Hi, I've just moved to Kingston and are looking for climbing friends. I'm from Sweden and moved here with my boyfriend in the end of January. I've been climbing for about 5 years, but mostly bouldering. I found out that the gym have closed so I guessed this is where I could find some people to go climbing with.

I would say that I climb about grade 18-22 at the moment, haven't been climbing regularly for 1 1/2 year so I'm a bit weak, which I hope i can do something about soon. In bouldering I think I was climbing 24 before I went travelling. Those grades are confusing....

I will be here for at least a year and as my boyfriend is Tasmanian probably longer so I'm looking forward to meeting at least some of you.



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  1. do you know josephine rosenberg from Gothenberg?


    Join the university climbing club!!

    1. Malin Flukes AUTHOR

      Nope I don't. So I join the uni climbing club by turning up at the climbing wall?

  2. Hello Malin,

    I'm new to Hobart too, hoping to be here for about 2 months and would be stoked to get some climbing in. I climb about 21 on sport and 17 on gear. Hoping to improve on this too. I'd be keen to check out the Organ Pipes or something nearby. I've a rope, draws and rack. Here's my number 0406252763. Do bell or text if you want to get out some time.



  3. Hey,

    I want to climb tommorow (sunday) and monday.

    give me a call - 042-4873955


  4. Hi !

    I would love to go climbing at the Organ Pipes, looks amazing up there ! I don't have any gear though as I'm travelling round Australia and only have my shoes and harness..I can climb up to 19 outdoors, maybe a 20 if it's an easy one ;)

    Also, I would really like to check the TOtem Pole, event though it's a bit far..

    You can call or text : 04 14 958 207

    Hope to hear from you soon, as I'll leave Hobart next saturday

  5. Malin Flukes AUTHOR

    I forgot to say that I'm working mon-friday usually, at the moment, so weekdays I can only climb evenings. My number is 0424-698125.

    1. What time do you finish work ? coz Organ Pipe's not so far actually..and I got a car ;)

    2. Hi there,

      how are you? I would like to do some climbing too, I am available on weekends, txt me 0449086539

      any questions let me know

      cheers, Alex