof (crux) and up the face to the ledge. Then follow the thoughtful arete to finish on its left side and mantle delicately to the lower-off. Fully bolted - use a locker on the first bolt. Should clean-up with some more traffic.</climb>  
  <image id="221" src="IMG_3075.jpg" height="542" width="600" legend="true" legendTitle="South Cliff - Treasure Wall"> 
      <path id="84937" points="232.0,520.0, 237.0,281.0, 242.0,194.0, 246.0,120.0, 237.0,78.0,lower" d="M232.0,520.0C234.0,424.4 235.9,315.8 237.0,281.0C238.1,246.2 240.3,223.6 242.0,194.0C243.7,164.4 248.8,137.0 246.0,120.0C243.2,103.0 240.6,94.8 237.0,78.0" linkedTo="190"/>  
      <path id="16268" points="348.0,502.0, 320.0,258.0, 312.0,194.0, 267.0,163.0, 246.0,120.0," d="M348.0,502.0C336.8,404.4 323.0,283.6 320.0,258.0C317.0,232.4 322.6,213.1 312.0,194.0C301.4,174.9 279.7,177.3 267.0,163.0C254.3,148.7 248.8,137.0 246.0,120.0" linkedTo="191"/>  
      <path id="40500" points="473.0,448.0, 445.0,325.0, 418.0,184.0, 416.0,152.0, 430.0,125.0,lower" d="M473.0,448.0C461.8,398.8 455.3,374.4 445.0,325.0C434.7,275.6 420.1,196.6 418.0,184.0C415.9,171.4 413.6,163.9 416.0,152.0C418.4,140.1 434.0,136.5 430.0,125.0" linkedTo="192"/>  
      <path id="73161" points="583.0,458.0, 550.0,353.0, 522.0,263.0, 488.0,197.0, 465.0,155.0, 431.0,125.0," d="M583.0,458.0C569.8,416.0 561.3,389.0 550.0,353.0C538.7,317.0 533.0,290.6 522.0,263.0C511.0,235.4 496.9,213.9 488.0,197.0C479.1,180.1 476.3,169.2 465.0,155.0C453.7,140.8 435.0,136.5 431.0,125.0" linkedTo="193"/>  
      <path id="19091" points="132.0,513.0, 146.0,335.0, 140.0,243.0, 196.0,140.0, 209.0,54.0,lower" d="M132.0,513.0C137.6,441.8 144.9,371.9 146.0,335.0C147.1,298.1 130.8,278.7 140.0,243.0C149.2,207.3 184.1,172.7 196.0,140.0C207.9,107.3 203.8,88.4 209.0,54.0" linkedTo="189"/> 
  <climb id="189" stars="*" extra="5Þ" number="59." name="Treasure Chest" length="12m" grade="18" fa="Christoph Speer, Roger Parkyn, Nov 2022">Sustained climbing up the weirdo face with some balancy moves at the very top. Fully bolted.</climb>  
  <climb id="190" stars="" extra="" number="60." name="Blistering Barnacles" length="12m" grade="15" fa="Christoph Speer, Jai Friend, Oct 2022 ">Enjoyable and well-protected climbing up the highly featured face and crack. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="191" stars="" extra="" number="61." name="Abandon Ship" length="13m" grade="17" fa="Christoph Speer, Zack Lazatin, Nov 2022">Up the blocky crack/face, plug some gear in the horizontal at 2/3rds height, then abandon ship and do a memorable traverse left (crux) to finish up Blistering Barnacles.</climb>  
  <climb id="192" stars="" extra="" number="62." name="Peppercorn Crack" length="12m" grade="19" fa="Christoph Speer, Roger Parkyn, Oct 2022">Nice climbing with good protection, but the rock is a bit gritty. Up the LH wall to enter the bottomless hand-crack, then steep laybacking and jamming to the top to a lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="193" stars="" extra="" number="63." name="Pillage &amp; Plunder" length="12m" grade="17" fa="Christoph Speer, Roger Parkyn, Oct 2022">Worth a few moments. Sustained bridging and finger jamming up the wide-angle corner with good protection. The spike is keyed-in. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <text id="194" class="heading3">North Cliff</text>  
  <text id="273" class="text">The North Cliff loses the sun around midday and is slightly taller. The rock is arguably of better overall quality here as well. There's plenty of excellent trad and mixed lines, and one hard sport route. Locate a small cairn (at 43 deg 7.7088’ S, 147 deg 57.4739’ E) next to a big tree as you walk down the hill to Canoe Bay, then cut right down to the waterline and traverse the shore towards the South, away from Canoe Bay. If the tide/swell comes up during your visit, it's possible to escape back to the track by climbing a grade 6 exit scramble right of 'Bogans in Boats', then walking shortly through the scrub back to the track.</text>  
  <image id="240" src="IMG_4322 (1).jpg" height="667" width="500" legend="true" legendTitle="North Cliff - Far Left" legendx="6" legendy="4"> 
      <path id="60297" points="254.0,589.0, 253.0,589.0, 270.0,492.0, 246.0,391.0, 270.0,55.0,lower" d="M254.0,589.0C254.1,588.6 252.9,589.4 253.0,589.0C253.1,588.6 271.4,531.4 270.0,492.0C268.6,452.6 246.0,432.5 246.0,391.0C246.0,349.5 260.4,189.4 270.0,55.0" linkedTo="196"/>  
      <path id="25826" points="229.0,392.0, 194.0,341.0, 222.0,136.0, 269.0,54.0," d="M229.0,392.0C215.0,371.6 194.7,365.7 194.0,341.0C193.3,316.3 212.4,172.6 222.0,136.0C231.6,99.4 250.2,86.8 269.0,54.0" linkedTo="239"/>  
      <path id="79091" points="325.0,628.0, 378.0,360.0, 362.0,76.0, 386.0,19.0," d="M325.0,628.0C346.2,520.8 370.7,469.0 378.0,360.0C385.3,251.0 361.4,100.7 362.0,76.0C362.6,51.3 376.4,41.8 386.0,19.0" arrow="true" linkedTo="241"/> 
  <climb id="239" stars="*" extra="≈" number="64." name="My Son Niko" length="18m" grade="17" fa="Christoph Speer, Jai Friend, June 2023">A great companion route to Just Right. Up through the bulge as for Just Right, then traverse left across the wall following the line of holds into the next crack line. Follow this to the top and step right to the anchor. Good protection. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="196" stars="**" extra="≈" number="65." name="Just Right" length="18m" grade="17" fa="Fraser L-R, Christoph Speer, Dec 2022">Memorable climbing above the water. Starting on the far left of the crag where the ledges peter out, belay in a small undercut and bridge straight-up through the intimidating bulge to follow an engaging crack to the top. Thoughtful moves over the block at half-height. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="241" stars="" extra="" number="66." name="Just Because" length="16m" grade="8" fa="Amps, Christoph Speer, Jan 2024">Halfway between Just Right and Smooth Sailing is a thin crack. Up this and the proceeding juggy staircase above which ends on a small pillar. Step right above the void and belay/abseil from the anchor on smooth sailing. Quite a good ramble.</climb>  
  <image id="226" src="North Cliff LHS.jpg" height="667" width="500" legend="true" legendTitle="North Cliff - Left Side" legendx="7" legendy="6"> 
