Received this from Gerry:

Hi Jonathon,
see attached sneak preview of cover of the new guide. Could you post this on your website and let people know that it should be avaialble 1st week December if all goes to plan with the printer. Your readers can get a discount from us if they order as a result of the promo on your website. $35 includes postage. Retail is $39.95 - a saving of $5. There is the possibility of a climbing comp/bbq/booze up/slideshow at Hillwood to launch the guide in December. Stay tune for details.

and also:

Just letting you know about the guidebook launch for the Tassie selected best book is on Saturday 10th December at Hillwood. It will be a climbing comp followed by bbq/slides at the Hillwood Hall. Starts at 11am. Cost is $15 includes your tea. There will be competitions for difficulty, speed and endurance. There'll also be a climbing gear treasure hunt for heaps of gear clipped to bolts all over Hillwood which people find by cryptic clues. All those who buy the new guide get a ticket in a raffle to win a major prize like a rope or something. Spread the word around and hope to see you there.
best wishes,
Gerry Narkowicz

Email gerry at if you are interested in his offer.
This is the cover from the guide:

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