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Blog from January, 2008
I know its a bit rude and naughty to put a thread here, but I need somewhere to live in Launceston as my flatamates have had enough of the cold and are heading back to Queensland. I am a climber/cyclist/mountain biker with surprisingly good personal hygiene for a climber/cyclist/mountain biker. If you know anyone who needs a flatmate, let me know. It would be greatly appriciated.
Thanks to the 12 people who have pre-purchased the guide to Ben Lomond. Thats over $400 towards our fundraising target of $12,000. If you would like to order your copy at the discount price of $35 (includes postage), email gerry.narkowicz@bigpond.com Expect the guide in 6 to 9 months
The draft plan for the Springs development is available:
http://www.wellingtonpark.tas.gov.au/management/development/springs/#springs-zone-masterplan http://www.wellingtonpark.tas.gov.au/pdf/draftspringsmasterplan.pdf
Recommendations of the plan include:
- Retention of the low key public open space at the upper Springs or Old Hotel site.
- New interpretation signs and track entry facilities at the upper Springs.
- Improved parking arrangements at the middle and lower Springs sites to provide for visitors to the day-use centre.
- Improved picnicking facilities at the lower Springs area, including a new public toilet and improved walking tracks.
- Upgrading of the existing lookout accessed via the former Exhibition Gardens, and reinstatement of a former walking track through the Gardens.
A key aspect of the plan is the recognition of the existing permit to build a day-use centre at the Springs. The centre, approved by the Resource Planning and Development Commission in 2004, incorporates a visitor centre, shop, restaurant, parking areas and public toilets. The permit is held by Sultan Holdings, who are intending to commence construction by November 2008. The draft plan however also notes the possibility of a new location for the approved day-use centre.
You can email comments to eastonm@hobartcity.com.au
A couple of pics of two guys slack lining from the totem pole to the mainland, plus some pics of an ascent of the tote:
The pics below are from Joe Goding from his recent trip to Tassie. They include some DWS at Blackmans Bay, and some shots taken from a boat cruise out to Cape Pillar. Cripes there is a lot of rock out there!
As far as I know there are a few routes on "The Blade" at Cape Pillar done by Bob McMahon, Gerry Narkowicz, Ben Maddison et al. There was an article in Rock a while back. But AFAIK there are no routes at Black Head. There is a world of potential out there for somebody with a boat.
I'm considering relocating to Tasmania and looking for advice/opinions about where might be suitable for meeting these requirements:
- COOL summers ((average mid-high 20's),
- Local crag/s (within 30 min drive) well-endowed with variety of good routes (preferably adventure style more than bolted) & bouldering,
- other cliffs with good climbing, etc within day-trip/weekend driving range,
- Realistic chance of low cost rental property out-of-town (preferably 20-30 min drive);
- Away from big cities but small one/s okay (big enough to have College/Art School facilities),
- other people interested in climbing/outdoors,
- active arts community
Any suggestions most welcome.
Cheers, Caela
Boulder CO USA climber seeking climbing partner Jan 4th - Jan 8th for Organ Pipes, Tasman Peninsula - Moai, and Freycinet Peninsula. Have large rack and rope. Leading up to grade 19. Interested in the Totem pole if you are strong and experienced climber leading 25. Call 0421844987 or email byronmu@yahoo.com. Note: Heading north on Jan 8th towards Launceston. Leaving Tassie on Jan 12th.