      <path id="55386" points="375.0,629.0, 362.0,514.0, 344.0,401.0, 329.0,249.0, 307.0,147.0, 298.0,110.0,belay" d="M375.0,629.0C369.8,583.0 368.2,559.4 362.0,514.0C355.8,468.6 349.7,446.4 344.0,401.0C338.3,355.6 335.0,290.3 329.0,249.0C323.0,207.7 310.3,161.9 307.0,147.0C303.7,132.1 301.6,124.8 298.0,110.0" linkedTo="197"/>  
      <path id="96614" points="160.0,634.0, 163.0,540.0, 199.0,372.0, 212.0,301.0, 204.0,260.0, 210.0,204.0, 220.0,161.0,lower-left" d="M160.0,634.0C161.2,596.4 157.5,577.2 163.0,540.0C168.5,502.8 193.2,400.3 199.0,372.0C204.8,343.7 211.3,317.7 212.0,301.0C212.7,284.3 204.3,276.7 204.0,260.0C203.7,243.3 207.2,221.4 210.0,204.0C212.8,186.6 216.0,178.2 220.0,161.0" linkedTo="225"/>  
      <path id="51902" points="19.0,359.0, 45.0,303.0," d="M19.0,359.0C29.4,336.6 34.6,325.4 45.0,303.0" linkedTo="196" arrow="true"/>  
      <path id="8995" points="59.0,270.0,lower" d="M59.0,270.0"/>  
      <path id="91751" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="52745" points="254.0,632.0, 248.0,485.0, 227.0,377.0, 256.0,267.0, 234.0,187.0, 281.0,121.0, 276.0,87.0,lower" d="M254.0,632.0C251.6,573.2 252.6,528.8 248.0,485.0C243.4,441.2 225.4,421.0 227.0,377.0C228.6,333.0 254.8,300.2 256.0,267.0C257.2,233.8 228.5,218.9 234.0,187.0C239.5,155.1 275.7,133.7 281.0,121.0C286.3,108.3 278.0,100.6 276.0,87.0" linkedTo="227"/> 
  <climb id="225" stars="*" extra="" number="67." name="Smooth Sailing" length="15m" grade="15" fa="Christoph Speer, Gina Sorensen, Dec 2022">A popular route and a nice lead for the grade. Just left of the arete, start-up the corner / hand-crack on good holds, then traverse left into the crack and follow this to the top. Lower-off. There is a good variant to the left at grade 14 which goes up the face at the start, meeting the upper crack above.</climb>  
  <climb id="227" stars="**" extra="Mixed" number="68." name="The Bow" length="15m" grade="17" fa="Christoph Speer, Liam Mangan-Smith, Jan 2023">Thought-provoking climbing and photogenic positions up the arete on its RHS face. A range of cams, long slings and two bolts provide good protection to the top. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="197" stars="" extra="" number="69." name="Maiden Voyage" length="17m" grade="13" fa="Alex Lawson, Christoph Speer, Nov 2022">Good fun. A 3D subterranean experience climbing through the crack-line and deep chimney, just right of the pointy blocky arete. Belay at top on ledge and abseil-off using the Smooth Sailing anchor.</climb>  
  <image id="231" src="IMG_3576.jpg" height="525" width="700" legend="true" legendx="529" legendy="2" legendTitle="Zodiac Wall"> 
      <path id="65561" points="58.0,370.0, 57.0,370.0, 68.0,283.0, 96.0,203.0, 147.0,120.0, 185.0,46.0,belay" d="M58.0,370.0C58.0,369.6 57.0,370.4 57.0,370.0C57.0,369.6 60.3,316.0 68.0,283.0C75.7,250.0 81.2,233.5 96.0,203.0C110.8,172.5 130.6,148.9 147.0,120.0C163.4,91.1 169.8,75.6 185.0,46.0" linkedTo="230"/>  
      <path id="13282" points="132.0,471.0, 158.0,358.0, 194.0,215.0, 226.0,122.0, 245.0,83.0, 292.0,43.0, 335.0,40.0,lower" d="M132.0,471.0C142.4,425.8 147.1,403.1 158.0,358.0C168.9,312.9 183.1,252.8 194.0,215.0C204.9,177.2 219.7,138.2 226.0,122.0C232.3,105.8 233.9,96.3 245.0,83.0C256.1,69.7 276.4,50.4 292.0,43.0C307.6,35.6 324.3,42.2 335.0,40.0" linkedTo="198"/>  
      <path id="13716" points="229.0,489.0, 248.0,352.0, 272.0,228.0, 289.0,115.0, 301.0,74.0, 309.0,50.0, 334.0,39.0," d="M229.0,489.0C236.6,434.2 239.8,401.8 248.0,352.0C256.2,302.2 264.2,273.0 272.0,228.0C279.8,183.0 285.8,131.8 289.0,115.0C292.2,98.2 298.0,83.7 301.0,74.0C304.0,64.3 302.1,57.4 309.0,50.0C315.9,42.6 323.3,41.2 334.0,39.0" linkedTo="199"/>  
      <path id="81992" points="369.0,496.0, 367.0,324.0, 337.0,215.0, 355.0,161.0, 352.0,119.0, 336.0,38.0," d="M369.0,496.0C368.2,427.2 372.1,368.9 367.0,324.0C361.9,279.1 338.7,237.7 337.0,215.0C335.3,192.3 352.4,177.6 355.0,161.0C357.6,144.4 354.6,135.6 352.0,119.0C349.4,102.4 342.4,70.4 336.0,38.0" linkedTo="200"/>  
      <path id="8904" points="462.0,510.0, 439.0,363.0, 418.0,199.0, 397.0,114.0, 388.0,53.0, 414.0,21.0,lower" d="M462.0,510.0C452.8,451.2 447.3,421.9 439.0,363.0C430.7,304.1 423.8,233.5 418.0,199.0C412.2,164.5 402.0,138.2 397.0,114.0C392.0,89.8 385.0,69.2 388.0,53.0C391.0,36.8 415.1,37.5 414.0,21.0" linkedTo="201"/>  
      <path id="69671" points="581.0,390.0, 522.0,223.0, 475.0,184.0, 446.0,74.0, 414.0,20.0," d="M581.0,390.0C557.4,323.2 533.2,244.7 522.0,223.0C510.8,201.3 486.1,205.8 475.0,184.0C463.9,162.2 454.8,97.5 446.0,74.0C437.2,50.5 415.1,36.5 414.0,20.0" linkedTo="202"/>  
      <path id="12046" points="656.0,399.0, 561.0,216.0, 509.0,129.0, 463.0,42.0, 413.0,23.0," d="M656.0,399.0C618.0,325.8 580.4,251.6 561.0,216.0C541.6,180.4 528.3,163.3 509.0,129.0C489.7,94.7 477.4,57.9 463.0,42.0C448.6,26.1 433.0,30.6 413.0,23.0" linkedTo="203"/> 
  <climb id="230" stars="" extra="" number="70." name="Coco Pops" length="18m" grade="10" fa="Fraser L-R (solo), Jan 2023">The wide corner/chimney left of Bridge Over Troubled Water.</climb>  
  <climb id="198" stars="*" extra="" number="71." name="Bridge Over Troubled Water" length="22m" grade="14" fa="Christoph Speer, Fraser L-R, Dec 2022">Jamming and bridging between the wide corner and finger crack. Best climbed as per the name suggests. Traverse right across the ledge at top to belay from the anchor and abseil-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="199" stars="**" extra="≈ Mixed" number="72." name="Zodiac" length="20m" grade="20" fa="Christoph Speer, Jai Friend, Nov 2022">Layback the taxing shallow groove to a rest, then follow the crack to a small rooflet. Blast through this onto the juggy face (two bolts) to finish with a heart-stopping mantle. Protection in the groove is good, but demanding to place. Take wires and plenty of finger sized cams. Lower-off from Lost Bounty.</climb>  
