Blog from April, 2010

get psyched

just wrote up my experience of climbing Animal Instincts Direct recently. with the hopes of inspiring you, check it out!

will have a grampians trip-report up soon, just need to find the right words...

enjoy friends!!

simon :)

Thesarvo Banner

Just picked up on the fact that the thesarvo banner is linked to the rosebay webcam of Mt Wellington. Neat...

Police Search and Rescue

I got the email below from Paul Steane from Police search and rescue:

> G'day Jon,
> I was trying to dig up someone from the Climbers Club but it appears they
> have done a smart thing and decided in these days no club was not a bad
> option. Reason being we are short on volunteers to help us out trying to
> save errant bushwalkers & climbers. Bit like a self help group with Police
> helping to put things together. We are running a forum on the weekend of
> 25 & 26 September at the Lea and want people to come along, have a look and
> see if they can help us to help them. For us we need a central contact
> point so I dont have to deal with 100s of people who I dont know. Are you
> able to put me in touch with someone who would be willing to put their hand
> up as a contact and also give the weekend a bit of a plug on the thesarvo.
> Thanks and let me know how things go.
> Paul Steane
> Sergeant 1335
> Search & Rescue Services
> Ph 62 302267

Is there anyone out there willing to take on the role of central contact? If so post here and then people can contact you to get involved.

Where's Doug McConnell?

Trying to contact Doug McConnell. can anyone help with an email address or mobile no.
Gerry Narkowicz

Hillwood Code of Conduct

For the first four years of development the land manager was reluctant to let us have a published guidebook and so a communal guidebook system was in place. The publication of this guidebook is a negotiated privilege with the manager gained through four years of building credibility and trust. So please don’t stuff it up for everybody. While the guidebook may increase traffic at the cliff, the same rules that have always applied remain. Stick to the climbing code of conduct outlined below and everyone should be able to enjoy this cliff for many years to come.


1. Access to Private Property
Paramount to climbing at Hillwood is the realization that the cliffs are on private property. Rockclimbing has only been made possible because of the generosity and good will of the landowners. For this reason, climbing here should be regarded as a privilege and not a right. The environment and all facets of the farm must be treated with respect or else access to the cliff will be jeopardized. The land manager has the right to refuse access to the cliff at any time, and indeed close the cliff to climbing.
2. First time visitors must phone
We have a good relationship with the land manager, and have gained his trust. He is concerned that people unknown to us may do the wrong thing. He has requested that first time visitors please ring Gerry Narkowicz (0428505259) or Bob McMahon (63944225) to introduce yourself. Thereafter you will be free to come and go as you please.
3. Environmental and farming concerns
The cliffs and surrounding bushland are a unique natural environment which must be looked after.
• Of chief concern are the peregrine falcons which nest on Falcon Crag. Climbing on Falcon Crag is not permitted between August and December which is their breeding season.
• It should go without saying that all rubbish, cigarette butts, tape, orange peel etc be taken home.
• Climbers must treat fences and gates with respect and use the stiles where provided.
• Stay clear of livestock. In Spring the paddock between Matto Grosso and Hidden Towers is used for lambing. Please don’t cross the paddock at this time. It is possible to access these cliffs by walking around the fence line.
• Don't block the gate with vehicles.
4. Camping
Camping is not permitted on the property. Camp either at Egg Island or at the Batman Bridge.


Hillwood has re-opened for climbing following the recent bushfire. Climbers are reminded that the cliffs are on private property and should read the code of conduct in the Climb Northern Tas guide. First time visitors need to ring Gerry Narkowicz (0428505259) or Bob McMahon (63944225) as requested by the landowner.

Big new routes at Cape Pillar

From Tony's rumour mill : the "North Face Team", headlined by brit James Pearson have done two new huge routes at the intimidatingly big and remote cliff at Cape Pillar.

Apparently they did a new 300m grade 25 trad route and a 200m grade 22 off-width as well - more details and photos to come.

They also did the Free route on the Tote, twice actually in a day as they liked it so much – James Pearson reckoned it is the best route he has ever done

share house

Hey everybody,

I just moved to Hobart from the other island and I'm looking for a share house near the city. If anyone needs an extra housemate then give me a text 0439327192.

Also, I am looking for a lead climbing partner for the gym during the week.