  <climb id="200" stars="*" extra="≈" number="73." name="Lost Bounty" length="20m" grade="18" fa="Christoph Speer, Alex Lawson, Nov 2022">Crank up the sustained face and cracks to a stance, then continue up the absorbing and steepening crack line to the top. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="201" stars="**" extra="≈" number="74." name="Swallowing Tommys Nuts" length="20m" grade="17" fa="Henk Morgans, Jayd Blunden, Dale Cokley, Thomas Cramer, Jan 2016">Quality finger and hand jamming. Step right to lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="202" stars="*" extra="Mixed" number="75." name="Changeling" length="18m" grade="19" fa="Hamish Jackson, Christoph Speer, Nov 2022">Juggy and sustained face climbing featuring some bizarre huecos. Layback the flakes (crux, past 2 bolts) to a stance, then follow the intermittent cracks to finish up the steep face past two more bolts to the lower-off. Take wires and cams up to BD #1 for the middle.</climb>  
  <climb id="203" stars="*" extra="" number="76." name="Pissing in my Kayak" length="18m" grade="16" fa="Jayd Blunden, Thomas Cramer, Dale Cokley, Henk Morgans, Jan 2016">Nice bridging and face climbing up the featured open corner and crack-line, stepping left to lower-off at the top. Take care with the rock quality.</climb>  
  <image id="232" src="IMG_3574.jpg" height="525" width="700" legend="true" legendTitle="Salt Flakes Wall" legendx="3" legendy="4"> 
      <path id="43749" points="172.0,472.0, 195.0,336.0, 250.0,194.0, 282.0,127.0, 294.0,73.0,belay" d="M172.0,472.0C181.2,417.6 180.1,389.1 195.0,336.0C209.9,282.9 238.6,221.4 250.0,194.0C261.4,166.6 274.4,147.8 282.0,127.0C289.6,106.2 289.2,94.6 294.0,73.0" linkedTo="205"/>  
      <path id="2996" points="299.0,476.0, 314.0,291.0, 331.0,219.0, 343.0,181.0, 340.0,147.0, 329.0,119.0, 334.0,88.0, 336.0,65.0,lower" d="M299.0,476.0C305.0,402.0 310.3,320.4 314.0,291.0C317.7,261.6 326.9,234.4 331.0,219.0C335.1,203.6 341.3,194.5 343.0,181.0C344.7,167.5 342.7,158.7 340.0,147.0C337.3,135.3 330.2,131.0 329.0,119.0C327.8,107.0 332.8,97.2 334.0,88.0C335.2,78.8 335.2,74.2 336.0,65.0" linkedTo="233"/>  
      <path id="50275" points="336.0,475.0, 343.0,339.0, 388.0,249.0, 378.0,103.0, 406.0,84.0,lower" d="M336.0,475.0C338.8,420.6 334.0,378.2 343.0,339.0C352.0,299.8 382.1,288.8 388.0,249.0C393.9,209.2 376.5,116.5 378.0,103.0C379.5,89.5 394.8,91.6 406.0,84.0" linkedTo="208"/>  
      <path id="83987" points="539.0,475.0, 476.0,266.0, 440.0,186.0, 428.0,134.0, 427.0,102.0, 409.0,85.0," d="M539.0,475.0C513.8,391.4 487.4,299.2 476.0,266.0C464.6,232.8 447.3,206.1 440.0,186.0C432.7,165.9 430.0,146.7 428.0,134.0C426.0,121.3 430.6,111.2 427.0,102.0C423.4,92.8 417.3,90.3 409.0,85.0" linkedTo="209"/>  
      <path id="62077" points="653.0,477.0, 609.0,339.0, 569.0,268.0, 525.0,208.0, 486.0,147.0, 443.0,99.0, 411.0,84.0," d="M653.0,477.0C635.4,421.8 621.2,369.2 609.0,339.0C596.8,308.8 585.1,293.1 569.0,268.0C552.9,242.9 541.4,231.9 525.0,208.0C508.6,184.1 501.5,167.6 486.0,147.0C470.5,126.4 453.8,108.1 443.0,99.0C432.2,89.9 419.3,89.3 411.0,84.0" linkedTo="210"/>  
      <path id="94427" points="42.0,462.0, 199.0,158.0, 244.0,77.0, 232.0,49.0,lower-left" d="M42.0,462.0C104.8,340.4 181.8,190.8 199.0,158.0C216.2,125.2 240.5,88.7 244.0,77.0C247.5,65.3 236.8,60.2 232.0,49.0" lineStyle="dotted" linkedTo="203"/>  
      <path id="40250" points="" d=""/> 
  <climb id="205" stars="*" extra="" number="77." name="Misadventures at Sea" length="18m" grade="16" fa="Henk Morgans, Jayd Blunden, Dale Cokley, Thomas Cramer, Jan 2016.">Nice climbing up the featured crack / face on interesting water-washed rock. Walk-off right and abseil from the top of Buffet Buttress. Originally started from the corner to the right, but better if climbed direct.</climb>  
  <climb id="233" stars="*" extra="Mixed" number="78." name="Lucky Charms" length="20m" grade="22" fa="Fraser L-R, Christoph Speer, Jan 2023">Feeling lucky? Pleasant climbing up the well-protected crack-line and flakes leads to a steep and challenging headwall. The crux at the top is protected with a bolt. You can scoot right (then back) to avoid it at grade 19. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="208" stars="**" extra="Mixed" number="79." name="Delicious Fish" length="18m" grade="19" fa="Christoph Speer, Fraser L-R, Jan 2023">Technical, sustained and well-protected. Climb to the horizontal break from the left, with tenuous moves leading past the two bolts just left of the arete (crux). Continue up the pumpy finger crack to finish right and lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="237" stars="*" extra="" number="80." name="Salt Flakes (Left Exit)" length="18m" grade="17" fa="Christoph Speer, Jai Friend, Nov 2022">The original start to the finger crack on Delicious Fish. Climb Salt Flakes to the first rooflet, then traverse left to the finger crack and finish up this, as for Delicious Fish.</climb>  
  <climb id="209" stars="**" extra="" number="81." name="Salt Flakes" length="18m" grade="16" fa="Hamish Jackson, Christoph Speer, Nov 2022">Mouth watering climbing up the flakes and cracks, with an exciting finish. Good gear. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="210" stars="" extra="" number="82." name="Captain Crunch" length="18m" grade="16" fa="Fraser L-R, Christoph Speer, Dec 2022">Good climbing up the corner just right of Salt Flakes. Adequately protected, but requires some thought at the crux (rooflet). Step left at top to lower-off as for Salt Flakes.</climb>  
  <text id="207" class="text">The next few climbs finish on a pleasant rock ledge, a good spot to stop for lunch. Use the DBB anchor set-back from the ledge to belay and abseil from. This buttress is swell and tide affected - climb at low tide with a low swell.</text>  
  <image id="228" src="Buffet Buttress.jpeg" height="800" width="600" legend="true" legendTitle="Buffet Buttress" legendx="422" legendy="12"> 
      <path id="29230" points="234.0,738.0, 252.0,336.0, 156.0,175.0, 187.0,83.0,belay" d="M234.0,738.0C241.2,577.2 262.3,410.3 252.0,336.0C241.7,261.7 161.1,213.5 156.0,175.0C150.9,136.5 174.6,119.8 187.0,83.0" linkedTo="211"/>  
      <path id="32709" points="" d=""/>  
      <path id="95712" points="46.0,747.0, 108.0,478.0, 144.0,312.0, 157.0,176.0," d="M46.0,747.0C70.8,639.4 93.1,544.3 108.0,478.0C122.9,411.7 135.2,365.9 144.0,312.0C152.8,258.1 162.1,214.5 157.0,176.0" linkedTo="212"/>  
      <path id="79318" points="262.0,314.0, 266.0,183.0, 268.0,103.0,belay" d="M262.0,314.0C263.6,261.6 265.1,215.0 266.0,183.0C266.9,151.0 267.2,135.0 268.0,103.0" linkedTo="213"/>  
      <path id="76393" points="468.0,739.0, 443.0,497.0, 400.0,397.0, 347.0,306.0, 341.0,223.0, 312.0,144.0, 302.0,102.0,belay" d="M468.0,739.0C458.0,642.2 451.5,539.7 443.0,497.0C434.5,454.3 418.9,434.6 400.0,397.0C381.1,359.4 357.7,337.5 347.0,306.0C336.3,274.5 348.0,255.5 341.0,223.0C334.0,190.5 317.3,160.4 312.0,144.0C306.7,127.6 306.0,118.8 302.0,102.0" linkedTo="214"/>  
      <path id="91060" points="589.0,665.0, 523.0,492.0, 470.0,388.0, 471.0,331.0, 450.0,247.0, 413.0,144.0, 392.0,119.0,belay" d="M589.0,665.0C562.6,595.8 541.4,534.9 523.0,492.0C504.6,449.1 477.0,409.7 470.0,388.0C463.0,366.3 474.2,353.6 471.0,331.0C467.8,308.4 460.3,280.1 450.0,247.0C439.7,213.9 418.4,155.9 413.0,144.0C407.6,132.1 400.4,129.0 392.0,119.0" linkedTo="215"/>  
      <rect id="70267" x="54" y="10" width="139" height="22" style="white_text_on_solid_black" text="DBB set-back from ledge" arrowDirection="south_east"/> 
  <climb id="212" stars="*" extra="≈" number="83." name="Seafood Extender" length="18m" grade="21" fa="Fraser L-R, Christoph Speer, Dec 2022">The fingery direct start to Anchovy Arete, climbing the stepped crack below the ramp. A bold start, but is OK with a good spot until the first piece (wire) goes in at 3m.</climb>  
  <climb id="211" stars="**" extra="≈" number="84." name="Anchovy Arete" length="18m" grade="18" fa="Christoph Speer, Fraser L-R, Dec 2022">A small climb that’s big on flavour. Start up the handcrack, then move up the interesting left-trending diagonal crack system until you can climb the superb face and arete above. There's a short run-out just after the traverse unless you have a keen eye for gear placements. Can also be started from the corner as for Captain Crunch.</climb>  
  <climb id="213" stars="*" extra="≈" number="85." name="Chips Ahoy" length="18m" grade="20" fa="Fraser L-R, Christoph Speer, Dec 2022">Up the crack and into the compartment, then make your escape through the unique v-groove chimney. Jam through the roof and finish up the crack to the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="214" stars="*" extra="≈" number="86." name="Piña Colada Perfection" length="18m" grade="19" fa="Christoph Speer, Fraser L-R, Dec 2022">Up the easy face and crack trending left into the undercut. Step right into the crack-line on the face and layback and finger jam your way to glory with good protection. &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;1 part white rum, 2 parts pineapple juice, 1 part coconut cream (half sugar / half coconut milk) - add ice, blend &amp; serve.</climb>  
  <climb id="215" stars="*" extra="≈" number="87." name="Rinse, Repeat" length="18m" grade="17" fa="Christoph Speer, Jai Friend, Nov 2022">Classic dolerite jamming. The perfect, water-washed hand-crack with a crux at the top. Good pro.</climb>  
  <image id="236" src="IMG_3577.jpg" height="547" width="700" legend="true" legendTitle="Mussel Memory Wall" legendx="3" legendy="4"> 
      <path id="3629" points="368.0,491.0, 374.0,372.0, 382.0,308.0, 375.0,235.0, 371.0,184.0, 378.0,92.0,lower" d="M368.0,491.0C370.4,443.4 372.0,397.7 374.0,372.0C376.0,346.3 381.8,333.8 382.0,308.0C382.2,282.2 376.8,255.4 375.0,235.0C373.2,214.6 370.6,204.5 371.0,184.0C371.4,163.5 375.2,128.8 378.0,92.0" linkedTo="234"/>  
      <path id="18570" points="425.0,482.0, 427.0,159.0, 421.0,124.0, 379.0,89.0," d="M425.0,482.0C425.8,352.8 427.2,173.2 427.0,159.0C426.8,144.8 429.0,135.7 421.0,124.0C413.0,112.3 395.8,103.0 379.0,89.0" linkedTo="216"/>  
      <path id="9548" points="628.0,461.0, 597.0,208.0, 587.0,120.0, 598.0,43.0,belay" d="M628.0,461.0C615.6,359.8 601.2,243.2 597.0,208.0C592.8,172.8 586.8,151.1 587.0,120.0C587.2,88.9 593.6,73.8 598.0,43.0" linkedTo="217"/>  
      <path id="43112" points="274.0,459.0, 297.0,338.0, 311.0,251.0, 326.0,106.0,belay" d="M274.0,459.0C283.2,410.6 290.8,372.7 297.0,338.0C303.2,303.3 306.6,286.0 311.0,251.0C315.4,216.0 320.0,164.0 326.0,106.0" linkedTo="215" lineStyle="dotted"/>  
      <path id="66613" points="78.0,346.0, 86.0,301.0," d="M78.0,346.0C81.2,328.0 82.8,319.0 86.0,301.0" linkedTo="184"/>  
      <path id="90414" points="201.0,355.0, 213.0,288.0, 226.0,237.0," d="M201.0,355.0C205.8,328.2 208.6,308.6 213.0,288.0C217.4,267.4 220.8,257.4 226.0,237.0" linkedTo="227"/>  
      <rect id="56868" x="58" y="228" width="63" height="22" style="white_text_on_solid_black" text="South Cliff" arrowDirection="south"/>  
      <path id="76150" points="500.0,513.0, 497.0,418.0," d="M500.0,513.0C498.8,475.0 498.2,456.0 497.0,418.0" arrow="true" linkedTo="242"/> 
  <climb id="234" stars="*" extra="≈ Þ" number="88." name="Mussel Memory" length="16m" grade="25" fa="Fraser L-R, Jan 2023">The thin, sustained and technical arete, keeping out of FCCC. Fully bolted. Will shred fingers.</climb>  
  <climb id="242" stars="" extra="" number="89." name="Highball Boulder Problem" length="7m" grade="24?" fa="">The thin crack.</climb>  
  <climb id="216" stars="" extra="≈" number="90." name="French Canadian Canoe Corner" length="16m" grade="14" fa="Christoph Speer, Fraser L-R, Dec 2022">The obvious corner crack. Awkward jamming and bridging up the inward flaring crack-line. Hexes or large nuts are useful. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="217" stars="" extra="" number="91." name="Bogans in Boats" length="8m" grade="13" fa="Christoph Speer, Lachlan Mckenzie, Feb 2021">Pretty damn worthless. Next small corner right of FCCC. Hand jam up the corner crack to the ledge, then finish up the finger crack. Trad belay and walk-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="229" stars="" extra="" number="92." name="Exit Route" length="6m" grade="6" fa="">Do this to get out if the swell comes up and you get trapped. Up the slab just right of Bogans in Boats (don't be too proud to rope-up). Walk-off to the track through the scrub (trending left is easier).</climb>  
  <climb id="235" stars="*" extra="" number="93." name="Novelty Climb" length="17m" grade="5" fa="Fraser L-R (solo), Jan 2023">The deep and dark chimney on your right just before the rock-hop to the main crag. Climb the chimney and exit via the hole in the top between the huge boulder. Easily protected.</climb>  
  <text class="heading1" id="64">Bivouac Bay and Cape Nola</text>  
  <text id="250" class="text">The area around Cape Nola and Bivouac Bay has a great collection of climbs, most notably The Moai - perhaps the most achievable of the three spires. You can either walk-in to do your chosen route(s) in a day from the car park, or as a more relaxed trip by camping at the Bivouac Bay camp-site. There is good water access and a toilet here, along with tent platforms. The Moai is ~10 minutes’ walk away from the camp-site and The Golden Pillar a further 10 minutes from this. The Bivouac Bay crag is about a 15 minute walk away from camp.</text>  
  <text id="254" class="heading2">Bivouac Bay Crag</text>  
  <text id="268" class="text">Only a 15 minute walk away from the Bivouac Bay campsite is a great crag with a suite of excellent routes. The rock here is water washed and of very good quality, and there’s something for everyone with a variety of grades and styles. The crag faces South and doesn’t get much sun, so it’s great on a warm day in summer, and chilly in winter.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Access is simple. At the small bay just South of Bivouac Bay proper, two meters past the small rocky bridge, cut from the track on the faint trail (GPS code FTS031) and head down the small gully/dry creek bed. Once at the stony beach walk Southwest (towards Canoe Bay) along the shoreline for around 5 minutes until you see a cairn at the tree line. Start heading uphill past this, following the orange tape along the bush track until it leads to a descent gully. Down this and walk to the right (facing the sea) to the main cliff. It’s very easy to reach the crag by Kayak or boat as well, with good landing locations right next to the crag if the swell is low, which it usually is. From Fortescue Bay it’s a bit over an hour walk and very doable as a pleasant day trip.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Be wary of how you store your food. The resident raven knows how to open zips, and has a penchant for power bars.</text>  
  <image id="269" src="IMG_5618 (1).jpg" height="535" width="900" legend="true" legendTitle="Bivouac Bay Crag" legendx="698" legendy="12"> 
      <path id="4305" points="15.0,416.0, 65.0,258.0, 111.0,140.0,belay" d="M15.0,416.0C35.0,352.8 48.4,305.8 65.0,258.0C81.6,210.2 92.6,187.2 111.0,140.0" linkedTo="255"/>  
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      <path id="7016" points="449.0,459.0, 442.0,214.0, 433.0,174.0,lower" d="M449.0,459.0C446.2,361.0 442.9,230.4 442.0,214.0C441.1,197.6 436.6,190.0 433.0,174.0" linkedTo="262"/>  
      <path id="60565" points="540.0,479.0, 523.0,318.0, 510.0,228.0, 504.0,111.0, 514.0,81.0,lower" d="M540.0,479.0C533.2,414.6 527.3,354.1 523.0,318.0C518.7,281.9 513.3,264.2 510.0,228.0C506.7,191.8 503.7,123.6 504.0,111.0C504.3,98.4 515.3,93.6 514.0,81.0" linkedTo="263"/>  
      <path id="31612" points="574.0,480.0, 567.0,402.0, 544.0,238.0, 515.0,83.0," d="M574.0,480.0C571.2,448.8 570.9,433.1 567.0,402.0C563.1,370.9 554.1,300.3 544.0,238.0C533.9,175.7 516.3,95.6 515.0,83.0" linkedTo="264"/>  
      <path id="50481" points="598.0,456.0, 565.0,264.0, 548.0,141.0, 559.0,128.0,lower" d="M598.0,456.0C584.8,379.2 572.8,313.1 565.0,264.0C557.2,214.9 548.8,147.8 548.0,141.0C547.2,134.2 559.8,134.8 559.0,128.0" linkedTo="265"/>  
      <path id="33842" points="654.0,465.0, 623.0,298.0, 588.0,163.0, 560.0,127.0," d="M654.0,465.0C641.6,398.2 634.9,352.5 623.0,298.0C611.1,243.5 594.3,180.1 588.0,163.0C581.7,145.9 560.8,133.8 560.0,127.0" linkedTo="266"/>  
      <path id="14330" points="722.0,478.0, 707.0,396.0, 662.0,235.0, 628.0,146.0,lower" d="M722.0,478.0C716.0,445.2 715.0,428.4 707.0,396.0C699.0,363.6 673.5,271.3 662.0,235.0C650.5,198.7 641.6,181.6 628.0,146.0" linkedTo="267"/> 
  <climb id="255" stars="*" extra="" number="94." name="Don't Take My Baby" length="15m" grade="16" fa="Chris Lang, Alex Doyle, March 2024">Nice climbing up the box groove, with a convenient tree to rap-off at the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="257" stars="***" extra="" number="95." name="Cake or Death" length="18m" grade="23" fa="Chris Lang, Alex Doyle, March 2024">It's definitely cake! Take the committing line through the left of the enormous roof to the face crack and face to the top. For now rap off a tree near the top. Anchors and a bolt will be installed at some point - somewhat spicy (but safe) topout until this happens.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Micro cams (.1 and .2) and a small (yellow) offset nut or cam recommended.</climb>  
  <climb id="259" stars="*" extra="" number="96." name="Life Starts at No.5" length="18m" grade="19" fa="Christoph Speer, Martin Brown, Chris Lang, March 2024">The striking flake / off-width. Jam, layback and struggle up the prominent line to a lower-off. Take a couple #4 and #5 cams. Quite unique, and not bad for this sort of thing. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="260" stars="" extra="" number="97." name="Are You Serious" length="18m" grade="17" fa="Chris Lang, Alex Doyle, March 2024">The crack/groove just right of the flake, traversing left to the anchor at the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="261" stars="**" extra="" number="98." name="The Illusion Delusion" length="15m" grade="17" fa="Christoph Speer, Martin Brown, Chris Lang, Alex Doyle, March 2024">Steep jamming with a neat bulge a half height. Looks 3 grades harder and is an absolute delight. Take a #4. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="262" stars="*" extra="" number="99." name="Blank Canvas" length="15m" grade="15" fa="Chris Lang, Christoph Speer, February 2024">The appealing hand crack. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="263" stars="***" extra="" number="100." name="Never Let Me Go" length="20m" grade="22" fa="Christoph Speer, Martin Brown, Chris Lang, March 2024">Brilliant, sustained climbing up the attractive crack in the centre of the buttress. As good as it looks. Lower-off.</climb>  
  <climb id="264" stars="***" extra="8Þ" number="101." name="Yak to the Future" length="20m" grade="24" fa="Chris Lang, Martin Brown, Christoph Speer, March 2024">Superb technical climbing up the arete. Eight bolts to a lower off.</climb>  
  <climb id="265" stars="**" extra="" number="102." name="Double Agent" length="18m" grade="19/18" fa="Chris Lang (left variant), Christoph Speer (direct), February 2024">A classy corner route, with two equally excellent starts. Take the left crack and step across to the main line (19) or go direct (18). Lower-off. &lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <climb id="266" stars="***" extra="8Þ " number="103." name="Dr. Incognito" length="18m" grade="24" fa="Chris Lang, Martin Brown, Alex Doyle, Christoph Speer, March 2024">Consistent, powerful climbing up the middle of the face and through the small roof. Eight bolts to a lower off.</climb>  
  <climb id="267" stars="*" extra="" number="104." name="Espresso" length="17m" grade="17" fa="Chris Lang, Christoph Speer, February 2024">Awkward then pleasant hand jamming up the groove crack to a lower-off.</climb>  
  <text id="243" class="heading2">The Moai</text>  
  <text class="text" id="65">The Moai completes the trilogy. No aid, no swim, just quality routes - uncompromisingly modern in style - in a wild and scenic location. The Moai is a lone column of dolerite beside the sea, north of Fortescue Bay. Amidst the walls of rock along the coastline it stands apart, resting upon an altar formed by a rock platform, like a discontinuity in the time-space continuum. Its spiritual significance is obvious. Rock is not simply the medium for the sport, as only climbers know, the rock is sacred and the Moai is a shrine to the Rock Gods - a place of worship. (Editor's note: Moai is the name of the monoliths on Easter Island, pronounced "mow"-"eye")</text>  
  <text class="text" id="66">To get to the Moai, walk along the beach from Fortescue Bay and onto the track to Waterfall Bay. About 1 hour 30 minutes of walking takes you to Bivouac Bay (good camp site with toilet). From Bivouac Bay, continue along the track for about 10 minutes until the crest of the spur is reached; there are two sawn stumps (approx. 40cm diameter) on the track here. Another 20m (approximately) along the track a small cairn marks the route to the abseils. Additional cairns and faded yellow (i.e. white) tape marks the route. Finally, climb around a large boulder to reach the abseil anchors (a U and a chain-link about 100m from the track). The first abseil is 15m (grade 16 if you want to climb back out). There are then two more of similar height off trees (these two can be done together as a 50m abseil and are about grade 12 if you're climbing out). Alternatively, a 60m rope fixed from the top anchors will just reach the bottom. From the bottom of the abseils it is relatively straightforward to scramble down to the rock platform. At most times, the rock platform is unthreatened by waves, but in certain heavier swell conditions waves do occasionally sweep across. Take care if the sea is rough, especially on the scramble to the platform.</text>  
  <image id="91" height="757" width="600" src="the-moai.jpg" legendy="634" legendx="31" legendTitle="The Moai" legend="true" legendFooter=""> 
      <path id="22275" linkedTo="70" d="M501.0,554.0C497.4,483.6 492.7,414.8 492.0,378.0C491.3,341.2 497.3,322.8 496.0,286.0C494.7,249.2 485.5,161.3 484.0,149.0C482.5,136.7 479.2,131.0 476.0,119.0" points="501.0,554.0, 492.0,378.0, 496.0,286.0,belay 484.0,149.0, 476.0,119.0,lower"/>  
      <path id="49418" linkedTo="69" d="M453.0,544.0C451.4,500.4 449.2,461.8 449.0,435.0C448.8,408.2 452.3,394.8 452.0,368.0" points="453.0,544.0, 449.0,435.0, 452.0,368.0,lower"/>  
      <path id="35619" linkedTo="68" d="M453.0,368.0C452.7,341.2 449.5,292.0 448.0,254.0C446.5,216.0 443.7,180.7 445.0,159.0C446.3,137.3 452.2,127.2 457.0,106.0" points="453.0,368.0, 448.0,254.0,label 445.0,159.0, 457.0,106.0,lower"/>  
      <path id="33361" linkedTo="83" d="M342.0,329.0C340.8,290.6 340.2,271.4 339.0,233.0" points="342.0,329.0, 339.0,233.0,lower"/>  
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      <path id="91910" d="" points=""/>  
      <rect id="12266" style="black_text_on_solid_white" height="22" width="81" text="Mainland Wall" y="366" x="37"/> 
  <climb id="68" name="Burning Spear" number="105." fa="S.Eberhard, R.Parkyn, Oct 1994." grade="22" length="35m" extra="Þ (pitch 2)" stars="*">1. 20m 18. Start in the short chimney (at the left-most part of the base that has easy access). Steep but juggy climbing leads to the belay ledge (rap anchors). Good natural gear.&lt;br/&gt;2. 15m 22. Crank up the arête. At one point the route comes quite close to Sacred Site but don't get sucked into going onto it as it will become difficult (and run-out) getting back onto the line.</climb>  
  <climb id="69" name="Blunt Instrument" number="106." fa="Roger Parkyn, Dec 1994." grade="20" length="20m" extra="" stars="**">A good alternate first pitch to Burning Spear, with the combination of this and the second pitch of Burning Spear generally regarded as the classic route(s) up the Moai. Two U's lead to a flake, then follow cracks with good gear to the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="70" name="Ancient Astronaught" number="107." fa="R.Parkyn, G.Phillips, Sep 1994." grade="24" length="35m" extra="Þ" stars="**">1. 25m 24. Crank through the overhang at the base of the NE arête. Continue up the arête and the wall to its L.&lt;br/&gt;2. 10m 20. Blast straight up from the belay ledge then trend R via the last U to finish on the R side of the arête. No natural gear required on either pitch.</climb>  
  <climb id="71" name="Sacred Site" number="108." fa="R.Eberhard, R.Parkyn, Aug 1994." grade="18" length="35m" extra="" stars="**">NB There is a huge loose flake/block above the 2nd bolt on Sacred Site. It is the flake that takes the gear!(Aug 2918)&lt;br/&gt;1. 10m. Scramble (about grade 2) up to the ledge on the NE side of the Moai.&lt;br/&gt;2. 25m. Climb the corner onto the pedestal then up to the bolt. From the bolt move R 1m then up via a flake. Trend R to another bolt then straight up. Use the anchors of Ancient Astronaught to belay/rappel (a single 50m rope doubled just makes it down). Take a selection of small to mid-sized cams.</climb>  
  <text class="heading3" id="72">Moai Mainland Wall</text>  
  <text class="text" id="73">On the cliff facing the Moai (i.e. part of the mainland) there are several pleasant routes. To get to them scramble down past the small cave at water level and up onto the ledges above. The first three routes all start from the same ledge (looks slopey from the Moai). There is a rap anchor above Thunderstruck.</text>  
  <climb id="145" stars="**" extra="" number="109." name="no name 1001" length="18m" grade="21" fa="Kim Laddigies and Garry Phillips Jan 2019">Finger crack in the middle of the face. Starts at sea level. Great climbing up a lovely line. Gear from .2 to 1 camolot.&lt;br/&gt;Rap anchors at the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="74" name="The Firing Line" number="110." fa="Sam Edwards, Oct 1994." grade="18" length="15m" extra="">The continuous finger crack.</climb>  
  <climb id="75" name="The Hands of Chaos" number="111." fa="Sam Edwards, Oct 1994." grade="17" length="15m" extra="" stars="">The hand crack two metres R of The Firing Line. There is a rectangular block that sticks out near the top.</climb>  
  <climb id="76" name="Mr Whippy" number="112." fa="J.Morgan, Oct 1994." grade="16" length="15m" extra="" stars="">The twin cracks in a short chimney two metres R of The Hands of Chaos.</climb>  
  <climb id="77" name="Thunderstruck" number="113." fa="Garry Phillips, Oct 1994." grade="17" length="25m" extra="" stars="">The zig-zag (thunder-bolt) crack about 20m R of Mr Whippy. A quality route with rap anchors at the top.</climb>  
  <text class="text" id="78">Other crack routes exist about 100m away in the direction of Cape Huay. Editor's note: Climbs were done in the Dolomieu Point area by Peacock et al in the early eighties. These are different routes. I couldn't determine the location of the earlier route with sufficient accuracy (refer to CCT circulars 1982 -- issue #145).</text>  
  <climb id="79" name="Garn's Horror Climb" number="114." fa="Garn Copper, Feb 1995." grade="18" length="40m" extra="" stars="">Start about 3/4 of the way L along the first cliffs encountered, below the L side of the ledge about 15m up. 1. 15m. Up the crack, corner and face to the ledge. 2. 24m. Traverse about 4m R along the ledge then up a hand-crack. Continue through a roof then up the next hand-crack on the R.</climb>  
  <climb id="80" name="Squeeze" number="115." fa="Sam Edwards, Feb 1995." grade="17" length="18m" extra="" stars="">The wide crack about 10m R of Garn's Horror Climb passing through the R side of a roof then climb straight up the crack to the ledge.</climb>  
  <text class="heading2" id="81">The Golden Pillar</text>  
  <text class="text" id="82">Located about 10 minutes’ walk further along the track from the Moai turn-off is a large orange arete (GPS code FTS010). Visible from the track at the first lookout you come to. There is an impressive sense of exposure when abseiling the cliff to the lonely ledges where you start your route. Fixing a rope over the edge helps alleviate this, but for the full experience - pull your ropes! There is some loose rock, and quality on the routes can vary from excellent to very friable - so wear a helmet. Potential routes to the right of the Golden Pillar have been investigated, but the rock quality starts to deteriorate significantly.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;The Pillar is located only a few metres from the track. It is well equipped with DBBs at the top of the cliff for getting down to the routes - check the individual route descriptions for details.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Be wary of how you store your food. The resident raven knows how to open zips, and has a penchant for power bars.</text>  
  <image id="249" src="GoldenPillar.JPG" height="423" width="600"> 
      <path id="17398" points="" d=""/>  
      <rect id="70291" x="332" y="140" width="97" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="The Golden Pillar"/>  
      <path id="3521" points="11.0,112.0, 10.0,112.0, 97.0,82.0, 162.0,74.0, 231.0,62.0, 271.0,78.0, 311.0,77.0, 334.0,55.0, 373.0,47.0," d="M11.0,112.0C11.4,111.9 9.6,112.1 10.0,112.0C10.4,111.9 71.6,88.4 97.0,82.0C122.4,75.6 136.1,77.9 162.0,74.0C187.9,70.1 213.8,61.4 231.0,62.0C248.2,62.6 255.3,75.1 271.0,78.0C286.7,80.9 299.0,81.4 311.0,77.0C323.0,72.6 322.5,60.5 334.0,55.0C345.5,49.5 357.4,50.2 373.0,47.0" labelText="" lineStyle="dotted" arrow="true"/>  
      <path id="5144" points="161.0,74.0," d="M161.0,74.0" labelText="Track from Bivouac Bay"/>  
      <path id="6420" points="" d=""/> 
  <image id="244" src="Screen Shot 2024-01-21 at 7.11.47 PM.png" height="1180" width="500" legend="true" legendTitle="Golden Pillar Area" legendx="327" legendy="4"> 
      <path id="64431" points="154.0,673.0,belay 166.0,639.0, 164.0,535.0, 148.0,506.0, 143.0,433.0,label 141.0,373.0,lower" d="M154.0,673.0C154.3,663.7 165.0,653.4 166.0,639.0C167.0,624.6 165.8,548.1 164.0,535.0C162.2,521.9 150.7,519.0 148.0,506.0C145.3,493.0 144.3,457.0 143.0,433.0C141.7,409.0 137.5,386.5 141.0,373.0" linkedTo="246"/>  
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      <path id="42570" points="" d=""/>  
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      <rect id="71888" x="75" y="135" width="44" height="37" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="25m &lt;br/&gt;to DBB"/>  
      <rect id="41974" x="76" y="355" width="44" height="37" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="30m&lt;br/&gt;to DBB"/>  
      <rect id="51777" x="283" y="106" width="71" height="51" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="60m to &lt;br/&gt;start of&lt;br/&gt;route (DBB)"/>  
      <rect id="4045" x="163" y="80" width="71" height="51" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="50m to&lt;br/&gt;start of &lt;br/&gt;route (DBB)"/>  
      <rect id="47228" x="107" y="665" width="45" height="51" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="40m to&lt;br/&gt;ground&lt;br/&gt;(DBB)"/>  
      <rect id="72508" x="193" y="607" width="30" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="DBB"/>  
      <rect id="77082" x="229" y="740" width="30" height="22" style="black_text_on_solid_white" text="DBB"/>  
      <path id="30210" points="191.0,1076.0, 193.0,1021.0, 188.0,1001.0, 187.0,925.0,label 192.0,857.0, 184.0,838.0, 183.0,765.0, 169.0,744.0, 165.0,695.0, 155.0,674.0," linkedTo="270" d="M191.0,1076.0C191.8,1054.0 193.3,1029.2 193.0,1021.0C192.7,1012.8 188.5,1009.2 188.0,1001.0C187.5,992.8 186.2,952.3 187.0,925.0C187.8,897.7 192.3,865.2 192.0,857.0C191.7,848.8 184.8,846.2 184.0,838.0C183.2,829.8 184.6,775.0 183.0,765.0C181.4,755.0 171.5,753.8 169.0,744.0C166.5,734.2 166.8,704.1 165.0,695.0C163.2,685.9 154.7,683.3 155.0,674.0"/>  
      <path id="51371" points="" d=""/> 
  <climb id="245" stars="*" extra="11Þ" number="116." name="The Secret Ingredient is Crime" length="25m" grade="23" fa="Chris Lang, Christoph Speer, Jan 2024">Great climbing straight up the face in a very exposed position. The route is fully bolted.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Abseil 25m from the visible DBB near the arete, to a small ledge with DBB.&lt;br/&gt;</climb>  
  <climb id="246" stars="***" extra="Mixed" number="117." name="The Edge of Reason" length="30m" grade="25" fa="Chris Lang, Christoph Speer, Jan 2024, (first pitch from ground by Tom Baanders - not recommended!, Mar 2024)">An incredible pitch. Abseil 30m from the DBB at the start of ‘The Secret Ingredient…’ to another DBB below a roof on a sloping ledge. Climb through the roof on its right and into a finger / hand crack. Follow this until the bolts, trending left and climb the side of the arete to the anchors. Finish up either ‘The Secret Ingredient…’ or start the traverse into ‘The Pud Life’ to exit.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Recommended gear; cams #0.3 to #2 with extra #0.4 and #0.5, a black offset nut, and at least 9 quick draws.</climb>  
  <climb id="270" stars="" extra="Chossy" number="118." name="Beyond the Edge of Reason" length="40m" grade="18" fa="Tom Baanders, Sarah Groth, March 2024">Some choice quotes from the first ascentionist: &lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;"Climbed a choss first pitch from the ground (kayak access)...wouldn’t recommend."&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;"...some of the worst rock imaginable... it's quite impressive how bad some of the sea cliff Dolerite can be. It looks compact and then just sheds scales."&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;"the rock quality is filthier than a nightclub bathroom"&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Despite the sage words, the kayak approach may mean the pitch is worth repeating. Take a triple rack including big gear (#3 &amp; #4) if you want it to be a bit more pleasant.</climb>  
  <climb id="247" stars="***" extra="" number="119." name="The Pud Life" length="30m" grade="17" fa="Chris Lang, Christoph Speer, Dec 2023">A phenomenal adventure for the grade. Sustained and well-protected. From the belay ledge clip the low bolt to the right and traverse 2m right to the base of a hidden hand-crack. Follow this to a stance at a small ledge with a roof. Traverse airily right 2m to gain the base of another hidden clean crack. Follow this and the face above to the top. Either traverse right at the lip to gain the DBB or top out and belay from a tree using something to protect the bark.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Recommended gear: Wires and double rack of cams, with a single #4 and extra #2 and #3. Access as for ‘The Secret Ingredient…’.</climb>  
  <climb id="248" stars="**" extra="" number="120." name="The Salty Swine" length="50m" grade="22" fa="Christoph Speer, Chris Lang, Jan 2024">Sustained crack climbing up a remarkable line. The route is well-protected, but there are bands of friable rock that you will need to climb through which detracts from the overall quality. Take a full trad rack, including a set of wires and double rack of cams from BD #0.2 - #3. Extra cams around finger size and a #4 are useful.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Access to the start of the route is from double bolts 20cm over the edge of the cliff (you can use the large tree about 5m from the edge to help access these if you wish - use a sling on the tree to protect it). Two 25m abseils from the DBBs takes you to the start of the route, at a small ledge at the base of a large twin-edged flake (equipped with DBB).&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;1. 25m 20. Climb the thoughtful twin-edged flake then continue up the main line past some tricky technical jamming. Continue up the line with a final pull around a small bulge to the DBB.&lt;br/&gt;2. 25m 22. A great pitch. Finger jam, bridge and layback the excellent sustained finger crack, followed by some steamy stemming. Continue more easily when this ends to the top and DBB.</climb>  
  <climb id="83" name="The Golden Pillar of Fortescue" number="121." fa="Steve Monks and Steve Findlay, Feb 2003." grade="24" length="60m" extra="Mixed" stars="**">Locate a pair of carrot bolts in horizontal rock on top of the pillar, these may be covered by foliage. Alternatively look for the DBB at the end of the third pitch close to the carrots described earlier. The DBB can be reached from the top and is in vertical rock on the north-east side of the pillar 30cm over the edge. Abseil with a 60m fixed rope, or, if brave, abseil in three pitches, from double bolts, using a single 60 metre rope. You will need eight hangers and a dozen draws, a medium wire (No 5 Rock) and Cams 0.4,0.5,0.75, 1 (BD C4s). The route is equipped with a mixture of stainless expansion bolts with hangers and (bash-in!) stainless carrots, and is somewhat runout in places. There could be another pitch below.&lt;br/&gt;&lt;br/&gt;1. 25m 24. Move up a slight flake crack on the R, via the 0.4 and 0.5 camalot, and pull left onto the arête at a fixed hanger. Climb with increasing difficulty via carrots and some fixed hangers to a slight runout to the belay. &lt;br/&gt;2. 25m 24. Continue up the arête on slightly worsening rock , where a #5 Rock eases tricky moves up to a short crack. Again there is a slight runout to the belay, but a 0.75 cam helps. &lt;br/&gt;3. 10m 19. Climb the groove to a carrot, step R and go up a solid hand crack past a second carrot to the top.</climb>  
  <text class="heading2" id="85">The Thumbs</text>  
  <text id="88">Access to date has been via kayak, paddling north from The Moai. Grid Ref 79650, 26100 on the TasMap Hippolyte sheet.</text>  
  <image id="127" height="541" src="Thumbs topo.jpg"/>  
  <climb id="86" name="Hippolyte Crack " number="122." fa="David Gray, Carol Hurst, November 1997." grade="15" length="25m">A clean bulging corner, just north of point. Climb the hand crack in the corner.</climb>  
  <climb id="87" name="Diciannove" number="123." fa="David Gray,Carol Hurst, November 1997." grade="20" length="25m" extra="" stars="">Thin face crack a few metres L of Hippolyte Crack.</climb> 
